Surgery to remove the bladder (cystectomy) (2024)

A cystectomy is an operation to remove your bladder.This is a big operation. You might be in hospital for between 5 and 14 nights.

After surgery to remove your bladder, you need another way to collectand passyour urine. Doctors call this urinary diversion. There are different types of urinary diversion. Your doctor will talk to you about the different types and which ones might be suitable for you.

For some rarer types of bladder cancer, the surgeon might only remove part of your bladder. This is called a partial cystectomy.

When you might have surgery to remove your bladder

You might have this surgery for:

  • non muscle invasive bladder cancer - this means the cancer is only in the bladder lining, or the connective tissue beneath the bladder lining
  • muscle invasive- this means the cancer has grown into the deeper (muscle)layer of the bladder, or beyond

For non muscle invasive bladder cancer you might have a cystectomyif your cancer:

  • is at a very high risk of spreading or coming back
  • comes back or doesn't respond to BCG (immunotherapy) treatment into your bladder
  • Read about treatment options for non muscle invasive bladder cancer

Cystectomy is one of the main treatments for muscle invasive bladder cancer that hasn't spread.

  • Read about other treatments for muscle invasive bladder cancer

What is a cystectomy?

A radical cystectomy means taking out the whole bladder and the nearbylymph nodes.

Your surgeon will also remove part of your bowel. This is so your surgeon can create another way for your body to collect and pass urine. Your surgeon will discuss this with you beforehand.

In men, the surgeon also usually removes:

  • the prostate gland
  • the glands that store sem*n (seminal vesicles)

In women, the surgeon usually removes:

  • the womb
  • the fallopian tubes

Sometimes the surgeon removesyour ovaries and part of your vagin*. Your surgeontalks this through with you beforehand.

Removing part of the bladder (partial cystectomy)

Removing part of the bladder is not a common operation for bladder cancer. It is usually a treatment for a very rare type of cancer called adenocarcinoma of the bladder.

After having a partial cystectomy, you can pass urine in the normal way. But your bladder will be smaller so you may need to go to the toilet more often.

How do you pass urine after a cystectomy?

After surgery to remove your bladder, you need another way to collectand passyour urine. Doctors call this urinary diversion. There are different types of urinary diversion. Your surgeon will discuss the most suitable options for you. They will also tell you about the benefits and complications of each type.

You mighthave:

  • a bag outside your body to collect urine (urostomy or ileal conduit)
  • an internal pouch to collect urine (continent urinary diversion)
  • a new bladder (bladder reconstruction or neobladder)
  • a pouch made from your back passage (recto sigmoid pouch)

Urostomy or ileal conduit

This is the most common way to collect your urine. A urostomy means you have a bag outside your body to collect your urine.

The surgeon creates a new opening (stoma) for your urine to pass through. This can also be called an ileal conduit.

  • Read more about having a urostomy

Continent urinary diversion

A continent urinary diversion is an internal pouch. The surgeon makes the pouch from a section of your bowel. The pouch stores your urine. Your surgeon makes a new opening called a stoma on your tummy (abdomen) for the urine to pass through.

This way of collecting urine allows you to control (be continent) when urine comes out. You don’t have to wear a bag to collect urine. You pass a thin tube (catheter) into the stoma to pass urine. This is called self catheterisation.

It is a longer operation than a urostomy and it is less common. You will have to carry on self catheterising for the rest of your life. And there is a risk that you might need further surgery in the future.

  • Read more about having a continent urinary diversion

Bladder reconstruction (neobladder)

Your surgeon might make you anew bladder (neobladder) from a section of your bowel. After surgery, you pass urine through your urethra as you did before. It will feel different, and you have to learn how to do this.

It is a longer operation than a urostomy and is less common. You have to pass a thin tube (catheter) through your urethra if you are unable to empty your new bladder. And there is the risk that you will need further surgery in the future.

  • Read about having a bladder reconstruction

Recto sigmoid pouch

A recto sigmoid pouch is when your back passage (rectum) is made into a pouch to collect urine like a bladder. After this surgery you pass urine out with your poofrom your rectum.

This type of diversion is very uncommon. It is only carried out in a few hospitals, by highly specialist surgeons.

How you have surgery

Open surgery

This means your surgeon makes one long cut in your tummy (abdomen) to remove your bladder. 

Keyhole surgery (laparoscopic surgery)

Keyhole surgery is also called minimal access or laparoscopic surgery. Instead of one large wound site on your abdomenyou have several smaller wounds. Generally, with keyhole surgery people recover quicker.

The surgeon makes several small cuts on your tummy (abdomen). They put small surgical instruments and a laparoscope through these to carry out the operation. A laparoscope is like a narrow telescope that lights and magnifies the inside of your body. Your surgeon can see the images on a TV screen.

Some of the advantages of having surgery this way include:

  • lower length of stay in hospital

  • you need less pain medication

  • you lose less blood during the operation, so you need fewer blood transfusions

Robotic surgery

This is where the surgeonusesa machine (robot) to control the laparoscopic instruments during surgery. This is called robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery.

This is becoming the more common way of doing this cystectomy operation in the largerhospitals.Your surgeon may ask you to join a clinical trial to look at the benefits between open surgery and robotic surgery.

After surgery

After a big operation, you may wake up in theintensive care unitor a high dependency recovery unit. You usually move back to the ward within a day or so.

