Why Remote Workers Are More Productive (2024)

Tech developments paved the way for many employees and business owners to work from home for years, and the pandemic prompted a sharp increase in remote work. Working at home is now the norm for many Americans, but is this working arrangement productive?

Research from Ergotron says yes. Researchers polled 1,000 remote and hybrid employees in the U.S. about their productivity, wellness and other life facets. They found that working from home improves work-life balance, increases productivity and fosters healthier lifestyles. It’s a win-win situation that workers relish for its flexibility.

We’ll look at how working from home boosts productivity and how to stay efficient while managing working relationships remotely.

How does working from home increase productivity?

With all the modern comforts of home beckoning our attention, it would be understandable if employers saw a productivity dip in remote workers. However, the opposite is true. In fact, remote workers appear to be working longer hours while enjoying a healthier work-life balance and reduced stress.

  • Remote workers are working longer hours. Ergotron’s study found that 40% of employees work longer hours at home than when in the office. And data from the National Bureau of Economic Research shows these extended workdays are, on average, about 48.5 minutes longer. For full-time employees, this time could add up to more than 193 additional working hours in a year.
  • Remote workers have an improved work-life balance. Perhaps surprisingly, at the same time, 75% of Egotron survey respondents said their work-life balance has improved since they’ve been working from home. In fact, data from Future Forum corroborates this notion. In April 2022, Future Forum found that remote employees have twice as much work-life balance as full-time office workers.
  • Remote workers experience less stress. A 2020 Nitro study also identified trends toward reduced workplace stress among remote workers. In that study, 29% of remote respondents said they were moderately stressed at work, down from 33% in 2019 when office work was the norm. The study also showed the number of employees who felt “extremely” stressed while working has declined. This figure fell from 17% in 2019 to 15% in 2020 as work shifted from in person to at home.

Did You Know?

Fostering a positive work-life balance is a way to keep employees happy – and happier employees are more creative, work smarter and are more productive.

How can workers become more productive at home?

While remote employees report decreased stress levels, workplace stress, pressure and anxiety haven’t dissipated entirely. As remote employees work longer days, balancing their work and life responsibilities is crucial to their mental health and the business’s success.

Here are some tips to help employees combat stress while maintaining their productivity.

1. Take breaks to reduce stress and boost productivity.

Remote workers often take fewer breaks than their in-office colleagues, but taking breaks is one of the most effective ways for remote employees to stay productive.

Encourage your workers to get up periodically during the workday, especially when they’re particularly drained or distracted. They can grab a healthy snack, take a walk, call a friend, meditate, etc.

Many people find success using the Pomodoro Technique, which follows this method:

  1. Choose a task.
  2. Work on it for 25 minutes.
  3. Put a checkmark on a sheet of paper after the 25-minute period ends.
  4. Take a five-minute break. (This marks the completion of one “Pomodoro” sprint.)
  5. After every four Pomodoro sprints, take a longer break.
  6. Continue this throughout the day until your workday is over.

This technique can help your employees decompress and come back more focused.

2. Follow a schedule for a more productive day.

Another technique to help employees stay productive at home is designating set work hours. Encourage employees to maintain the same schedule they did when they worked in the office. Following a routine will help your workers feel more structured and efficient, and it will help keep their attention focused.


Help remote employees figure out their most productive work times and plan their tasks around these productivity peaks.

3. Use optimized tools to boost productivity.

According to the Nitro report, many employees found that some tasks became slightly more challenging after transitioning to remote work. That was true even of simple tasks such as signing and editing PDF documents.

Ensure your remote team has the proper tools to do their jobs away from the office. For example, host short training sessions on specific software applications, implement remote business collaboration apps and install remote working tools that foster communication.

Tip: The best remote PC access software can help remote employees get assistance from in-office IT team members and resolve tech issues quickly.

4. Keep a to-do list to stay productive.

To-do lists can help increase productivity among remote employees. Encourage employees to use small business organization apps to note what they wish to accomplish daily so they’re not jumping from assignment to assignment.

When you and your team work remotely, communication is critical. Set daily or weekly meetings to discuss and prioritize projects and set deadlines so you can stay on track.

5. Eliminate distractions to stay focused and productive.

Distracted workers cost businesses time and money. While the Nitro report suggests that remote employees have more control over their workdays than in-office employees, distractions can still arise at home.

