10 Crystals for Strength: Find Your Personal Power in Difficult Times (2024)

Faith Davis

INSIDE: We are facing difficulties that we have never seen before, and it's time to take our power back. We can use these 10 crystals for strength to help us feel empowered so that our obstacles don't have as much hold on us.

Now more than ever, we need to step into our personal power. We are experiencing our freedoms being taken away, our businesses being shut down, our livelihood being jeopardized, and it's certainly not an empowering situation.

BUT, by supporting ourselves with the thingswe need to take back our power, we canrediscover our strength even in the midst of the challengeswe are facing.

There are many crystals that can help us achieve this, and we've chosen 10 of our favorites to discuss with you today.

10 of the Best Crystals for Strength & Personal Power

It was tough to choose, as there are so many crystals that can help us develop strength and personal strength, but here are our top picks...


Serpentine is a highly spiritual crystal thatprotects us from negative energy while attracting positive energy at the same time.

As it aims to activate kundalini energy, it has the ability toopen all of the chakras, and it resonates strongest with the crown chakra.

Personal strength comes strongest when it follows the clearing of emotional blockages, and that is why Serpentine is one of the best crystals for strength.

As we heal our emotional issues, we expand our consciousness and experience inner peace. From that place, nothing can touch us.

Leopardskin Jasper

Leopardskin Jasper is one of our favorite crystals for inner strength because its energy is empowering and it serves as a catalyst for personal growth.

This is a stone that brings strength and stability to chaotic experiences. It helps to reveal our choices, thereby freeing us from feeling stuck and helping us to take control of our lives.

When we use Leopardskin Jasper, we notice that we are inspired to balance action with tranquility and harmony. We feel motivated, especially in relation to finances.

By helping us realize that darkness complements the light, we are able to more effectively work through our self-defeating habits and bring balance to our lower chakras and the heart chakra.

Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye is probably the stone that most people think of when the topic of crystals for personal power comes to mind.

This power stone is all aboutinner strength, confidence, and vitality. It carries a strong protective energy that provides feelings of stamina and stability, and it is often called the Stone of Courage.

As it is a lower chakra stone, Tiger's Eye helps us develop the grounding foundation we need to move into higher consciousness. In that way, it helps us integrate spirituality with physical life.

With its help, we are likely to have more perseverance and emotional strength, and we can find more creative solutions to turn crisis around.

If you want to know how to go with the flow while manifesting change and wealth, this is the stone for you.


Carnelian is known for its action-inspiring energy. It's wonderful for providing a boost of physical energy, inner strength, and confidence to overcome challenges and seize the day.

That description alone should make it clear as to why we've chosen Carnelian as one of our favorite crystals for strength, but there's much more to it than that.

This is a stone that empowers us by helping us to believe in ourselves. It can uplift us and energize us, stimulating our mental and physical state.

If you are lacking courage, willpower, or drive, Carnelian is the power stone to give it to you.

Red Tiger's Eye

Red Tiger's Eye has a similar energy as Tiger's Eye, but with some subtle differences. Red Tiger's Eye is a root chakra stone and is therefore extremely grounding. That's why many people call it a survival stone.

The calm yet stimulating energy this stone emits can provide the motivation and emotional and physical strength we need to accomplish great tasks but at the same time, it helps us do it without stress.

Red Tiger's Eye balances all aspects of the self (light and dark, masculine and feminine, earthly and spiritual), and it is both energizing and calming at the same time.

Not only will Red Tiger's Eye provide thepassion, creativity, confidence, and abundance you need right now, it will also help you engage in the self-care you need to thrive.


Citrine is one of the bestcrystals for personal power for many reasons. It is a solar plexus stone, which means it helps to provide willpower, motivation, and empowerment.

It brings usmental and emotional clarity that reveals itself as confidence. It's an extremely invigorating crystal, serving to uplift the inner spirit and provide a quick dose of optimism and physical energy.

Citrine helps us turn our difficult situations in a positive direction. It supports self-discipline, creativity, and goal attainment.

