20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (2024)

Have you ever wondered if the Ty Beanie Babies you have sitting on a shelf are worth anything? The most expensive Beanie Babies have sold for more than some of the best designer jewelry.

When Ty Beanie Babies were released in 1993, few could have imagined how wanted by collectors they would become. While they became a sensation for casual collectors by 1995, their value was only known after the original toys retired.

In 1999, Ty declared they would no longer make Beanie Babies. But collectors and casual fans made it known that the charismatic toys were wanted. Though some Beanie Babies remained retired, Beanie Babies returned within a year. Starting with a 2000 Beanie Baby called “The Beginning,” it was just the beginning.

The list of Ty Beanie Babies is still growing. But while casual fans enjoy newly-released toys, collectors are in search of rare, original Beanie Babies. Some simply are passionate about having Beanie Babies of value. Others are consulting Beanie Baby price guides, hoping they have a valuable childhood toy.

Auctions on eBay show just how much collectors are willing to pay for rare and original Ty Beanie Babies. While some fetch a few hundred dollars, the most expensive Beanie Babies have sold for more than several luxury watches combined.

Here’s a 2022 price guide to the most expensive Ty Beanie Babies ever sold, from least to most valuable.

20. Patti the Platypus: $6,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (1)

Patti the Platypus was one of the original 1993 Beanie Babies. At the time, there were just 9 Beanie Babies, so she’s also a staple for classic collectors. She’s distinguished by her yellow bill and purple. Of course, even just the unique animal choice means Patti will always stand out. The most valuable Patti’s have 1993 tags and magenta color. Some have sold for as much as $6,000.

19. Snort the Red Bull: $6,500

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (2)

Some Snort the Red Bull Beanie Babies only sell for a few dollars. It’s the original 1995 Beanie Babies that are worth as much as $6,500. In 1995, there were tag errors that set them apart as rare. Snort the Red Bull has soft white nostrils and tiny black eyes. Even a Snort that isn’t valuable can make a unique addition to a Ty Beanie Baby collection.

18. Gobbles Turkey: $6,750

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (3)

Gobbles Turkey came out in 1996 and was shortly retired. This festive Ty Beanie Baby features a striking red neck, brown body, and white feathers. Gobbles was one of the first Beanie Babies to exemplify an American holiday. While some Gobbles are sold at a low price, a rare one in mint condition was sold for $6.750.

17. Peanut the Elephant: $7,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (4)

When Peanut the Elephant made its debut as a Ty Beanie Baby in 1995, circuses were still popular in the United States. Peanut the Elephant has a deep blue body and crinkled trunk. The original, retired Peanuts have sold for up to $7,000. A wrinkle in the price list for Peanut is the rise of counterfeits. Collectors need to be careful they’re looking at original releases.

16. Seaweed: $7,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (5)

Seaweed debuted as a Beanie Baby in 1996. Seaweed’s charming soft brown body and seaweed accessory make this otter valuable in any collector’s mind. But the most expensive Seaweed Beanie Babies are marked by tag errors. These tag errors occurred during the original release. Some of this rare Seaweed Ty Beanie Babies are worth $7,000.

15. Halo Bear: $7,500

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (6)

Halo Bears were released a bit later, in 1998. Well into the craze for Beanie Baby collecting, Halo didn’t stand out at first. Halo Bears have white fur with iridescent wings and a matching halo. The inspiration poem made this Ty Beanie Baby beloved, but it was retired within a year. Original release Halo Bears are worth up to $7,500.

14. McDonald’s International Bears: $10,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (7)

Even the most avid Ty Beanie Baby collectors may not expect to see McDonald’s on this list. Mini Beanie Babies (Teenie Babies) were sold with Happy Meals during the 1990s. Each bear represents a different country: Britannia (Britain), Maple (Canada), Erin (Ireland), and Glory (US). The collection of Teenie Babies in original packaging sells for up to $10,000.

13. Claude the Crab: $9,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (8)

Claude is a colorful Beanie Baby, with blue, green, and orange tie-dye print. His small beaded eyes and colorful body made him instantly-loved Beanie Baby. Original Claude Beanie Babies were released in 1997 and is a favorite for Ty collectors. The unassuming but unique crab has sold for $9,000 a few times.

12. Garcia Bear : $10,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (9)

Garcia Bear is pure fun, though not many would guess how valuable it is. The Ty Beanie Baby is a multicolored bear, with splashes of teal, red, and green. A yellow belly, black button eyes and a classic face are charming. It was produced for a short time starting in 1993, and many people had a hard time finding one. First editions can fetch as much as $10,000.

11. Iggy Iguana: $15,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (10)

Iggy the Iguana is one of the most expensive Ty Beanie Babies ever sold, fetching a price of $15,000. The problem? Iggy the Iguana is sometimes mistaken for Rainbow the Chameleon. Iggy has spikes along their back, while Rainbow the Chameleon doesn’t. Iggy the Iguana is valuable when it has a rare 1997 tag, indicating the original release.