You usually stay in hospital for a 1 or 2 weeks.

  • Find out more about what to expect after surgery

Problems after surgery

There is a risk of problems or complications after any operation. Many problems are minor but some can be life threatening.Treating them as soon as possible is important.

We have a general page about problems after cystectomy and urinary diversion.

  • Go to the problems after bladder cancer surgery page

Some of the possible problems depend on which type of urinary diversion you have.

  • Read about the different types of bladder cancer surgery and the problems you might have
Surgery to remove the bladder (cystectomy) (2024)


Surgery to remove the bladder (cystectomy)? ›

What is a cystectomy? A radical cystectomy means taking out the whole bladder and the nearby lymph nodes. Your surgeon will also remove part of your bowel. This is so your surgeon can create another way for your body to collect and pass urine.

Is cystectomy a major surgery? ›

Cystectomy is a complex surgical procedure in which a surgeon removes some or all of your urinary bladder — the organ below your kidneys and above your urethra that holds your urine (pee) before it leaves your body. Surgeons usually perform a cystectomy to treat bladder cancer.

How long does it take to fully recover from a cystectomy? ›

It can take 8 to 12 weeks to recover from a radical cystectomy. Even when you are 'healed' it can still be several months before you feel completely recovered. There are some things you can do to help your recovery. You might find your bowels do not work the same way they did before your surgery.

What is the medical term for cystectomy surgical removal of the bladder? ›

Cystectomy (sis-TEK-tuh-me) is a surgery to remove the urinary bladder. The procedure to remove the entire bladder is called a radical cystectomy.

Do you have to wear a bag after bladder removal? ›

Your surgeon remakes a section of your intestine into a holding pouch inside your abdomen. You won't need to wear a waste bag on the outside.

What is the most common complication of a cystectomy? ›

Bleeding during cystectomy was the most common complication observed (81.5% [172/211]). Severe intraoperative complications (EAUiaiC grade > 2) were recorded in 8 patients. Overall, 521 postoperative complications were recorded.

What is the life expectancy after bladder removal? ›

The perioperative mortality was 1.56%. The overall survival at 2 years, 5 years and 10 years for the total patient population was 83.1%, 52.3% and 46.6%, respectively. The 5-year survival of tumours confined to the bladder (< T3) was 79.4% versus 27.5% when the tumour extended beyond the bladder (> T3).

How is life after cystectomy? ›

Because radical cystectomy involves making new connections on the bowel, you may experience unpredictable bowel function following surgery, meaning either loose bowels or constipation. Most patients will get back to normal with time. Nutritious meals, staying hydrated and regular walks are important.

Can you live a normal life without a bladder? ›

Urine then empties into a pouch outside the body, which must be regularly changed. “I'm feeling well and doing just about everything I did before,” said Aman. “It's just something you get used to. Sometimes you have to do things differently in your life, but it's really no problem and it's not dragging me down.

How serious is a cyst on the bladder? ›

Bladder cysts are almost always benign, which means that they are noncancerous. A doctor should determine whether any newly formed lump is a cyst or a tumor, as tumors are more likely to become cancerous.

How do you pee after radical cystectomy? ›

A radical cystectomy also involves creating a urinary diversion since the bladder is removed during the procedure. This urinary diversion involves using parts of the intestines to allow urine to pass from the kidneys to either an ileal conduit, urinary reservoir pouch called an Indiana Pouch, or a neobladder.

What can you not do after bladder surgery? ›

Contact your doctor if these symptoms last for more than a few weeks. Strenuous activity and heavy lifting should be avoided for around three weeks after your surgery. This means you should not lift grocery bags, children, pets or other things that cause you to strain until your doctor tells you that it is okay to.

What is the difference between a cystectomy and an urostomy? ›

A urostomy is a way of collecting urine through a bag outside your body. It is also called an ileal conduit. This operation is usually part of the surgery to remove your bladder (cystectomy). After the surgeon removes your bladder you need another way of collecting your urine.

How do you pee after bladder removal? ›

Your surgeon makes a new opening called a stoma on your tummy (abdomen) for the urine to pass through. This way of collecting urine allows you to control (be continent) when urine comes out. You don't have to wear a bag to collect urine. You pass a thin tube (catheter) into the stoma to pass urine.

Can you still pee with a urostomy? ›

After a urostomy, you pass urine through an opening (stoma) in your tummy (abdomen). You wear a bag at all times to catch the urine as it leaves your body.

What is the life expectancy of someone with a urostomy bag? ›

People with ileal conduit and other types of urostomy have the same life expectancy as people who have not undergone these procedures, as long as there are no serious complications. With proper care and lifestyle adjustments, people with a urostomy can lead typical lives.

How serious is a cystectomy? ›

A cystectomy is an operation to remove your bladder. This is a big operation. You might be in hospital for between 5 and 14 nights. After surgery to remove your bladder, you need another way to collect and pass your urine.

Is cystectomy a minor surgery? ›

What is a laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy? An ovarian cystectomy is surgery to remove a cyst from your ovary. Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery technique that only uses a few small incisions in your lower abdomen.

How long does ovarian cystectomy surgery take? ›

Recovery time is generally quick with a person often able to resume most activities within 5 days. Though times vary depending on how complicated the procedure may be, surgery often takes around 1 hour and requires the person to stay in a recovery room or post-op room for 2 to 3 hours for monitoring.

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