This is also one of the best stones for abundance and prosperity. It dissolves negative energy, protects us from hardship, and helps us to go with the flow.


Another one of our favorite crystals for strength is Garnet because of its deep vitality-inducing energy. Its grounding energy is extremely soothing, helping us to clear emotional trauma and find balance.

If you're feeling trapped, fatigued, and even angry at what is taking place, Garnet is there to relieve your emotional stress, dissipate the drama in your life, and grant you the passion and energy to move forward.

This stone of love and devotion will help you trust yourself, overcome crisis, and come out of it with more confidence than ever before.


Bronzite is a lesser known stone but certainly one that deserves a place in this list of crystals for strength and personal power.

This stone is especially useful for emotional strength and for handling difficult situations. This is because of its grounding, stabilizing, and balancing energy.

Another lower chakra stone, it helps to reduce self-doubt, insecurity, and self-defeating thoughts. Instead, it inspires decisiveness and determination to take action and overcome challenges.

Not only will Bronzite reduce feelings of helplessness, but it can instill hope, remove fears, and help us handle difficult situations with composure and kindness.

Known as the Stone of Focused Action, Bronzite can help you transform your life through harmony and flow, all while feelingconfident, courageous, andcentered.


Bloodstone strengthens the root chakra, grounding us into our physical bodies while cleansing the aura. Therefore, it helps us endure physical and emotional crisis.

With this stone, we can experience the courage and vitality we need to move through challenges and face difficult situations.

AsBloodstone carries the energy of blood, which is the primal life-force energy that surges through our bodies, it helps to tap into our personal strength and transform us from the inside out.

It supports our health and healing during crisis by motivating us to stick to our healthy habits. With its help, our fears don't control us and we can take care of business.


Hematite is another grounding stone (are you picking up on a theme here?) thatrestores strength and vitality by absorbing the negative energy around us that drains us.

This is one of the best crystals for strength because it acts as a shield, protecting our personal energy fields from negative energy, and reducing stress, anxiety, and worry.

Hematite offers us physical and emotional strength through resilience, courage, and confidence. It grounds us in feelings of security and stability and helps us manifest our dreams into reality.

Want These Crystals for Strength?

We've bundled up five of these amazing crystals into our Strength Healing Gemstone Collection, making it easier than ever for you to enjoy the benefits these stones have to offer.

How to Use Crystals for Strength & Personal Power

Now that you know about some of the best crystals for inner strength, you might be wondering how to use them to get the results you are seeking. Here are some of the best ways we have found to use these stones...

Carry Them in Your Pockets

It's so easy to pop one or two of these stones into your pocket, and then you get to enjoy the benefits of the frequency they put out all day long.

Place Them in Your Work Area

If you are struggling to feel confident at work or to exert your personal power in your career, placing crystals for strength on your desk or near you in your work station can help.

Meditate With Crystals for Emotional Strength

By meditating with any of these crystals for personal power, you'll increase the magnitude of their power and allow yourself to absorb their healing energies. You can hold them in your hand while meditating or simply place them near you.

Wear Crystal Jewelry

When we wear Crystal Jewelry, we get to not only adorn ourselves in the beauty of these healing stones but also feel the effects of them wherever we go.

Check out our popular article about how to wear crystal jewelry here.

Place Strength Crystals on Your Lower Chakras

The lower chakras, including the root chakra, the sacral chakra, and the solar plexus, are the energy centers in the body that are most associated with strength and personal power.

By placing these crystals for strength on your lower chakras, you can help to balance those chakras and remove any blockages that are occurring.

Final Thoughts onCrystals for Strength & Personal Power

With all of the current obstacles and difficulties we are all being subjected to, these crystals for strength and personal power can help us endure it all.

They'll help us thrive during this time instead of falling into unhealthy habits by removing self-sabotage and bringing us the motivation and courage we need to carry on.

* Crystals and stones should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read our full disclaimer notice here.

