9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (2024)

Hashiras are an integral part of the Demon Slayer Corps, as they are the most vital members of the organization. These characters boast a level of strength and endurance that cannot be compared to normal human beings.

They are skilled enough to take on some of the strongest demons in the series. However, not all Hashiras are equally powerful, as some of them specialize in specific areas other than combat. That being said, let us compare the nine Hashiras based on their strength and overall combat abilities.

Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the manga.

Demon Slayer Hashiras ranked based on their strength

1) Gyomei Himejima

9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (1)

The Stone Hashira is the strongest in Demon Slayer. This fact has been established in the manga as Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu all agree that he is the strongest member of the Demon Slayer Corps. Due to his blindness, his other senses are incredibly heightened and become an excellent addition to his superhuman strength.

His strength was showcased during the fight against Kokushibo. Even the Upper Moon 1 himself appreciated the refinement of Gyomei’s body and strength. He even mentioned that Gyomei was the strongest fighter he came across in 300 years.

2) Sanemi Shinazugawa

9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (2)

Sanemi Shinazugawa is one of the strongest Hashiras in the Demon Slayer series. He was so strong that he hunted demons with mountain blades as a child. He dedicated all his time and effort to perfecting his skills as a swordsman, which was shown during the fight against both Muzan and Kokushibo.

Apart from Muichiro, he and Gyomei were the only ones who could significantly damage Kokushibo. His speed, strength, and endurance are among the best in the Demon Slayer Corps.

3) Muichiro Tokito

9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (3)

Muichiro Tokito with his Demon Slayer Mark (Image via Ufotable) It is safe to say that Muichiro is the most talented swordsman in the Demon Slayer Corps. He became the Mist Hashira in two months after picking up a sword. He was the youngest Hashira, just 14 years old, when he was selected for this position.

Upon activating his Demon Slayer Mark, he could easily overwhelm Gyokko and easily defeat him during the Swordsmith Village arc. His contribution towards killing Kokushibo was vital as his Nichirin sword turned red and weakened the Upper Moon 1.

4) Giyu Tomioka

9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (4)

Giyu and Obanai Iguro are similar in terms of overall strength and abilities. While he wasn’t necessarily impressive during the fight against Akaza, he proved pretty strong during the battle against Muzan.

Despite fighting the Upper Moon 3, Giyu could keep up and land attacks on the Demon King. The fatigue and exhaustion that Giyu experienced must have been at its peak after defeating the Demon King.

However, he could dodge and simultaneously save one of the members of the Demon Slayer Corps from Demon Tanjiro’s attack, showcasing his ridiculous endurance levels.

5) Obanai Iguro

9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (5)

In terms of overall combat abilities, Iguro is quite close to Giyu Tomioka. However, fans believe he is stronger than Giyu since he could last longer than the other Hashiras during the fight against Muzan.

One must understand that Gyomei and Sanemi took on Kokushibo, and Giyu fought against Akaza just before fighting with Muzan. Obanai took on Nakime, who was far weaker than Akaza and Kokushibo. This could serve as a potential explanation for why Obanai could last longer than the other three Hashiras. He is ridiculously strong and went toe to toe with Muzan.

6) Kyojuro Rengoku

9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (6)

Rengoku is another strong Hashira who almost stalled Akaza until the sun rose, causing him to flee. He was so strong that Akaza initially refrained from hurting Rengoku since he recognized his potential and combat abilities.

He offered Rengoku to turn into a demon, who refused the proposal. While he was close to beating Akaza, the Upper Moon 3 didn’t reveal his true potential and escaped into the forest. He is stronger than Mitsuri since he was her mentor when she entered the organization.

Rengoku's true potential could never be measured since he died too early in the story. With his Demon Slayer Mark, he might have given close competition to Giyu or Muichiro.

7) Kanroji Mitsuri

9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (7)

Kanroji doesn’t seem like a character who possesses much strength, but that is not the case. She has a level of strength superior to average human beings due to her muscle constitution.

It is said that she could lift a rock that weighed 15 kilograms when she was just 13 months old. She was able to hold off Hantengu and deal a lot of damage as well. However, she isn't one of the strongest Hashiras in the series.

8) Tengen Uzui

9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (8)

Tengen Uzui was introduced in the Entertainment District arc. He fought against Upper Moon 6 toe-to-toe despite getting poisoned from the start of the fight. He received help from Tanjiro and his friends, but he still fought Gyutaro on equal footing after losing an arm and getting poisoned.

Since he struggled against Upper Moon 6, many generally consider him one of the weaker Hashiras, but his overall abilities as a swordsman are impressive. He never activated his Mark and retired after the fight, so his full potential was never witnessed either.

9) Shinobu

9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (9)

When it comes to pure strength, Shinobu Kocho is the weakest Hashira in Demon Slayer. She doesn’t even have enough power to decapitate a demon’s head, and she makes up for it by using poison.

She is more of a support-type character since she concocts poison and medicines that have cured the members of the organization on numerous occasions. However, she is definitely the weakest on this list regarding combat ability.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul


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9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest (2024)


9 Hashiras in Demon Slayer, ranked from strongest to weakest? ›

Shinobu Kocho Is the Weakest Hashira

At one point or another in the manga, all nine Hashira in Demon Slayer encountered an Upper-Rank.

