How to cancel Admiral car insurance | Fees & refunds explained (2024)

How to cancel your Admiral car insurance policy

  • Cancellation after 14 days
  • Cancellation within 14 days of cover

Cancellation after 14 days

  1. Contact. Drop Admiral an email or call to explain you wish to cancel your policy early. State whether you want to quit immediately or on a future date.
  2. Refund. If you paid for your premium with one upfront payment you’ll get a partial refund, which will reimburse you for the time you haven’t had cover for.
  3. Administration charges. Admiral will deduct an administration fee from the money it gives back to you, to cover its costs for setting up and stopping your policy.
  4. Outstanding premium. If you have any outstanding premium you need to pay this off within 10 days.
  5. Made a claim. Bad news if you’ve made a claim or had one made against you. You won’t get a single penny back should you cancel early.

Contact numbers

If your cancellation relates to standard car insurance, call Admiral’s customer service team on 0333 220 2000.

If your cancellation relates to telematics car insurance, call Admiral’s customer service team on 0333 220 2010.

The opening hours are:

Mon to Fri: 08:00 – 18:00
Sat: 10:00 – 17:00
Sun: 09:30 – 16:00

For more information regarding cancellations, you can refer to this page.

There is an email form on the Admiral website

Cancellation fees

If you decide to cancel after the cooling off period but before your cover stops, Admiral will charge you for any days of cover used and also an amount for processing your cancellation. These fees will vary depending on your policy as listed in the table below. You’ll also be charged £5 if you originally selected any policy upgrades.

Policy typeCancellation fee
Car insurance£55
Telematics car insurance (Admiral installs unit into car)£155
Telematics car insurance (driver plugs unit into charging port)£105

Cancellation within 14 days of cover
We’ve all done it, rushed into buying something then had second thoughts. Thankfully, if you act swiftly it shouldn’t cost you too much to cancel your Admiral car insurance policy. Here are the steps.

  1. Contact. Call or email Admiral within 14 days of receiving your welcome letter or email.
  2. Refund. Admiral will then give you a full refund minus an administration charge. So long as you haven’t made a claim (or had one made against you) during your short time with Admiral.
  3. Charge. This admin fee could be more than £100 if you’ve had a black box installed.

Contact numbers

If your cancellation relates to standard car insurance, call Admiral’s customer service team on 0333 220 2000.

If your cancellation relates to telematics car insurance, call Admiral’s customer service team on 0333 220 2010.


There is an email form on the Admiral website

Cancellation fees

If you decide to cancel during the cooling off period, Admiral will charge you for processing your cancellation. These fees will vary depending on your policy as listed in the table below. You’ll also be charged £5 if you selected any policy upgrades.

Telematics car insurance (driver plugs unit into charging port)£105

Policy typeCancellation fee
Car insurance£25
Telematics car insurance (Admiral installs unit into car)£125
Telematics car insurance (driver plugs unit into charging port)£75 (£50 will be refunded if unit is returned with 30 days of cancelling the policy)

Things to consider before cancelling your policy with Admiral

  • Change existing policy. You could adjust your current deal rather than cancelling your Admiral policy. If you’re looking for cheaper car insurance or a different level of cover, then call Admiral and see how much it will cost to change your insurance policy.
  • Fees. Whether you’re leaving within the first 14 days or after, you’re going to have to pay a fee to leave. How much will depend on the type of policy you have and whether you’re in the cooling off period. You might well decide to stay put if the cost of leaving is more than the refund.
  • Have you made a claim. Admiral won’t give you any refund whatsoever if you’ve been involved in a claimable incident. So it’s worth weighing up if it’s worth cancelling your deal.
  • Best time to switch. Generally about three weeks before your current deal is about to expire is the best time to look for a new quote. People who get insurance at the last minute are statistically seen as higher risks by insurance companies. So renewing your Admiral deal could be cheaper.
  • Multi-car policy downside. If you have received a discount for insuring multiple cars on your policy, this will be lost, and so the premium will be adjusted for each other car remaining on the insurance.
  • No claims. Admiral could well refuse to let you take your no claims bonus with you, which might cost you should you switch provider early.

Changing car insurance provider

Unless you’re selling or getting rid of your car, or maybe moving it abroad, then you’ll want to find a new car insurance provider when you leave Admiral.

It’s crucial you don’t overlap your Admiral insurance with your new policy, as it can lead to problems should you need to make a claim. These basic steps should help you avoid doing this.

  • Shop around. Decide what level of cover you need then use comparison sites to compare all the deals out there. This will help you find the best value policy out there.
  • Go direct. Some insurance companies won’t put all their deals on comparison sites, so get a few quotes directly too.
  • Starting a new policy immediately. If you want to change car insurance provider today or before your Admiral deal runs out, sign up for a new policy and contact Admiral that day and quit immediately. This will make sure you don’t double-up on car insurance.
  • Delaying your new policy. If you’re happy to wait for your Admiral deal to run down then get in touch with it and say you don’t want it to automatically renew your current deal. It could well do otherwise. Then sign up for a new policy and ask your new provider to begin your cover the day your Admiral deal ends.
  • Pay fees. Should you cancel your Admiral deal early to change car insurance provider, you’ll get hit with a fee to leave.

