21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome (2024)

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21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome (1)

Hi there!

To say thank you in Spanish, all you need is “gracias.”

Want a little more? Want to sound like a fluent speaker? Well, you got it.

This guide will add whole bunch of phrases to your brain. You’ll learn both,”thank you,” and “you’re welcome.

So, let’s jump in.

1. Thank you – Gracias

  • Gracias.
  • Pronunciation: Grassy-As

This word is like the universal word for thank you in Spanish. Every single person understands “gracias.” When someone has completed a favor for you, you may thank them in Spanish by saying “gracias.”

21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome (2)

By the way, you should also hear REAL Spanish.

So, check out this free audio lesson. Press play on the player below. The lesson is from SpanishPod101.com, a Spanish learning website where you can get more lessons like this.

2. Thank you very much – Muchas gracias

  • Muchas gracias.
  • Pronunciation: Moo-chas Grassy-As

The second best way to say thank you in Spanish.

This phrase translates to “thanks a lot.” When you are highlythankful because your brother picked up your child from school since your afternoon meeting went past the hour indicated, you may thank your brother by saying “muchas gracias.”

21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome (3)

3. Thanks a lot – Muchisimas gracias

  • Muchisimas gracias.
  • Pronunciation: Moo-Chi-See-Mas Grassy-As

This phrase translates to “thanks a lot” but can also mean “thank you very much.” Let’s say you are in line at a Subway and you order and attempt to pay for your order, but your card declines for some reason. The person behind you notices and decides to offer to pay for your food. You may gratefully thank them by saying “muchisimas gracias.”

21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome (4)

4. I really appreciate it – Lo aprecio mucho

  • Lo aprecio mucho
  • Prononciation: Low ap-re-see-oh moo-cho

Aside from saying a literal “thank you,” you can also say your appreciation.

21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome (5)

5. I appreciate it – Te lo agradezco

  • Te lo agradezco.
  • Pronunciation: Teh-Low-A-Gra-Des-Ko

This phrase translates to “I appreciate it” or “I appreciate you.” It is an indirect way of telling someone “thank you.” Whenever someone does any kind of favor for you, you may tell them “te lo agradezco” instead of “gracias” and mean the same thing.

21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome (6)

6. Thanks for everything – Gracias por todo

  • Gracias por todo
  • Pronunciation:Grassy-As Por Toe-Dough

A very good way to say thank you in Spanish. If someone has done a lot for you, feel free to use this.

21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome (7)

7. A thousand thanks – Mil gracias

  • Mil gracias
  • Pronunciation: Me-il Grassy-As

This phrase translates to “a thousand thanks.” You may use this when you are really thankful for any kind of favor done for you that saved your life! You may thank a certain individual or group by saying “mil gracias.”

21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome (8)

Okay, now you know a bunch of ways to say thank you in Spanish.

What about “you’re welcome?”

Here are some ways to say you’re welcome in Spanish.

8. You’re welcome – De nada

  • De nada.
  • Pronunciation: Day Nah-Dah

The best way to say you’re welcome in Spanish.

This phrase is the most common response to “thank you.” “De nada” literally translates to “from nothing” but it is used to mean “you are welcome.” When someone says “gracias”, you may respond with “de nada”. Your response to a “thank you” will never go wrong in Spanish because it is very universal.

9. No problem – No hay problema

  • No hay problema.
  • Pronunciation: No Ay Pro-blem-ah

This is the next best way to say you’re welcome in Spanish.

It translates to “no problem.” It may be used when you genuinely do a favor for a friend, family, or co-worker and you are thanked for it. When anyone thanks you after a good deed like taking out the garbage or mowing the lawn for free, you may respond with “no hay problema.”

10. It’s nothing – Por nada

  • Por nada.
  • Pronunciation: Poor Nah-Dah

This phrase is similar to the “de nada”. It literally translates to “of nothing.” This phrase is rarely heard and said so it may catch you by surprise when you hear “por nada”. When someone has helped you move a couple of boxes from the storage to your attic and you are thanked for it, you may respond “por nada” instead of using the common “de nada” if you prefer.

11. Don’t mention it – No hay de que

  • No hay de que.
  • Pronunciation: No Ay De-Ke

This phrase is commonly used in Ecuador and surrounding countries. This phrase has a double meaning if you translate it to English because it can mean “you’re welcome” but also “don’t mention it.” If you are ever thanked for doing a simple favor like taking out the trash, you may respond with “no hay de que.”