10 Crystals for Strength: Find Your Personal Power in Difficult Times (13)

10 Crystals for Strength: Find Your Personal Power in Difficult Times (14)

10 Crystals for Strength: Find Your Personal Power in Difficult Times (15)

10 Crystals for Strength: Find Your Personal Power in Difficult Times (2024)


What crystal is best for strength? ›

Moonstone. Moonstone is known for new beginnings. It's said to: encourage inner growth and strength.

What is the most powerful crystal? ›

One of the most powerful crystals that you can find today is, without a doubt, moldavite. The frequencies emitted by this incredible stone stimulates a process known as the Moldavite Flush. It originated as a crystal structure as a result of a meteorite colliding with the earth approximately 15 million years ago.

Which stone means strength? ›

Black Onyx, also called the Stone of strength, is said to promote stamina and strength during times of stress, confusion or grief.

What crystals do I need in my life? ›

14 Crystals You Should Keep Around For A Quick Mood Boost
  • Turquoise. Turquoise is also known as the master healer, believed to be an energetic bridge between heaven and earth. ...
  • Rose Quartz. sleep support+ ...
  • Smoky Quartz. ...
  • Clear Quartz. ...
  • Celestite. ...
  • Carnelian. ...
  • Citrine. ...
  • Aventurine.
Jul 31, 2020

What powers does crystal have? ›

Crystal (character)
Notable aliasesThe People's Princess, Crystalia Amaquelin-Maximoff
AbilitiesInhuman physiology Elemental powers which include the manipulation of air, wind, earth, metal, fire, heat, water, moisture, electricity, energy, ice, cold, and weather Flight
9 more rows

How do you activate crystals? ›

How to activate your crystal. If your stone feels heavier than expected — like it's lost its shine — it may benefit from a little energetic activation. Try lending it some of your own energy by speaking to it, singing to it, or sending it some vital life force energy through your breath.

Which crystals Cannot go in water? ›

17 Stones your should NEVER Put in your Crystal Water Bottle
  • Actinolite: fibrous form of asbestos.
  • Amazonite: contains copper which is toxic.
  • Angelite: contains lead and sulfur.
  • Azurite: contains copper.
  • Chrysocolla: contains copper.
  • Garnet: contains Aluminium.
  • Hematite: contains iron and will rust when submerged.
Dec 10, 2021

What is the luckiest gemstone? ›

Known as the Lucky Merchant's Stone, citrine is very helpful in manifesting good luck. This gemstone will be especially helpful for prosperity when it comes to finances and business. Its usual color is yellow, and just like the sun, it brings energy to you to perform a money-making task to completion and success.

What gemstone symbolizes evil? ›

Depending on where you are in the world, black diamonds can be a force for good or evil.

What stone represents new beginnings? ›

The gemstones that are widely known for renewal and new beginnings, are kyanite, howlite, aventurine, quartz crystal, and amazonite.

Which stone means love? ›

Ruby:In antiquity, rubies were a wedding stone because they symbolize love and passion.

What is the best crystal to wear daily? ›

"Crystals like aqua aura and lapis lazuli give you confidence. They work on the throat and help give you the confidence to speak for yourself." AMETHYST: "Mental stones - a big one I would say is amethyst, it helps with the third eye, which is just below the crown," says Avani.

What crystal should I wear around my neck? ›

Rose Quartz — Wear this light pink gem around your neck or place it in your purse, bra or pocket to help bring you self-acceptance, love and support throughout the day.

What is your soul crystal? ›

Your soul stone is a mirror and guide, literally a touch stone you can come back to again and again for energy, solace, healing, and illumination. Its frequency and vibration closely matches the frequency and vibration of your soul, the core of who you are, untouched by traumas, conditioning, or the shadow self.

What crystal is good for anxiety? ›


“It's a wonderful crystal to promote calmness, clarity and relaxation; it's said to release negative energy, stress and irritability,” Stacey says.

