Can Rose Quartz Go in Salt? My Honest Tested Answer (2024)

Last Updated on December 29, 2023

The question of whether or not certain crystals, gems, stones, or minerals—this article discusses rose quartz in particular—can go in salt or saltwater is a hot topic for most collectors since it affects how we choose to cleanse the pieces in our collections.

So—let’s get right to the question—can you put your rose quartz in salt or saltwater?

Yes, rose quartz can go in salt or saltwater. Yet there are some guidelines you’ll want to follow if and when you do decide to put your rose quartz in salt or saltwater.

If you’re interested in learning about the specifics of putting rose quartz in salt and saltwater—as well as some additional information regarding alternative methods for cleansing your rose quartz—then continue reading!


Can Rose Quartz Go in Salt?

Yes, Rose quartz can go in salt.

Perhaps it is more accurate to say that rose quartz can go on top of salt, actually. A very easy way to recharge rose quartz—or any crystal, gem, stone, or mineral for that matter—is to create a small bed of salt and place it on top of the salt. If you choose this cleansing method, ensure you brush off any salt afterward so it does not get stuck in cracks and crevices on the rose quartz.

Rose quartz can also go in a saltwater solution, though it is not recommended for extended periods of time.

It is worth noting that when you put rose quartz in saltwater, you are running the risk of stripping away the polish or oil on its exterior, as well as widening any cracks and crevices on its surface since salt molecules can easily get stuck within them. Saltwater could eventually lead to your rose quartz fading in color, losing its shine, or—worst case scenario—falling apart.

It takes a long time for saltwater to deteriorate rose quartz since it is quite a hard stone sitting between a 6 and 7 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, but it could deteriorate, nonetheless.

Can Rose Quartz Go in Water?

Since it is not preferred that rose quartz go in saltwater, you may be wondering: Is it safe to put rose quartz in water, in general?

Since rose quartz is quite hard, it is typically safe to put it in water, though you do still run the risk of slowly deteriorating it as with saltwater. The deterioration just happens much slower with plain filtered or tap water than with saltwater.

To protect your rose quartz when cleansing with water, it is best to use lukewarm water or fresh spring water only, and avoid leaving it in water baths for extended periods of time. This being said, if you allow your rose quartz to sit in a lukewarm water bath for two or three minutes on a weekly basis, little—if any—immediate harm should occur.

How to Cleanse Rose Quartz

If you want to avoid salt, saltwater, and plain water altogether, there are other easy methods you can use to cleanse and recharge rose quartz.

Some of the more popular methods include smudging or allowing rose quartz to absorb moonlight by placing it in a windowsill. Rose quartz is often associated with feminine energy, so it becomes extra powerful when refueled by a full moon since it, too, is a source of feminine energy.

You can also cleanse rose quartz with meditation and breathwork.

What is Rose Quartz Used for?

With all this cleansing going on, you’re probably wondering why it is even necessary to cleanse your rose quartz in the first place. Unless you’re just using rose quartz for purely aesthetic purposes—which is totally fine, as well—it’s necessary to cleanse and recharge it so you can benefit from its energetic properties.

And rose quartz has some wonderful energetic properties!

Rose quartz is very often referred to as the “heart stone.” It is known for providing its users with innate feelings of love and compassion, which are not only expressed toward other people—family members, spouses, children—but also toward the self.

Because of its close connection with matters of the heart, it is common to wear jewelry—primarily necklaces—with rose quartz pendants. So, if you know a person who might need a little extra love in their life—maybe even yourself—a rose quartz necklace might be the perfect fit for them.

Can Rose Quartz Go in Salt? My Honest Tested Answer (2024)


Can rose quartz go in salt? ›

Is Rose Quartz Salt-Safe? Yes, Rose Quartz is safe to cleanse with salt.

Can you use salt on quartz? ›

Yes. Many types of quartz can be charged with salt, including amethyst, rose quartz, and more. Salt is used to cleanse the atmosphere from negative energy. The salt helps to dispel any harmful or irritating element left in a room after a conversation where people have been arguing or fighting intensely for a while.

What crystals Cannot go into salt? ›

Crystals to NOT Soak in Salt Water (Include crystals listed above)
  • Alabaster.
  • Amber.
  • Angelite.
  • Azurite.
  • Calcite.
  • Carnelian.
  • Hematite.
  • Jet.
Feb 25, 2022

How can I test my rose quartz at home? ›

Scratches glass Rose quartz is a durable mineral that is harder than glass. To test if your rose quartz is genuine, try to scratch a piece of glass, such as a glass bottle. If you easily make a mark on the glass, your rose quartz is likely the real deal.

What can ruin rose quartz? ›

General Tips to Take Care of Your Rose Quartz

When drying your gem, do not place it in direct sunlight as that could cause it to lose its color. We also do not recommend exposing your stone to ultrasonic or stream cleaners as those devices could do more harm than good.

How long do you leave rose quartz in salt water? ›

To do this, use a container with water and salt well mixed and put your rose quartz in the mixture for about 10 minutes.

How long should crystals sit in salt? ›

2) Dry Salt

Another salt method is to half-fill a glass bowl with sea salt (or cooking salt) and place your crystals directly into the salt. Either bury them into the dry salt or leave them on the surface. They should be left in the salt for several hours, overnight or for several days.

Does salt charge crystals? ›

Quinn says you can also use salt (preferably sea salt) for charging your crystals. Simply place your stone in salt and let it sit overnight. You'll want to avoid this method with softer stones like turquoise, opal, and calcite, which can scratch easily.

Can you use table salt for crystals? ›

To grow your own salt crystals you'll need: Table salt – sodium chloride. Distilled Water. A clean, clear glass container – a jam jar is perfect.

Does salt damage crystal? ›

Using salt water to cleanse your crystals can severely damage them! Softer crystals, or crystals with cracks or fissures in them, especially, are prone to damage.

Can rose quartz go in water? ›

Yes, real rose quartz can be put in water. Some fake colored “rose quartz” will have the color wash off. Most crystals have no trouble being submerged in water including selenite for days, weeks, months, years or longer.

Can crystals touch salt? ›

Porous stones or other crystals are prone to damage when exposed to moisture and should be cleansed in a few different ways. These include such as smudging, brown rice, or using a tuning fork or singing bowls. Tumbled stones and non-porous crystals, on the other hand, are usually safe to cleanse with salt.

What should rose quartz avoid? ›

Cleaning with ultrasonic and steam cleaners should be avoided. Rose quartz is occasionally treated with radiation to intensify its color.

How do you recharge rose quartz? ›

Here are some common ones:
  1. Cleansing: You can cleanse your rose quartz crystal by rinsing it under running water or soaking it in salt water. You can also cleanse it by smudging it with sage or palo santo.
  2. Charging: You can charge your rose quartz crystal by placing it in the sun or moonlight for several hours.
May 1, 2023

What does rose quartz vibrate at? ›

According to scientific research, the molecular energy vibration frequency of rose quartz is 350 Hz. When you are exposed to this frequency, you can increase and coordinate the frequency of heart energy. Its energy vibration can heal emotional wounds and create a quiet space for inner peace and self-repair.

What to avoid with rose quartz? ›

Rose quartz should avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, as it can fade the colour of the crystal. It should also be protected from harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures to prevent damage.

Can you cleanse rose quartz in Himalayan salt? ›

Which Stones Can Be Cleansed With Himalayan Salt? Here are the corresponding crystals that are safe with Himalayan salt: Clear Quartz. Rose Quartz.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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