Bottom line

Cancelling a car insurance policy with Admiral is relatively straight forward and you’ll be able to do so either online or over the phone. The issue is that whether it’s inside or outside of the cooling off period, you’ll be charged a cancellation fee, which can be a real hit, especially if you had a telematics policy.

The lesson here for next time is to be absolutely sure the next policy you choose suits your needs and your budget before you take the plunge and buy it.

Frequently asked questions

  • The best time to switch is generally three weeks before your existing deal is set to expire. Car insurance companies hike prices for people who leave getting insurance to the last minute, as they’re statistically more likely to make a claim.

The offers compared on this page are chosen from a range of products we can track; we don't cover every product on the market...yet. Unless we've indicated otherwise, products are shown in no particular order or ranking. The terms "best", "top", "cheap" (and variations), aren't product ratings, although we always explain what's great about a product when we highlight it; this is subject to our terms of use. When making a big financial decision, it's wise to consider getting independent financial advice, and always consider your own financial circ*mstances when comparing products so you get what's right for you.

*Based on data provided by Consumer Intelligence Ltd, (March '21). 51% of car insurance customers could save £257.97.

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How to cancel Admiral car insurance | Fees & refunds explained (1)

Esther Wolffowitz

Esther Wolffowitz was a publisher at specialising in insurance. Esther holds an MSc in Media and Communication Governance from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

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    How to cancel Admiral car insurance | Fees & refunds explained (2024)


    Do you get a refund if you cancel insurance? ›

    If you paid your premium in advance and cancel your policy before the end of the term, the insurance company must refund the remaining balance in most cases. Most auto insurers will prorate your refund based on the number of days your current policy was in effect.

    Can I cancel my Admiral car insurance online? ›

    Cancelling a car insurance policy with Admiral is relatively straight forward and you'll be able to do so either online or over the phone. The issue is that whether it's inside or outside of the cooling off period, you'll be charged a cancellation fee, which can be a real hit, especially if you had a telematics policy.

    How do I cancel my Admiral auto renewal? ›

    Login to Your Admiral Account
    1. Visit the myAccount page.
    2. Below the message “Choose a product to manage”, click “Motor”
    3. Click the “LOGIN TO MY ACCOUNT” button.
    4. Enter your email and password.
    5. Click the “Login” button.
    6. Follow on-screen instructions to request policy cancellation.

    Will I get charged if I cancel my car insurance? ›

    You shouldn't have to pay a cancellation fee, although some companies may try to charge you. You do, however, have to pay for the days you've been insured. If you paid for the policy in one lump sum, you should get the rest of your money back. Your insurer might deduct the cost of the days you were insured.

    How do I get a refund from insurance? ›

    Insurance refunds are typically issued through the same payment method you use to pay for your insurance. So, if you pay your premium with a check, you'll usually get your refund in the form of a check too. Likewise, if you pay with a credit card, your refund will appear as a credit on your card balance.

    How do I get my money back from an insurance company? ›

    The majority of car insurance policies allow refunds for cancelled policies. After selling the vehicle being insured, simply contact the insurance company and request a refund on the balance of your policy. Insurance companies often require cancellation requests to be in writing.

    How do I cancel my Admiral policy? ›

    There's a few ways to cancel your car insurance policy with Admiral.
    1. Phone: Give them a call on 0333 220 2000. ...
    2. Email: You can also cancel your policy by email. ...
    3. Live chat: Admiral's live chat is open from 9-6, Monday to Friday, and 10-4 at the weekends.
    Feb 2, 2022

    How long do Admiral refunds take? ›

    Customers don't need to do anything as the payments are being processed automatically. If the payment fails for any reason, Admiral will send a cheque instead. In its message to customers, Admiral said: "You don't need to contact us or do anything at all, your refund should be with you within the next 14 days.

    Can you cancel your insurance policy at any time? ›

    Yes, you can cancel your car insurance at any time. Before you do, it's a good idea to check with your insurer regarding their cancellation policy. Some companies require a notice period or apply cancellation fees.

    How do I cancel my insurance renewal? ›

    Email your insurance provider to cancel if you can't get through on the phone. If your policy is up for renewal, emailing your insurer before the renewal date to inform them that you do not want to auto-renew and have found a policy elsewhere should suffice.

    Does Admiral have a cooling-off period? ›

    Cancellation after 14 days

    If you cancel after the 14 day cooling-off period, but before your cover ends, EUI Limited will charge to cover set up and cancellation costs. We'll also charge for the time on cover – if you've made a claim the full price for the year will charged.

    Is automatic renewal of insurance legal? ›

    It's entirely legal for insurers to auto-renew your car insurance contract but by law, they must tell you: Last year's price - so you can easily compare it to your new premium. To check your cover and to shop around for the best deal - if you've renewed four times in a row, they need to encourage you to shop around.