How do you know if a crystal is real? ›

Check to make sure before trying, though. Some natural crystals have lower scores on the Mohs hardness scale. An authentic crystal is going to leave a mark on a regular piece of scratch glass. If the one getting marked is the so-called crystal, then it's a fake crystal and not a natural stone.

What does it mean when crystals vibrate? ›

Summary: The vibrational motion of an atom in a crystal propagates to neighboring atoms, which leads to wavelike propagation of the vibrations throughout the crystal. The way in which these natural vibrations travel through the crystalline structure determine fundamental properties of the material.

How long do crystals need to charge? ›

Exposing your crystal for 24 hours to experience both sunlight and moonlight is ideal and can generate the most energy. Full moons are optimal energy sources for your crystals as they signify new beginnings, so be aware of the dates the full moon falls on to best charge your crystals.

Which crystal is used for money? ›

Citrine is known as the “money stone” so, obvs, it's at the top of the list. Its most potent power is in amplifying willpower and motivation. It helps you focus on a specific financial goal, like saving, investing, or resisting spending urges. Keep it close by.

How do you connect with crystals? ›

You can do this by:
  1. passing your crystal through incense, especially sage smoke.
  2. using sound, like chanting or singing bowls.
  3. exposing your crystal to sun or moonlight for several hours.
  4. setting your crystal under running water.
  5. immersing your crystal in salt water.
  6. burying your crystal in a bowl of brown rice.
Nov 24, 2020

What is Tiger's Eye stone? ›

Tiger's eye stones are a form of chatoyant quartz, found in places like South Africa and Australia. Its colors range from amber to brown, due to the replacement of mineral crocidolite fibers with silica.

How do you charge crystals? ›

9 crystal charging methods:
  1. Placing them under the full moon. ...
  2. Soak them in moon water. ...
  3. Bury them in the ground. ...
  4. Give them a sound bath. ...
  5. Burn incense or herbs over them. ...
  6. Immerse them in salt. ...
  7. Use your breath to charge them. ...
  8. Connect them to your spirit guides.
Jun 15, 2021

Can rose quartz go in salt? ›

So—let's get right to the question—can you put your rose quartz in salt or saltwater? Yes, rose quartz can go in salt or saltwater.

What stone attracts luck? ›

Agate. When talking about good luck charms or stones and crystals for good luck in the jewelry market, Agate always comes up in the discussion. It is one of the most powerful luck stones out there with its power coming from multiple quartz minerals that make it.

What is my lucky stone by birth date? ›

Irrespective of various correlations, in general they herald good luck and fortune. Below given is the link to monthwise and zodiac sign based list of birthstones.
Birthstones by month.
MonthBirthstone (Traditional)Birthstone (Modern)
JunePearlAgate and Moonstone
8 more rows

What are the evil crystals? ›

Evil Crystals are collectible treasures found in Skyward Sword. Described as pure, crystallized monster malice, this treasure is very hard to find. They can be won on Bamboo Island, purchased from the Moonlight Merchant for 100 Rupees, or found in Treasure Chests across the land.

What stone means eternal love? ›

Diamond. The king of all gemstones, Diamonds in lore are known for being indestructible providing the wearer with inner strength to face all of life's struggles. A symbol of eternal love, diamonds bring abundance, clarity, and balance.

How do you give crystals as a gift? ›

Can you give crystals as a gift? The Ultimate Crystal Gift Guide (Biggest ...

Which crystal is for rebirth? ›

Citrine, Jasper, Moonstone, & Unakite are a special combination of stones known to encourage & enhance the Spiritual Rebirthing process. Additionally, Citrine helps you to release the past & grow, while Moonstone prepares you for new beginnings.

Which crystal is good for change? ›

Botswana Agate - Botswana Agate is known as the stone of change. It helps one to see the positive in the ebbs and flows of your day to day. Like all other agates it is also a stone of strength and protection.

Which crystal is best for confidence? ›

Jade. Jade is known as a stone of good luck, but according to the healing arts, it also has another fantastic benefit: it's believed to bring confidence and clarity into your life. Jade is said to have the uncanny ability to help you recognize when you're holding yourself back with limiting beliefs.