12. Don’t mention it – No lo menciones

  • No lo menciones.
  • Pronunciation: No Low Men-See-Oh-Nes

This phrase translates to “don’t mention it.” When you surprise your latino boyfriend with breakfast or your latina girlfriend by washing her dirty car and she thanks you, you may respond with “no lo menciones.”

13. Don’t worry about it – No se preocupe./No te preocupes

  • No se preocupe./No te preocupes.
  • Pronunciation: No Seh Pre-Oh-Ku-Pez
  • Pronunciation: No Teh Pre-Oh-Ku-Pez

This phrase translates to “don’t worry about it” or “don’t you worry about it.” When you do your mom or a close relative a favor and that person thanks you, you may respond with “no se preocupe” or “no te preocupes’.

14. With pleasure – Con gusto

  • Con gusto.
  • Pronunciation: Kone Goose-Toh

This phrase translates to “with pleasure.” This is a formal way of saying “you’re welcome” and can be used when you have a favor for someone you really care about. When you wake up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for your significant other and you are thanked for it, you may respond with “con gusto”. You may also add “mucho” to that phrase to say “con mucho gusto” which translates to “with much pleasure.”

15. It’s my pleasure – Es mi placer

  • Es mi placer.
  • Pronunciation: Es Me Plah-Ser

This phrase is translates to “it is my pleasure.” This is another formal way of saying “you are welcome.” When you have completed a favor for someone you don’t mind assisting and are thanked for it, you may respond with “es mi placer.”

16. The pleasure is mine – El placer es mio

  • El placer es mio.
  • Pronunciation: El Plah-Ser Es Me-Oh

This phrase translates to “the pleasure is mine.” It is nearly similar to the phrase “es mi placer.” When someone thanks you for giving them a ride anywhere, you may respond by saying, “El placer es mio.”

17. With pleasure – Mucho gusto

  • Mucho gusto.
  • Pronunciation: Moo-Cho Goose-Toh

This phrase is a bit tricky because you may have heard it when you have just met someone. You introduce yourself in Spanish and the other person responds with “Mucho gusto.” When used in this context, “mucho gusto” means “with pleasure.” When used after doing a favor and being thanked for it, this phrase also means “with pleasure.”

18. Thanks to you – Gracias a ti

  • Gracias a ti.
  • Pronunciation: Grassy-as Ah T

Here’s another way to say thank you in Spanish.

And, it’s also a way to say you’re welcome in Spanish.

This phrase translates to “thanks to you.” You may use this phrase to say “no, thank you!” in Spanish. “Gracias a ti” is a response you can say whenever a favor is done mutually.

19. At your service – A las ordenes. / A tus Ordenes

  • A las ordenes. / A tus Ordenes.
  • Pronunciation: Alas Or-Den-Ehs / Ah Toos Or-Den-Ehs

This phrase translates to “at your service.” The perfect situation to respond with this phrase is when you have a waitress/waiter job and you are thanked by you spanish-speaking customers.

20. No worries – No pasa nada

  • No pasa nada.
  • Pronunciation: No Pass-Ah Nah-Dah

“No pasa nada.” This phrase literally translates to “nothing is happening” but it’s not meant to mean just that. “No pasa nada” is widely used in Spain and in other spanish countries and it is slang for “no worries.” After giving a person a lift to the grocery store and they thank you for it, you may respond by saying “no pasa nada.”

18. Glad to help – Encantado de ayudar. Encantada de ayudar

  • Encantado de ayudar. Encantada de ayudar.
  • Pronunciation: En-Khan-Tah-Doh Deh Ah-Yoo-Dar,En-Khan-Tah-Dah Deh Ah-Yoo-Dar

This phrase translates to “glad to help.” If you are a male, you would use “encantado”. If you are a female, you would use “encantada”. When you are thanked by someone you don’t mind helping again, you may respond with “encantado/encantada de ayudar.”

21. Anytime – En cualquier momento

  • En cualquier momento.
  • Pronunciation: Ehn Khoo-Al-Kee-Err Moh-Men-Toh

This phrase literally translates to “in whatever moment” but it is meant to simply mean “anytime.” When you are thanked by someone you would easily do another favor for, you may respond with “en cualquier momento.”



Now you know a whole bunch of ways to sayyou’re welcome andthank you in Spanish.

The best way to “absorb” this lesson is to print this page out.

So, you can review every now and then. Reading it all upfront may be too much.

