What nursing field do you think is easiest and hardest? (2024)

I have a fair amount of experience with geriatrics and it kinda seems like the same thing... The aids are always the ones changing the beds, giving baths, etc. I understand the RNs do it sometimes if need be but not usually. It does make the job considerably easier when you have someone to pass off those type of tasks to.

Actually, those things are not the "hard" things.

If I could do only those things and get paid like a nurse, I'd be happy as a clam.

Unfortunately, they tend to staff us poorly and the techs really have their hands full just trying to maintain safety.

The following list is no exaggeration of our day and any nurse on any unit will share these same bug-a-boos:

*It's the paperwork paper work paperwork!!!!!! (I despise paperwork. Rather clean poop. Serious.)

*It's the phone that never stops ringing... usually pt families wasting your time instead of just visiting.

*It's the stoopid know-it-all therapists/techs/counselors that know nothing about drugs trying to tell you how to medicate a pt ("um... hello... do you know as much about working an ambu bag as you think you do about meds, because what you are telling me to do and what this pt's body can handle does not jibe!!!").

*It's being the middle man between everybody and the punching bag for every wanked off pt, family member, doctor and whoever else decides to let loose.

*It's trying to get the internist to call you back and then having to dig back into the pt's past medical hx all the way back to 19-frigging-72 because the doc is uber-paranoid about getting sued... again.

*It's trying to get the psychiatrist to call you back because he won't order any PRN's for anxiety or agitation and we've exhausted all non-pharm interventions... please call back... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

*It's trying to draw blood on a biter and insert a catheter in a hitter.

*It's taking down the 6'4" 275# Vietnam Vet who is putting up a dang good fight with the staff... oh... and we're short-staffed on male MHC's and PCT's... good luck on that one ladies!

*When you're trying to verify your meds, answer the phone, take orders from the doc and there are your 3 high fall-risk pt's taking turns trying to stand up and walk. It's like playing Wack-a-Mole. You sit one down, the other pops up... chair alarms going off like crazy... the tune of "Yankee Doodle" piercing the unit and haunting your dreams.

*Pt's screaming at the top of their lungs and the manic who won't leave the nurse's station and cannot shut up!!

*Spit and pee and poop. Wash. Rinse. Spit and pee and poop. Wash. Rinse. Spit...

*Pt's eating the styrofoam cups, hiding puke under the bed and dancing on the tables.

I'm serious.

GeroPsych is mightily feared in our hospital...

Phew! I guess I just needed to let off some steam!

What nursing field do you think is easiest and hardest? (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.