What stone means forever? ›

Diamond – The Forever Gem

Diamonds symbolize forever love, which is why they're most commonly given as engagement and wedding rings. Diamonds that surpass the 'z-light yellow' rating on the diamond color scale are considered fancy yellow diamonds.

What does Tiger Eye do? ›

They balance the soul, alleviate anxiety, and restore confidence. This stone is used to increase wealth and vitality. Tiger's Eye brings protection against negative energy and strengthens self-worth.

What is the first crystal I should get? ›

1) Clear Quartz

Also known as the Master Healer, you can see immediately why Clear Quartz is at the top of our must-have list for beginner crystals.

Can I put crystals in my bra? ›

You can wear them in jewellery, in pockets, in your wallet and you'd be surprised at how many of our customers carry crystals around in their bra. Popular bra crystals are Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Tourmaline, Shungite, Citrine, Calcite and Smokey Quartz.

Which stone is best to wear? ›

The best gemstones for everyday wear are those that are harder and more sturdy.
  • Diamonds, rubies and sapphires. ...
  • Amethyst. ...
  • Quartz. ...
  • Citrine. ...
  • Tanzanite. ...
  • Onyx. ...
  • Moonstone. ...
  • Pearl.
Feb 22, 2022

What does it mean when your crystal falls off? ›

If a crystal gets lost, or broken / damaged every time you use it, it could mean that the energy of that crystal is not compatible with your own energy. Energy is made up of particular vibrations and if they become too strong, it can cause damage.

What hand is Amethyst worn on? ›

The Amethyst gemstone can be made into a ring or a pendant with silver only. This ring should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand on a Saturday Evening during Krishna Paksha (descending moon).

What happens if you burn a crystal? ›


What is a spirit stone? ›

The Spirit Stone is a Rare Reforge Stone that applies the Spiritual reforge on any Bow. It is currently considered the best bow reforge in dungeons. It can be found on The Catacombs - Floor IV.

Where do I get my soul crystal? ›

Do the class quests at the marauder guild, you'll get something at one of the level 30 quests. Your level 30 class quest will grant you a Soul Crystal, giving you a stat bonus and 2 new abilities along with the 'Warrior' title.

Which crystal is best for confidence? ›

Jade. Jade is known as a stone of good luck, but according to the healing arts, it also has another fantastic benefit: it's believed to bring confidence and clarity into your life. Jade is said to have the uncanny ability to help you recognize when you're holding yourself back with limiting beliefs.

What stone is for confidence? ›

What is this? Sunstone is the ultimate confidence stone, imbuing the user with the strength and willpower to claim their right to be heard. If you are somebody who battles with chronic self-doubt or shyness, then sunstone is the perfect fit for you.

Which crystal is good for anxiety? ›

Celestite. “Celestite carries a beautiful calming energy that promotes mental clarity and emotional stability, making it an excellent stone to protect against anxiety and depression,” Juliette says.

What does Tiger Eye do? ›

They balance the soul, alleviate anxiety, and restore confidence. This stone is used to increase wealth and vitality. Tiger's Eye brings protection against negative energy and strengthens self-worth.

What stone gives you courage? ›

Aquamarine: The stone of courage

Known as a stone of courage, truth and organisation, aquamarine is a treasured gemstone with a long history in ancient lore.

What stone helps with depression? ›

Lepidolite is a beautiful lilac stone known as one of the best crystals for depression. It can dissipate negative thoughts and feelings and brings balance to those who tend to be excessively worried. Lepidolite can be an efficient aid in dealing with depression by awakening self-confidence and self-care.

How do I know what crystal I have? ›

Using a Mohs hardness scale can help categorize where the crystal belongs based on its hardness. You can even do an acid test, magnetism, and tenacity test, to see the characteristics of your mineral and later on classify based on them.

What stone symbolizes new beginnings? ›

The gemstones that are widely known for renewal and new beginnings, are kyanite, howlite, aventurine, quartz crystal, and amazonite.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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