The ultimate Escape From Tarkov beginner’s guide (2024)

Escape From Tarkov is one of those games that you’ve probably seen on Twitch but never picked up. The hardcore shooter is one of the most rewarding games out there for those of you who enjoy hyper-realistic gun play and tactical teamwork, but getting to grips with it can be a struggle, especially if you’re a newcomer.

Like most of its players who routinely shoot on sight, Escape From Tarkov is pretty unfriendly to noobs. There’s no tutorial in the game, which is currently in closed beta, meaning raids can feel like a baptism of fire when you first start running them with low-tier gear.

Don’t worry though, this is where we come in. As a group of players who have been there and done that, cried over lost gear, and raged over souped up Scavs that just wouldn’t go down, we’ve got the best tips on the market.So without further ado, here’s our Escape From Tarkov beginner’s guide.

What isEscape From tarkov?

Escape From Tarkov is a hardcore looter shooter at heart with RPG elements.The online game has two real factions – BEAR and USEC, which you’ll pick from when you first boot up the game – before going toe to toe with AI and human controlled players across a variety of maps in the war-torn city of Tarkov. As the name suggests, you have to escape from Tarkov, but in reality, all this means is you have to survive a single raid – an outing into one of the city’s maps.

While you’re on a raid, either as your chosen factionin PMC or as a Scav raider, channel your inner trash panda and hoover up as much loot as you possibly can. If you get out, you can choose to store this loot or sell it for a profit.Fail as a PMC and you’ll have the cost of healing yourself and replacing your gear.

Escape from Tarkov beginner’sguide

If you want to avoid the constant fear of losing all your gear and your money, you’re going to want to stay alive. Here’s how you do just that, all while improving your EFT skills.

Run Scav raids first

When you run raids as a member of your chosen faction, everything you enter with goes on the line. If you choose to go in as a friendly Scav though, you essentially get an opportunity to escape with free gear. You see, in Escape From Tarkov, Scavs are essentially the AI that terrorize you when you play as PMCs, but in this mode, you have the chance to run with the Russians.

When you play as a Scav, you’ll be pushed into an ongoing raid at a random time with random gear, but you won’t be attacked by other Scavs – unless you engage them. You still have to watch out for players, but if you can escape, you’ll have made a cushy profit while buffing your arsenal.

Insure your gear

When you finally muster the courage to use your own gear as a PMC in a raid, make sure to insure it. If you die but no one picks it up, it’ll return via Prapor or Therapist in the next day or so.

Who you choose to insure with is up to you, though. Prapor offers lower rates, but his returns are slower, whereas Therapist is more expensive but will get your gear back to you within 24 hours.

Always have access to a map

The nature of Escape From Tarkov means you’re going to get lost a lot. If you’ve got a second screen or access to a big enough mobile or tablet device, it’s probably best to load up a map that you can refer to during a raid. You can find lots of community maps online, complete with extract locations, on places like Reddit and the EFT wiki.

If you’re just starting out though, we’d recommend getting to grips with Customs and Factory first. You can run these maps in offline modewithoutScavs to get better acquainted with them.

Learn where your extracts are

Every single map on Escape From Tarkov has a number of different extracts. You’ll be given a different selection depending on how you’re doing the raid and some are only accessible with the help of others orwith a key.

Every map will have a set of extracts which are always open. There are some though, likeSmugglers Boat on Customsthat are only open at certain times. Generally extracts that feature ‘???’ in raid are time, cash, or item-sensitive, so don’t bank on them if you need to escape quickly.

There are also some extracts like Factory Gate on Woods where you’ll need to find a friendly player Scav to extract. It’s worth knowing now that nailing these extracts areveryrare – but Fence will give you some good rewards if you do find someone willing to take up your offer.

Complete quests

Escape From Tarkov has quests that will help you unlock new items and traders in the game. If you’re looking to actually progress, these quests are paramount to your raid experience. Every quest requires you to do something different and there are guides online for specific ones in case you get stuck, but they also range in difficulty.

When you complete a quest, you’ll be rewarded with cash, items, or both, and your reputation with a particular trader will increase, leading to better prices all round. Over time, as your reputation with traders improves, you’ll unlock better gear to purchase for raids.

Make use of your secure container

Every player has access to asecure container during a PMC raid that will allow you to keep items you’ve found, even if you die. The size of your secure container will differ depending on the edition of the game you’ve bought. The smallest is 2×2 while the largest is 3×3. You can upgrade these as you progress, but they’re very much late game buys due to their price points.

When you’re in raid and you find an expensive looking item or a marked key, stick it in your secure container to keep it safe.

Bring only what you need to a raid

Don’t learn the hard way. Only bring what you need (and can afford to lose) to a raid. Since Tarkov is hyper-realistic, you’re going to need to plan your gear set meticulously. When you’re starting out, you don’t need to bring a second weapon, but you do need to invest in medical supplies and decent armour.