    Can I cancel my car insurance direct debit? ›

    Cancelling a direct debit does not cancel your insurance policy. If you do this you will still owe your insurer the premiums. You must contact your insurer to cancel the policy. Some policies are automatically renewed each year.

    Does Cancelling car insurance affect credit? ›

    Cancelling your car insurance policy shouldn't affect your credit score, whether you pay monthly or annually. As long as you cancel it properly. If you pay monthly, you can't just cancel your direct debit. You'll need to tell your insurer you want to cancel and pay any admin fees.

    What happens if I cancel my car insurance? ›

    You'll usually get a refund on your optional extras, minus a bit for the time you've been covered, and any cancellation fees you have to pay. But you won't get a refund if you've already used it. Like car insurance, optional extras tend to renew automatically.

    How long does a insurance refund take? ›

    On average, you should prepare yourself to wait 2-4 weeks for your premium refund from an insurance company. Let's face it. The average human being (or company, for that matter) is not in a terrible hurry to return your money after you've told them to take a hike.

    What is an insurance refund? ›

    Insurance Refund means any refund resulting from the cancellation or termination of any Forced Placed Insurance, regardless of whether such refund is received prior to or after Closing.

    When can you cancel car insurance? ›

    You can cancel your auto insurance policy whenever you want. If you're keeping your car, you should arrange for other insurance first to avoid a lapse in coverage. Virtually every state requires drivers to have at least a minimum amount of insurance coverage.

    What happens if an insurance company overpays you? ›

    The insurance carrier usually makes the overpayment, but sometimes the patient makes it. In either case, it is important that the overpayment be promptly returned to the appropriate person or payer. If a patient pays more than they are required to, the patient must be notified as soon as the overpayment is discovered.

    What is the cancellation fee? ›

    Definition of 'cancellation fee'

    A cancellation fee is a sum of money you must pay if you cancel a hotel reservation after the cancellation deadline. The hotel will not charge any cancellation fees if you cancel your reservation up to two weeks in advance.

    Does Admiral automatically renew? ›

    We automatically renew your policy in order to offer continuous cover on your vehicle so you don't get left without insurance.

    Can you claim money back from car insurance? ›

    If you make a change to your car insurance policy to cut down the costs — for example you've added a different car which is less to insure — you could be entitled to a refund. Again this depends on how long is remaining on your policy and the terms set out by the insurer. It's worth a call to ask.

    Can you pause Admiral car insurance? ›

    If your policy is active we can't stop your payments altogether but we can suspend them for 28 days and take the payment next month alongside your existing instalment.

    How long does Cancelled insurance stay on record? ›

    When your car insurance policy is cancelled, it usually stays on your insurance record for about five years, but it can be longer. This could result in you needing to get high-risk car insurance, which comes with higher-than-average premiums.

    Can I cancel car insurance online? ›

    With most insurers, you can call an agent, send a written notice or cancel in person. Most car insurance companies won't let you cancel online.

    Can you switch car insurance at any time? ›

    You can switch car insurance companies at any time. This includes the day you start coverage and even when you have certain open claims. You also won't be penalized for switching multiple times in one year. We recommend shopping around for coverage at least once per policy term to make sure you have the best price.

    Do I need to cancel car insurance when switching? ›

    Remember to cancel your old auto insurance policy

    After you purchase a new policy, you should immediately contact your former insurer and cancel your old policy. You'll receive a refund for any unused portion of your policy.

    How long does Cancelled insurance stay on record UK? ›

    How long does voided or cancelled insurance stay on my record? There is no set time that a cancelled insurance policy will stay on your record for. Some insurers may only request your insurance information for the last 5 years. Others may require you to share your history going further back than that.

    Can I cancel my car insurance before they cancel it? ›

    Can I cancel my car insurance before it starts? You can cancel your insurance policy within the 14-day cooling off period before your policy is in effect, and typically receive a full refund. Some car insurers will still charge you an administration fee, although this isn't always the case.

    Why do insurance policies automatically renew? ›

    Most policies renew automatically if you continue to have a good driving record and you make your payments. While there certainly can be instances where no action is required, too many drivers fail to review the information. Automatic renewals are easy, but it could also be costing you money.

    Do insurance companies have to notify you of renewal? ›

    The insurance company must also contact you 30 days before your insurance is due to end and tell you that they will renew the contract unless you tell them not to. If you don't receive this notification, you should be able to cancel your insurance without paying a charge.

    Do you have a cooling-off period with car insurance renewal? ›

    You start a new cooling-off period when you renew

    Most car insurance policies renew automatically. If you decide to stick with your insurance company when it's time to renew, you'll start a new cooling-off period. During this new cooling-off period, the same rules around cancellation fees apply.

    Do I lose my no claims bonus if I cancel my car insurance? ›

    No claims discount (NCD) is awarded for each full year of insurance, so if you cancel mid-way through the year your no claims discount will not increase.

    Can you cancel car insurance when paying monthly? ›

    Can I cancel my car insurance if I pay monthly? Yes. Plenty of people choose to pay their car insurance monthly, and there's nothing to stop you from cancelling. Just tell your insurance provider that you want to cancel and they'll arrange it for you.

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