10. Hope Bear: $15,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (11)

This spiritual Ty Beanie Baby is not only expensive but also rare. The Hope Bear has its hands clasped and its eyes closed. Captured in a moment of prayer, this Beanie Baby is meaningful, but it’s also a great find for collectors. A rare 1998 Beanie Baby with tag errors sells for up to $15,000.

9. Brownie the Bear: $20,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (12)

It’s not surprising that Brownie the Bear makes the list of the top 10 most expensive Beanie Babies. Brownie was one of the 9 original Beanie Babies ever released. Since the original line retired in 1993, these Ty Beanie Babies are quite rare. Avid collectors pay up to $20,000 to have an authentic Brownie in their collection.

8. Millennium Bear: $30,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (13)

It’s only fitting that a brand that took off in the mid-’90s would release an iconic bear to usher in the next millennium. Millennium is a Fuschia-colored beat with a gold ribbon around his neck. The emblem of a world with a rising sun and 2,000 letters make this Ty Beanie great for collectors. Original releases in mint condition sell for up to $30,000.

7. Valentino Bear: $42,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (14)

Valentino won over Ty Beanie Baby collectors when they were released in 1995. The white bear has a red heart patch and a matching red ribbon around its neck. Though a simple gift at first, this Beanie Baby became one of the most valuable. This romantic Beanie Baby was retired in 1999, and now it’s one of the most valuable you can buy. Rare, original Valentino Bears have sold for an astonishing price of over $42,000.

6. Lefty Donkey / Righty Elephant : $50,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (15)

Beanie Babies usually stay clear of politics. But in 1996, Ty released their first versions of Lefty the Donkey and Righty the Elephant. These Beanie Babies were released in time for the exciting election that pitted President Bill Clinton against Republican Bob Dole and Independent Ross Perot. Lefty and the Donkey and Righty the Elephant were released again in subsequent years. But the rare 1996 versions have sold for $50,000.

5. Jolly the Walrus: $75,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (16)

Even though Jolly the Walrus wasn’t released until 1997, they are now one of the most expensive Ty Beanie Babies you can buy. Original edition Jolly’s were available for just one year, before retiring in 1998. Full whiskers, tiny beaded eyes, and a grayish-brown body may seem simply charming. Yet this rare Beanie Baby is worth up to $75,000.

4. Batty: $125,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (17)

Ty introduced the Batty Beanie Baby in October 1997. He was immediately distinguishable with velcro strips sewn on his wings. Today, he remains the only Beanie Baby sold this way. Batty’s popularity may be partially related to the beloved children’s book, Stellaluna, which was published four years earlier. Retired versions of Batty had tag errors. Lucky collectors with these rare Batty Beanie Babies may have something worth as much as $125,000.

3. Piccadilly Attic: $125,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (18)

Bears are popular in Ty’s Beanie Babies line. But chances are even some of the most passionate Beanie Baby collectors haven’t seen Piccadilly Attic. Piccadilly Attic is one of the most valuable and rare Beanie Babies you can buy. This unique bear is styled like a clown. There’s a classic red nose and a deep green and blue patterned costume. Rare, retired 1993 Piccadilly Attic bears sell for up to $125,000.

2. Bubbles the Fish: $129,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (19)

Who knew that a yellow and black striped fish Beanie Baby could be worth more than some of the most expensive women’s shoes in the world? Bubbles the Fish was released by Ty in 1995 and retired in 1997. Original 1995 Bubbles the Fish Beanie Babies with tag errors have been listed with prices as high as $129,000.

1. Princess Bear: $500,000

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (20)

Ty’s Princess Bear is the most expensive single Beanie Baby. The Princess Bear, also known as the Princess Diana Bear, was released in October 1997. Princess Bears are deep purple, with a purple ribbon and white rose emblem. But this release was quite unusual. There were only a dozen original bears. The extremely limited edition bears are a dream come true for the wealthiest Ty Beanie Baby collectors. The $500,000 price tag, unfortunately, only applies to the rare, original release. However, bears in mint condition that was among the first 200 are still worth $50,000.

Summary: The 20 most valuable Beanie Babies

Even if you don’t have a valuable Ty Beanie Baby, it’s fun to walk down memory lane. While we’d love to be lucky collectors of rare Beanie Babies, it’d be hard to part with many of them.