When you boot up the game for the first time, you’ll be given PACA armour. Since it’s a level two vest, it won’t do much to keep you alive, but it’s better than nothing to kick your raids off. Once you get the hang of things, make sure to look up the hierarchy of things like armour, helmets, and ammunition, so that when you’re actually out and about you’re less at risk of dying to a single round.

Similarly, you’re going to want to stock up on medical supplies.

Keep an eye on your health

That leads us on nicely to our next point. Depending on your finances, you can buy a number of different medical supplies to keep you fit and healthy in the field. While salewas, splints, and painkillers are an absolute must for newcomers, especially for fixing up heavy bleeds, we’d recommend you pick up a CMS or Survivor Kit as soon as you can. The latter two products will allow you to reattach your limbs if they are blacked out during combat.

Keep an eye on map times

When you load into a raid, double tap ‘O’ to see the raid’s countdown and your extracts. This will give you an idea on how long you can spend wandering the streets of Tarkov before you’ll need to get out of there.

If you’ve found a lot of loot and you want to escape earlier, that’s fine, but just make sure enough time has passed or you have enough raid experience so it doesn’t count as a run through.

Make use of offline raids

If you want to get to grips with Tarkov’s gunplay or learn loot routes, your best bet is to try out an offline raid. You can go in totally alone without any Scavs just so you can get well acquainted with the mapor or you can go in with Scavs and get some shooting practice in.

It goes without saying though that any items you find in offline raids won’t be moved over to your stash.

Add meds to your quick bar

Your weapons are automatically assigned a number in Escape From Tarkov, but your medical supplies aren’t. As you’ll quickly come to realise, jumping into your inventory mid-fight to stitch your stomach back up isn’t exactly ideal, but there’s a way to mitigate that.

When you load into a rave, drag your med supplies up to your quick bar, memorise the numbed assigned, and you’re good to go. Next time you’re shot, you can find a nice little hole to heal without worrying about pressing tab.

Wiggle if you’re friendly

There’s an unwritten rule in Escape From Tarkov and that’s the wiggle. If you see someone wiggling (by pressing Q and E repeatedly), it’s another player saying ‘I’m friendly’. Obviously we’re not going to tell you not to shoot them – it could be bait after all – but assess the situation quicklyand decide what you’re going to do.

Be wary of bosses

The maps on Escape From Tarkov have bosses that can spawn at set locations. These guys are guarded by Scavs and are super aggressive and armed to the teeth, so don’t take one on unless you’re prepared.

If you do come across one during a raid and you don’t want to engage, then run. Run as fast as you can and don’t look back.

Work on your hideout

The hideout might seem like a random addition to Escape From Tarkov, but it’s something worth dabbling with. Each upgrade will give you access to new things like the Workbench, which allows you to mod your guns, or increases your rest time so you can recover from raids quicker.

There are specific things you’ll need to complete for each upgrade and it can be quite pricey, so make sure you know what you want before you commit to it.

One of the best upgrades you can get for your hideout is a Bitcoin Farm. This is a mid to late game upgrade that’ll set you back a fair bit, but it’ll be worth it in the end, we promise. Since the price of Bitcoin is currently booming – and its price is tied with the in-game prices – you can make some easy money in game with the right investment.

That’s all we have for you in the Escape From Tarkov beginner’s guide so far. It’s not an easy game to get to grips with, but it’s certainly one you learn by playing, so get out there, and get your Scav on.

The ultimate Escape From Tarkov beginner’s guide (2024)


What is the best beginner map tarkov? ›

Shoreline is going to be our pick for the most ideal map that you can choose to begin your Escape From Tarkov journey. This map is relatively safe and simple to learn, provided you avoid the more prominent buildings.

Can you play Escape From Tarkov solo? ›

Escape From Tarkov's offline mode is a great way to test weapons and gear without any risk of losing your items. Offline mode is available for raids but you will not earn any gear or progression when playing against AI enemies.

What do I need to play Escape From Tarkov? ›

Minimum System Requirements for Escape From Tarkov
  1. CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core i3 2.4 GHz, AMD Athlon, AMD Phenom II 2.6 GHz.
  2. GPU: Dx11 compatible with 1 GB VRAM.
  3. RAM: 8 GB RAM.
  4. STORAGE: At least 8 GB of free space.
  5. OS: Windows 7/8/10 64-Bit.
11 May 2022

What's the goal in Escape From Tarkov? ›

Overall goal: Survive and escape

Looking at it from a raid-to-raid perspective, Escape From Tarkov is a simple game. You load up your character with as much gear as you want, choose a map, and start surviving. That's the main goal of every raid, trying to get out in one piece.