21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome (9)

21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome (2024)


21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome? ›

21+ Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish & You're Welcome
  • Thank you – Gracias. ...
  • Thank you very much – Muchas gracias. ...
  • Thanks a lot – Muchisimas gracias. ...
  • I really appreciate it – Lo aprecio mucho. ...
  • I appreciate it – Te lo agradezco. ...
  • Thanks for everything – Gracias por todo. ...
  • A thousand thanks – Mil gracias. ...
  • You're welcome – De nada.
Aug 4, 2018

Are there other ways to say thank you in Spanish? ›

'Thank You' for All Occasions

Here are the most basic ways to thank someone: Gracias (GRAH-seeahs) means 'thanks' or 'thank you' Muchas gracias (MOO-chahs GRAH-seeahs) means 'thanks a lot' or 'thank you very much' Muchísimas gracias (moo-CHEE-see-mahs GRAH-seeahs) means 'thanks a lot' or 'thank you very very much'.

What are three ways to say you are welcome in Spanish? ›

5 Ways to Say “You're Welcome” in Spanish
  • Con mucho gusto → My pleasure (Literally: With much pleasure) Gracias por cocinar hoy. ...
  • Es un placer → It's a pleasure. Mil gracias por lavar mi ropa. ...
  • Por nada → It's nothing. ...
  • No hay de que → Don't mention it. ...
  • A la orden → At your service.

How do you say thank you and your welcome? ›

Please, thank you, and you're welcome are perhaps the most common phrases in English. Use please to politely ask for something, thank you or thanks when someone does something for you or gives you something. Finally, use you're welcome as a polite response when something thanks you for something.

How do you say you're welcome in a flirty way? ›

STOP SAYING You're Welcome | How to respond to THANk ... - YouTube

What is the best response to Gracias? ›

The response to gracias that you're most likely to use or hear is de nada (you're welcome), or you could say, if appropriate, a tí (thank you). For greater emphasis you can use no hay de qué (don't mention it).

What is da nada? ›

Definition of de nada

: of nothing : you're welcome.

How do you say thank you meaningfully? ›

Show Your Appreciation With 25 Other Ways To Say “Thank You”
  1. I'm so grateful. Thanks is an expression of gratitude, so cut to the chase. ...
  2. I appreciate it. ...
  3. Thanks for your hard work on this. ...
  4. I couldn't have done it without you. ...
  5. I owe you one. ...
  6. Much obliged. ...
  7. Thanks for having my back. ...
  8. Please accept my deepest gratitude.
Dec 9, 2021

How do you use Agradecer? ›

The verb for the action of thanking or being grateful is agradecer, and it's paired with different prepositions, depending on usage. To say that you're grateful to someone (for something they've done), you'll say agradecido con. Estoy muy agradecida contigo por todo lo que has hecho por mí últimamente.

How do you respond to de nada? ›

Don't Say “De Nada” [15 Ways to Say You're Welcome in Spanish]

Is De nada rude? ›

De nada is usually used as a polite answer after Gracias. On the other side Por nada is used when you were working on something and you didn't have a result, so you were working for nothing. In my opinion, Por nada would be then impolite answer after Gracias! Por nada = For nothing.

What's another word for you're welcome? ›

Informal ways to say 'you're welcome'

They include: don't mention it, it was nothing, sure thing, anytime, and no problem.

How do you respond to Kamsahamnida? ›

Learn Korean - Thank You & You're Welcome in Korean - YouTube

How do you respond to thanks? ›

How to Respond to Thank You (In Any Situation)
  1. You're welcome.
  2. You're very welcome.
  3. That's all right.
  4. No problem.
  5. No worries.
  6. Don't mention it.
  7. It's my pleasure.
  8. My pleasure.

How do you say my pleasure? ›

Learn English - You're welcome / My pleasure - YouTube

How do you say thank you so much in different ways? ›

These general thank-you phrases can be used for all personal and professional communications:
  1. Thank you so much.
  2. Thank you very much.
  3. I appreciate your consideration/guidance/help/time.
  4. I sincerely appreciate ….
  5. My sincere appreciation/gratitude/thanks.
  6. My thanks and appreciation.
  7. Please accept my deepest thanks.
Jul 14, 2021

What El gusto es mio mean? ›

the pleasure is mine. Pronunciation. el gusto es mío(

Does Mucho Gusto mean? ›

Mucho Gusto

Pronounced: Moo-cho Goo-stow. This phrase means “nice to meet you.” It is obviously used when you're meeting someone for the first time.