Here’s a quick price guide to the most valuable Beanie Babies:

  1. Princess the Bear – $500,000
  2. Bubbles the Fish – $129,00
  3. Piccadilly Attic – $125,000
  4. Batty – $125,000
  5. Jolly the Walrus- $75,000
  6. Lefty the Donkey and Righty the Elephant – $50,000
  7. Valentino Bear – $42,000
  8. Millennium Bear – $30,000
  9. Brownie the Bear – $20,000
  10. Hope Beanie Baby – $16,000
  11. Iggy Iguana – $15,000
  12. Garcia Bear – $10,000
  13. Claude the Crab – $9,000
  14. McDonald’s International Bears – $10,000
  15. Halo the Bear – $7,500
  16. Seaweed the Beanie Baby – $7,000
  17. Peanut the Elephant – $7,000
  18. Gobbles Turkey – $6,750
  19. Snort the Red Bull- $6,500
  20. Patti the Platypus- $6,000

Frequently asked questions about beanie babies

What Beanie Babies are worth the most money?

The Beanie Babies that are worth the most money are Princess the Bear, Bubbles the Fish, and Piccadilly Attic. Original Beanie Babies that have been retired are worth the most. They also have tags and are in good to mint condition.

What are the 10 most valuable Beanie Babies?

Princess the Bear, Bubbles the Fish, Piccadilly Attic, Batty, Jolly the Walrus, Lefty the Donkey and Righty the Elephant, Millennium Bear, Valentino Bear, Brownie the Bear, and Hope Bear are the 10 most valuable Beanie Babies.

How do I know if my Beanie Babies are worth the money?

The most valuable Beanie Babies are limited edition and rare Beanie Babies. Many of them are bears. The better the condition your Beanie Babies are in, the more likely they are to be worth money. Check our list to discover the 20 most valuable Beanie Babies of all time.

Who owns the most expensive Beanie Baby?

An anonymous buyer purchased Large Wallace and a squad of other Beanie Babies for $600,000. This Ty Beanie Baby collection includes a large Wallace Beanie Baby, alongside Cashew and Huggy bears. The most expensive solo Beanie Baby is Princess the Bear, modeled after the late Lady Diana.

20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking) (2024)


20 Most Valuable Beanie Babies Of All Time (Ranking)? ›

Summary: The 20 most valuable Beanie Babies
  • Claude the Crab – $9,000.
  • McDonald's International Bears – $10,000.
  • Halo the Bear – $7,500.
  • Seaweed the Beanie Baby – $7,000.
  • Peanut the Elephant – $7,000.
  • Gobbles Turkey – $6,750.
  • Snort the Red Bull- $6,500.
  • Patti the Platypus- $6,000.
May 11, 2022

What is the rarest Beanie Baby of all time? ›

The Derby with the fine mane is the rarest of all versions and one of the rarest versions of all Beanie Babies. It's called a fine mane because the original fine-mane version used 20 strands of fine yarn. He was retired in the same year of his release in 1995, according to Beaniepedia.

What are the 10 original Beanie Babies? ›

There were nine original Beanie Babies, which includes: Legs the Frog, Squealer the Pig, Spot the Dog, Flash the Dolphin, Splash the Whale, Chocolate the Moose, Patti the Platypus, Brownie the Bear (later renamed "Cubbie"), and Pinchers the Lobster (with some tag errors labeled "Punchers").

How do I know if my Beanie Baby is worth money? ›

A retired Beanie Baby will usually fetch more at auction than one in current production since there's a finite number of that character available. To check and see if your Beanie is retired, you can check the Ty website.

Which Beanie Babies are worth the most money 2021? ›

15-inch Peace Bear, 9-inch Peace, Ringo, and Bones

As far as most expensive Beanie Babies go, Peace Bear on its own is definitely up there—about $5,000.

What is the hardest Beanie Baby to find? ›

1. Curly the Bear. While Curly might just look like a stuffed bear toy, it's actually one of the rarest and most collectible Beanie Babies thanks to a litany of errors. One Curly bear listed on eBay had mismatched dates on tags and typos in the poem, among other things.

What was the very first Beanie Baby? ›

The “Original Nine” Beanie Babies were: Legs the Frog, Squealer the Pig, Brownie the Bear (later renamed Cubbie the Bear), Flash the Dolphin, Splash the Whale, Patti the Platypus, Chocolate the Moose, Spot the Dog, and Pinchers the Lobster!

What is the best place to sell Beanie Babies? ›

Websites like Mercari, eBay and Etsy are both popular platforms for selling collectibles online. On eBay you can also create an auction where you can sell items to the highest bidder. PlushCollector is another website that specializes in selling beanie babies and other stuffed animals.

Which peace Bear is worth money? ›

3. Peace the Bear. This Beanie Baby is more common yet some Peace the Bear Babies are worth $2,500. It's one of the only Beanie Babies that was tie-dyed, so no two Peace the Bears are exactly alike.

Which Princess Diana Beanie Baby is valuable? ›

“Contrary to all of the hype, misinformation and secondary market speculation, even a “first edition” version of Princess [Diana Beanie Baby] made in China is currently worth approximately $27,” the site says. “A 'first edition' version of Princess made in Indonesia is worth approximately $47.”

