[Video] Why Sweden may be the fastest rally ever | GRR (2024)

The first Rally Sweden for a couple of years has moved north in search of the rally’s traditional snow. The last one held ended up being a totally gravel-based rally.

The roads that have been chosen are fast, flowing and full of extremely high-speed sections and as a result of that and the new generation of incredibly-powerful hybrid cars, Rally Sweden could be the fastest ever. The current record stands at 126km/h (78mph) from Rally Finland in 2016.

This onboard is just from the rally’s shakedown stage, with 2019 World Champion Ott Tänak onboard his new Hyundai i20 Rally1 car. It’s a good showcase of just how fast this rally will be, and how ridiculously capable modern rally cars are. It’s like he’s driving on some ever-so-slightly slippy tarmac, not a completely frozen road.

[Video] Why Sweden may be the fastest rally ever | GRR (2024)
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