Who are the 12 Hashira? ›

  • Gyomei Himejima. 220 cm (7'2½")
  • Tengen Uzui. 198 cm (6'6")
  • Sanemi Shinazugawa. 179 cm (5'10½")
  • Kyojuro Rengoku. 177 cm (5'9¾")
  • Giyu Tomioka. 176 cm (5'9¼")
  • Mitsuri Kanroji. 167 cm (5'6")
  • Obanai Iguro. 162 cm (5'4")
  • Muichiro Tokito. 160 cm (5'3")

Who is weakest Hashira? ›

Shinobu Kocho Is the Weakest Hashira

At one point or another in the manga, all nine Hashira in Demon Slayer encountered an Upper-Rank.

Who is the 2nd strongest Hashira? ›

  • 8 Shinobu Kocho.
  • 7 Kyojuro Rengoku.
  • 6 Mitsuri Kanroji.
  • 5 Obanai Iguro.
  • 4 Muichiro Tokito.
  • 3 Giyu Tomioka.
  • 2 Sanemi Shinazugawa.
  • 1 Gyomei Himejima.
Mar 13, 2024

Who is the rank 1 Hashira? ›

1. Gyomei Himejima. Gyomei Himejima, the Stone Hashira, is the strongest Hashira in the Demon Slayer corps in terms of strength and swordsmanship.

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Specifically, Muichiro is the Mist Hashira who made use of the Mist Breathing sword style. He is also the youngest of the Hashira at only 14 years old, being considered a prodigy of the Corps who became a Hashira only two months after joining the Demon Slayers.

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Kanae hasn't been seen fighting often in Demon Slayer, but her status as a Hashira is a testament to her skills. That said, most of the other Hashira are more talented than her in combat, placing her firmly in the 10th spot.

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The explosion, which was enhanced by spike traps, manages to injure Muzan. Before he is able to regenerate fully, Tamayo appears and uses her Blood Demon Art to keep him in place, while using a drug that can turn him into human. Using this opportunity, Gyomei Himejima appears and destroys Muzan's head.

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Sanemi and Obanai rank low as their actions and abrasive personalities make them less likable. Giyu and Kyojuro are the most well-liked Hashira due to their protective and warm nature.

Who is stronger Giyu or Rengoku? ›

Whereas Base Giyu easily countered Akaza's Disorder (Rengoku got heavily injured from facing Akaza's Disorder). Akaza then started using stronger Leg Forms against Giyu, something that he never did against Rengoku. So this just implies that he acknowledged Giyu as a stronger opponent than Rengoku.

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Tanjiro Kamado
Tanjirō Kamado
WeaponNichirin Sword
FamilyTanjuro Kamado (father, deceased) Kie Kamado (mother, deceased) Nezuko Kamado (sister) Takeo Kamado (brother, deceased) Hanako Kamado (sister, deceased) Shigeru Kamado (brother, deceased) Rokuta Kamado (brother, deceased)
SpouseKanao Tsuyuri (future wife)
8 more rows

Who killed Kokushibo? ›

Despite his decapitation at the hands of Gyomei and Sanemi, he forced his regeneration to evolve and regrew his own head, all because he didn't allow himself to die until he accomplished his goal. Kokushibo correctly identifying Muichiro's Breathing Style just after witnessing one attack.

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7 Obanai Iguro: Serpent Hashira

He also has a serpent around him at all times, which makes him even more intimidating. The Serpent Hashira is said to be at least at the same level as the Giyu, the Water Hashira. His dynamic fighting style, intense personality, and interesting character design make him a fan favorite.

Which hashira died? ›

Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira, dies after his fight with Akaza in the Mugen Train arc/movie, having been mortally wounded but forced Akaza to flee. Muichiro Tokito, the Mist Hashira, is fatally wounded when he sacrifices himself to take down Kokushibo, the strongest demon under Muzan's command.

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The actual answer is a little more complicated, but essentially no, Genya is not a demon. According to the source manga: "Genya has a special ability. For a short amount of time, he can become a demon using his bite strength and his special digestive organs."

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Table of Contents:
  • Gyomei Himejima: The Stone Hashira.
  • Sanemi Shinazugawa: The Wind Hashira.
  • Giyu Tomioka: The Water Hashira.
  • Obanai Iguro: The Serpent Hashira.
  • Muichirou Tokito: The Mist Hashira.
  • Kyojuro Rengoku: The Flame Hashira.
  • Mitsuri Kanroji: The Love Hashira.
  • Tengen Uzui: The Sound Hashira.
Aug 8, 2023

Are there 12 Hashira? ›

There are nine total active Hashira in the anime. Each Hashira has their own region to patrol, as well as their own unique style, Breathing Technique, and abilities.

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Below, we'll break down the basic personalities and power sets possessed by these awesome individuals.
  • Giyū Tomioka - Water Hashira.
  • Kyōjurō Rengoku - Flame Hashira.
  • Tengen Uzui - Sound Hashira.
  • Shinobu Kochō - Insect Hashira.
  • Muichirō Tokitō - Mist Hashira.
  • Mitsuri Kanroji - Love Hashira.
  • Gyōmei Himejima - Stone Hashira.
Feb 11, 2022

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