How can you tell if a Beanie Baby is first edition? ›

To ensure you've got a first edition, you need to look at the hang tag. 1st edition tags do not open like a book. The tag should also have the year 1993 or 1994 on the back. The originals got made in China or Korea.

How can I sell my Beanie Babies? ›

It is a good idea to place a plastic tag protector on each beanie baby toy before you take the photograph of the toy to be listed online for sale on a website like eBay.com, Etsy.com, Rubylane.com, or on a social media selling platform like Facebook marketplace or the Letgo or Mercari app.

How many Princess Diana Beanie Babies exist? ›

The Ty company “would say, 'We only made 12 of these, and we're only letting your retailer have two,' so the line would start at 4 a.m.,” she explains. “So that's how they bumped up prices.” It may have been a brilliant strategy back in the day, but the market is constantly changing.

What year was the last Beanie Baby made? ›

The final Teenie Beanie in the 2000 series was a miniature version of The End. After Beanie Babies were not discontinued, a white bear with silver stars called "The Beginning" was introduced.

Does anyone buy Beanie Babies? ›

The market for Beanie Babies didn't vanish entirely after the crash, but today's market does look different — and indeed, the vast majority of them aren't worth much. There are still expensive Beanie Babies out there, they're just nowhere as well-known as, for example, the Princess bear.

What makes a Beanie Baby rare and valuable? ›

Design quirks made certain beanie babies more valuable. For example, Patti the Platypus came in several colors, which made buyers and collectors want to purchase the complete set. Tie-dyed beanie babies, such as Peace the Bear, were also popular.

What is a 1997 Princess Diana Beanie Baby worth? ›

Issued in 1997 in honor of the late-Princess Diana with consent by the Diana Foundation, the Princess Beanie Baby plushies were touted as a limited release and incredibly valuable. The secondary market, mere months after its release, would sell the plush toys for over $200, sometimes $300.

How much is the big Princess Diana Beanie Baby worth? ›

Among the stranger commemorative items, this beanie baby features on eBay with asking prices of up to $200,000. While eBay vendors often list the Princess Diana Beanie Baby as worth several thousand dollars, collectors put its real value in 2022 at $5-$100 depending on its condition.

What does no stamp on tush tag mean? ›

No Stamp on inside Tush Tag -Means Handmade Not mass produced P.V.C. Pellets (Means 1st Edition) PATTI # 4025 1-6-93 Fareham Hants PO15 5TX No comma between Oakbrook and IL on both tags. No Stamp on inside Tush Tag -Means Handmade Not mass produced P.V.C. Pellets (Means 1st Edition)

How many Princess Diana Beanie Babies are there? ›

The Ty company “would say, 'We only made 12 of these, and we're only letting your retailer have two,' so the line would start at 4 a.m.,” she explains. “So that's how they bumped up prices.” It may have been a brilliant strategy back in the day, but the market is constantly changing.

Can you really sell Beanie Babies for money? ›

Although you can sell Beanie Babies locally, you'll get the most exposure and the most interest from buyers if you sell online. How you write a listing is important, however. These tips can help: Mention the name of your Beanie Baby in the listing name to make it easy to search.

Which peace bear is worth money? ›

3. Peace the Bear. This Beanie Baby is more common yet some Peace the Bear Babies are worth $2,500. It's one of the only Beanie Babies that was tie-dyed, so no two Peace the Bears are exactly alike.

How can I tell if my Princess Diana Beanie Baby is a first edition? ›

Princess Diana TY Beanie Baby. How to tell if you have 1st generation!

What is a 1997 Princess Diana Beanie Baby worth? ›

Issued in 1997 in honor of the late-Princess Diana with consent by the Diana Foundation, the Princess Beanie Baby plushies were touted as a limited release and incredibly valuable. The secondary market, mere months after its release, would sell the plush toys for over $200, sometimes $300.

What is the best place to sell Beanie Babies? ›

Websites like Mercari, eBay and Etsy are both popular platforms for selling collectibles online. On eBay you can also create an auction where you can sell items to the highest bidder. PlushCollector is another website that specializes in selling beanie babies and other stuffed animals.

Do people really buy Beanie Babies for thousands of dollars? ›

Take a quick spin around the internet and it's quite easy to come across a list of Beanie Babies that are allegedly worth thousands of dollars. On eBay, you can almost always find a Princess bear for sale with an asking price higher than the typical house. The thing is that you can list anything on eBay for anything.

What is the best way to sell rare Beanie Babies? ›

It is a good idea to place a plastic tag protector on each beanie baby toy before you take the photograph of the toy to be listed online for sale on a website like eBay.com, Etsy.com, Rubylane.com, or on a social media selling platform like Facebook marketplace or the Letgo or Mercari app.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.