How long do you have to stay in raid Tarkov? ›

Conversation. #EscapeFromTarkov silent update: Time needed in raid to get 'survived' status is now 420 seconds (7 minutes) down from 600 seconds (10 minutes) This is a HUGE change in my eyes and should make “The Guide” easier for some!

What order should I learn Tarkov maps? ›

If you've recently been asking yourself what map should beginners start with on Tarkov then I recommend Customs, Interchange and Shoreline (read on to find out why, key locations and unique tips for each map).

Is factory a hard map? ›

The Factory map is one of the smallest – yet most difficult – maps in Escape From Tarkov.

Is Woods good for beginners Tarkov? ›

Woods are regarded as a map that new players should try to avoid unless they want to complete a specific quest. There are a few reasons for this: There is not too much to loot on this map. If you want to make good money on Woods, you pretty much have to engage in (and win) some PvP fights.

Is Tarkov a hard game to run? ›

Escape from Tarkov (or EFT for short) is a game that is notoriously demanding on a PC, and whether your current system will be able to handle those demands, all depends on what components it houses inside.

Is my PC good enough for Tarkov? ›

We recommend that your gaming PC have an Intel Core i3 530 CPU and Nvidia GeForce GTX 950 graphics card at a minimum, paired with 8GB of RAM. It's worth nothing, however, that the game is very RAM dependent, and users with under 16GB may encounter crashes to desktop and/or poor performance.

Is Escape From Tarkov difficult? ›

Escape from Tarkov is an extremely brutal, unforgiving, and often times unfair game. It's meant to be that way, for better or for worse, but it has clearly attained a massive audience, both for viewers and for players.

Do you lose stuff in offline mode tarkov? ›

While Escape Form Tarkov offline mode does not allow you to keep loot you acquire, experience gained or play with friends (if you don't have Edge of Darkness edition) it shouldn't be overlooked.

Can you play tarkov with bots? ›

Yes, there are bots featured in Escape From Tarkov directed toward playing with or against the human players in both online and offline game modes. Escape From Tarkov bots are AI-controlled, and players can encounter them as Scavengers, AKA "Scavs."

Can I play tarkov offline? ›

After choosing to play as a PMC (the player's main character) and choosing a map, the option to play offline is provided. By ticking the "Enable Offline Mode for this raid" box, the player transforms Escape from Tarkov from an online, multiplayer shooter into a solo, offline one.

Do rogues shoot Scavs? ›

As for the Rogues' behavior, they are aggressive towards BEARs and will shoot on sight. For USECs and Scavs, they only shoot them when they get near. You will hear these Rogues talk when they spot you, and you will remain an enemy to them after coming in contact, whether you shot them or just went past them.

Will Tarkov be open world? ›

Streets of Tarkov as of March 2020 is a location under development and was planned to come out sometime in 2021. A free-roam option that would combine all the locations into one is also planned, providing open-world gameplay.

How many people are playing Tarkov? ›

Escape from Tarkov hit 200,000 concurrent players in 2020.

Lead developer Nikita Buyanov personally announced the good news in a Reddit thread, saying Escape from Tarkov's player count broke 200k people online at the same time. He also asked for Redditors' opinions and feedback on the update.

How much XP does it take to survive tarkov? ›

To avoid the "Run Through" status, gain at least 200 EXP in raid (by killing or looting) or be in raid for at least 7 minutes before extracting. You do not have to do the maps in order and can be done in any fashion so long as you survive.

What happens if you leave in tarkov? ›

If you are leaving too early you will be granted the status which may or may not restrict you from the coming raid. Because there are other players also who are putting more effort into completing the raid.

How much money has tarkov made? ›

BSG financial report 2020, $120 million revenue : r/EscapefromTarkov.

Is escape from tarkov worth it? ›

Is Escape From Trakov worth it? Absolutely, but not for everyone. Escape From Tarkov is a riveting shooter that offers an experience unlike any other on the market right now. It bridges the gap between a hyper realistic sim like Arma and more round based shooters like Insurgency: Sandstorm.

How do you learn escape from tarkov maps? ›

Learn maps FAST in Escape From Tarkov - YouTube

How can I play tarkov offline? ›

Escape From Tarkov: How to Play Offline
  1. Launch Escape from Tarkon on your PC.
  2. From the main menu, pick the role of PMC.
  3. Click on “Next” to proceed.
  4. Choose a map to practice on.
  5. Select “Next” again.
  6. At this point, check “Enable Offline Mode For This Raid.”

How does tarkov offline work? ›

Offline raid is a special game mode that allows you to practice before entering online raids. Such raid takes place without the game server, other players, and your character does not lose anything, but does not gain anything either. For this type of raid there is no insurance, character progress, quests.

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