Text messages, phone calls and social media are all distractions at-home employees may face. Encourage remote workers to silence their phones, create a workspace that improves productivity and stay away from areas of their home that may tempt them to direct their attention elsewhere.


Consider using one of the best employee monitoring solutions to ensure remote workers are productive and safe.

What are the benefits of working remotely?

Some of the biggest benefits of working remotely include eliminating the commute, building healthier habits and reducing illness.

  • Remote work eliminates the commute. Eliminating the commute is one of the biggest benefits of working remotely. A 2020 FlexJobs survey found that 79% of respondents said no longer having to commute was a big plus of remote work. The average American spends more than $4,500 yearly on commuting costs, including fuel and auto maintenance. Fully remote workers stand to save this entire amount and eliminate the stress of battling traffic congestion. Additionally, remote work helps the environment by decreasing the number of people taking cars, trains and buses to and from the office.
  • Remote work fosters healthy habits. Ergotron’s survey suggests remote employees can fit their work around other aspects of their lives since they don’t have to factor in commuting times. For example, some remote employees have found more time to build healthier exercise habits. According to researchers, 50% of remote employees take time to run or walk outdoors. About 35% of remote employees can now work out at home.
  • Remote workers avoid office germs. Additionally, sickness spreads quickly among co-workers sharing the same office space. Offices are typically packed with people who work in close proximity to one another and share germs without even realizing it. Allowing your team to work from home helps stop the spread of illnesses among staff members and their families.

How can you manage relationships when working from home?

One of the downsides of working from home is that it can be challenging for employees to connect with their co-workers. Research from Microsoft found that long-term remote work can adversely affect employees’ relationships with their colleagues. Microsoft found that remote employees have reported missing the informal conversations that occur in the lunchroom and office hallways.

As an employer, consider using video conferencing or a virtual phone system such as Grasshopper to get your employees together at least once a week. (Read our Grasshopper review to learn more.) This will keep remote workers engaged and help everyone feel like they’re still part of the same team.


Read our reviews of the best video conferencing services to find a system that fits your needs and budget.

What are the potential downsides of working from home?

While working remotely offers benefits, it also has disadvantages. Below are some of the possible downsides that can come with working at home.

  1. Lack of motivation: Connecting with like-minded colleagues can encourage employees to share ideas and push them to set and achieve career goals. However, due to decreased social interaction, employees might lose motivation more quickly than when working in an office. And without a manager physically present, it can be more challenging for employees to spark some motivation among themselves.
  2. Potential for burnout: The increased time spent working daily can lead remote workers to burn out more quickly than in-office employees. Newer employees might find it difficult to draw a clear line between work and personal time. As a result, they could experience workplace burnout more quickly – and severely.
  3. Less performance feedback: Without in-person supervision, it can be easy to overlook how remote employees can improve their performance. While they may have completed a task, did they go about it the right way? At-home employees don’t have managers walking by their desks offering advice about improving their process.
  4. Limited access to office equipment: Office employees can easily walk to the supply cabinet and grab what they need. However, remote employees have limited access to work supplies. Equipment such as standing desks, fax machines, and business and consumer laptops can be expensive, but they may be essential for remote employees.


Reliable home internet is essential for remote workers who need a consistent connection to stay productive. Compare internet providers in your area to find the best plan for your needs.

Bringing new meaning to “out of office”

As trends emerge around work environments, employees and employers are finding new ways to keep productivity levels high. Allowing employees to work remotely can boost their morale while ensuring your company meets – or exceeds – its previous efficiency rates. And with these tips to further increase your remote employees’ productivity, your team can accomplish new goals while enjoying their time at your company.

Sammi Caramela contributed to the reporting and writing in this article.

Why Remote Workers Are More Productive (2024)


Why Remote Workers Are More Productive? ›

Remote work can be more productive as employees can focus during the day instead of being distracted by conversations, spending time on long lunches and extended coffee breaks, or grueling hours commuting.

Why are remote workers more productive? ›

A recent study by the Harvard Business Review found that remote employees are more productive than their on-site workers/ office workers. The reason is that they are less likely to take time off and quit. A separate study highlights that employees who work remotely can save up to $4,500 annually on commuting costs.