How does De nada mean you're welcome? ›

Standard "You're Welcome" Use "de nada." This is the standard, textbook way of answering "you're welcome" when someone thanks you. A slightly more accurate English equivalent would be the response, "it's nothing," rather than "you're welcome."

What does de novo mean? ›

From Latin, meaning “from the new.” When a court hears a case de novo, it is deciding the issues without reference to any legal conclusion or assumption made by the previous court to hear the case.

What does Denara mean in Spanish? ›

transitive verb. 1. ( archaic) (general) to deem worthy.

What muy bien means? ›

In a nutshell, muy bien means “very well” and “very good”.

How do you say thanks in slang? ›

Thanks a million. To thank someone very much in a casual way. Thanks a ton. To thank someone very much in a casual way.
Ways to say thank you in casual English or English slang.
EnglishContextCountry of use
Thanks.A casual way to give thanks.All
10 more rows
Mar 28, 2022

How do you say thank you without sounding cheesy? ›

8 ways to express gratitude without saying 'thank you'
  1. Thanks a million/ Thanks a bunch. Thanks a million, you have helped me so much!
  2. I really appreciate it. ...
  3. That means a lot to me. ...
  4. That's really kind of you. ...
  5. I don't know what to say. ...
  6. You shouldn't have. ...
  7. I owe you one. ...
  8. I couldn't have done it without you.
Nov 23, 2020

How do you say thank you in Mexico? ›

gracias. Gracias is used just like “thank you” in English. But, there will be occasions when you will wish to express gratitude in a more polite and obvious manner, and then you should use the expression muchas gracias.

What is Muchas gracias? ›

Thank you very much, many thanks.

What is Hasta manana? ›

/ ˈɑs tɑ mɑˈnyɑ nɑ; English ˈhɑ stə mənˈyɑ nə / PHONETIC RESPELLING. interjection Spanish. see you tomorrow.

How do you respond to Hermosa? ›

Definitely! Or Hola Hermoso tambien es correcto. Either one is a sweet way to reply. Well, almost perfect.

How do you respond to bien y tu? ›

The standard answer is probably "Bien" ("Fine") or "Muy bien" ("Very good"). Of course, both of those responses are often expanded: "Muy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?" ("Quite well, thank you. And you?").

Do you say Bienvenida to a girl? ›

To say welcome, use bienvenido when talking to a man and bienvenida when talking to a woman. Similarly, the masculine form of pleased to meet you is encantado, and the feminine form is encantada.

Can Bueno mean yes? ›

The same applies to the word BUENO. In Mexico it means YES in the context of answering the phone. Certainly in Spain, BUENO can mean WELL. It's used massively at the start of sentences.

How do you respond to Hasta manana? ›

You can say, "¡Nos vemos!" It means, "See you later!" You can use, "Nos vemos," with pretty much any friend or family member if you are going to see that person within the following week or so.

How do you say you're welcome in Mexico? ›

de nada means “You are welcome.”

How do you say thank you for love? ›

Thank you for gracing me with your love. I can never express the extent of my gratitude for the immeasurable joy you bring to my life. #6 My love and my soul mate, thank you for being The One. I am the luckiest person in the world, not only to have found my soul mate, but for that soul mate to be you.

How do you thank someone informally? ›

For these everyday, informal experiences, we can use a variety of expression to say thanks.
  1. Thank you. / Thanks so much. / Thanks a lot. / Thanks a bunch. / Thanks a ton. / Thanks!
  2. I really appreciate it. / You shouldn't have.
  3. I don't know what to say! / That's very kind.
  4. You're the best. / I owe you one. / You rock.
May 22, 2019

What is Arasso? ›

“Araso” in Korean

The word “araso” can also be used to express that you understand what the other person is saying. It is written as 알았어 in Korean so it is also often romanized as “arasseo.” This is an informal way of saying “o*kay” or “I know” in Korean.

What is Cheonmaneyo? ›

천만에요 (cheonmaneyo)

The Korean word 천만에요 (cheon-man-e-yo) comes from the number 천만 (cheonman), meaning “ten million” in English. The logic behind this expression is that the thing you are being thanked for doing is so small that even if you did it ten million times, the other person still wouldn't need to thank you.

What is the meaning of Gamsahamnida? ›

Interjection. 감사합니다 • (gamsahamnida) thank you.

What should I say after she says thank you? ›

DO NOT say "you're welcome"! Respond to "thank you" PROPERLY!

Can you say you are very welcome? ›

Please DON'T Say “You're Welcome”! – Better Responses To THANK YOU

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.