Why is remote work better for employees? ›

The ability to work remotely offers a better work/life balance. Working away from the office can make you feel in control of your life and give you more time to plan both work and home tasks. This gives a sense of achievement and makes employees more productive.

Are people who work remotely happier and more productive study finds? ›

A recent study reported in Forbes found that “workers who worked from home 100% of the time were 20% happier on average than those who didn't have the ability to work from home.” That study also found “a strong correlation between work happiness and overall happiness.” Another study found that “people who have the ...

What impact has a remote way of working had on your productivity? ›

Enhanced Productivity Through Flexibility: One of the significant advantages of remote work is the flexibility it offers employees. By eliminating the daily commute and providing a more comfortable work environment, remote work can lead to increased job satisfaction and reduced stress.

What are 3 advantages of remote working? ›

Remote and flexible schedules not only provide employees with job satisfaction, better health, increased work-life fit, and less stress, but they also benefit employers through higher productivity levels, decreased turnover, and reduced absenteeism.

Why is working from home better than office? ›

Many remote workers report higher productivity levels when working from home. The absence of office distractions, less time spent in meetings, a lack of constant chit-chat in the halls, and the comfort of a personalized workspace can lead to more efficient workdays.

Why are remote workers happier? ›

Remote Work Increases Focus and Productivity

That's good news if your goal is an improvement in your overall happiness, as there's a correlation between productivity and happiness. It's also worth noting that productivity increases the longer a person stays in a remote role as well.

What are the advantages of work from home? ›

Top 10 Advantages of Working from Home
  • Flexible schedule. ...
  • Custom environment. ...
  • Cozy clothes. ...
  • It's easier to make calls. ...
  • Knock off some weekend to-do's. ...
  • No office distractions. ...
  • Zero commuting. ...
  • Save money.

Why do you prefer remote work? ›

"Working from home allows me to begin my workday sooner. I can skip traffic and avoid delays due to weather conditions, which gives me two more hours daily that I can dedicate to my job." "I really appreciate the flexibility that working from home offers. I am more creative and focused early in the morning.

What's the biggest benefit you see to working remotely? ›

Flexibility remains the top benefit of remote work.

According to respondents, 22 percent say the biggest benefit to remote work is flexibility in how they spend their time, for 19 percent it's flexibility in where they choose to live, and for 13 percent it's the flexibility to choose their work location.

What are the arguments in favor of remote work? ›

Increased Productivity and Performance

Telecommuting usually leads to fewer interruptions, less office politics, a quieter noise level, and less (or more efficient) meetings.

Why is remote work good for mental health? ›

Benefits to Mental Health

Working from home offers employees flexibility, better work-life balance, and lower stress levels. Some of the most significant benefits remote work provides are time and the ability to be present for the family.

Why are employees more productive working from home? ›

A study by Standford of 16,000 workers over 9 months found that working from home increase productivity by 13%. This increase in performance was due to more calls per minute attributed to a quieter more convenient working environment and working more minutes per shift because of fewer breaks and sick days.

How can a remote worker be more productive? ›

10 Tips for Staying Productive When Working from Home
  1. Work Out a Schedule with Your Family. ...
  2. Designate Your Own Workspace. ...
  3. Get Up Early – and Dive Right In. ...
  4. Take Breaks. ...
  5. Eliminate the Digital Distractions. ...
  6. Set Times for Checking Email. ...
  7. Make a To-Do List Every Day. ...
  8. Multitask While You Can.

Why is remote work better? ›

Some of the biggest benefits of working remotely include eliminating the commute, building healthier habits and reducing illness. Remote work eliminates the commute. Eliminating the commute is one of the biggest benefits of working remotely.

What is the personalities that benefit most from remote work? ›

Actually, extroverted, curious, social types thrive more in virtual working situations because they are much more able to form the necessary connections to stave off isolation and collaborate effectively in virtual working scenarios.

Are workers more productive at home pros and cons? ›

Pro: Increased productivity. Con: Risk of overworking. Pro: Increased flexibility. Con: Less face time.

Does remote work improve or impair firm Labour productivity? ›

Our findings from estimations of models with firm-fixed effects suggest that the average productivity effect of allowing remote work is significantly negative, though relatively small in magnitude.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.