Learn Sports Terms in German (2024)

alpine skiingder Ski alpin
archerydas Bogenschießen
badmintondas Badminton
der Federball
ballooningdas (Luft-)Ballonfahren
baseballder Baseball
basketballder Basketball
biathlonder Biathlon
bobsleighder Bob
boxingdas Boxen
broad/long jumpder Weitsprung
bungee jumpingdas Bungeespringen
canoe/kayakdas Kanu
der/das Kajak
caving, spelunkingdie Höhlenforschung
cricketdas Kricket
cross-country skiingder Langlauf
curlingdas Curling
cyclingder Radsport
divingdas Wasserspringen
downhill skiingder Abfahrtslauf
with épées
with foils
with sabres
das Fechten
der Fechtsport
Degen fechten
Florett fechten
Säbel fechten
figure skatingder Eiskunstlauf
football (soccer)der Fußball
football (Amer.)der Football
amerikanischer Fußball
freestyle aerialsdas Trickskispringen
freestyle mogulsdie Trickski-Buckelpiste
golfdas Golf
gymnasticsdie Gymnastik
das Turnen
handballder Handball
hockey, field hockeydas Hockey
horseback riding,
das Reiten
ice hockeydas Eishockey
ice skatingdas Eislaufen
das Schlittschuhlaufen
indoor handballder Hallenhandball
judodas Judo
luge, toboggandas Rodeln/Rennrodeln
motocrossdas Motocross
motor racingdas Autorennen
der Rennsport
mountain climbing
das Bergsteigen
Nordic combinedNordische Kombination
Olympicsdie Olympischen Spiele
die Olympiade
pentathlonder Fünfkampf
der Pentathlon
polodas Polo
rock climbingdas Felsklettern
rowingdas Rudern
der Rudersport
rugbydas Rugby
sailing, yachtingdas Segeln
shootingdas Schießen
short track (ice)der Short Track
skiingdas Skilaufen
ski jumpingdas Skispringen
giant slalom
der Slalom
snowboardingdas Snowboard
soccer (football)der Fußball
softballder Softball
speed skatingder Eisschnelllauf
spelunking, cavingdie Höhlenforschung
swimmingdas Schwimmen
table tennisdas Tischtennis
tae kwan dodas Taekwando
tennisdas Tennis
toboggan, lugedas Rodeln
volleyballder Volleyball
water poloder Wasserball
weight liftingdas Gewichtheben
wrestlingdas Ringen
Track and Fielddie Leichtathletik
broad/long jumpder Weitsprung
discusdas Diskuswerfen
hammer throwdas Hammerwerfen
high jumpder Hochsprung
hurdlesder Hürdenlauf
javelindas Speerwerfen
pole vaultder Stabhochsprung
100m dash
der Lauf
der 100m-Lauf
shot putdas Kugelstoßen
track (events)Laufwettbewerbe (pl.)
triathlonder Dreikampf
der Triathlon

English-German Sports Glossary

  • Noun genders indicated by: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), s (das, neu.)
  • Abbreviations: adj. (adjective), n. (noun), v. (verb), pl. (plural), sing. (singular)


amateur (n.) r Amateur, e Amateurin

athlete (n.) r Athlet/e Athletin, r Sportler/e Sportlerin

athletic, good at sports (adj.) sportlich

athletics (n., pl.) e Athletik (sing. only), r Sport (sing. only)


badminton s Badminton
shuttleco*ck der Federball

ball r Ball (r Fußball = soccer ball)

baseball (n.) r Baseball
baseball bat r Baseballschläger
baseball cap r Basecap, e Baseballmütze
(baseball) base s Mal, s Base
on second base auf Mal/Base zwei
(baseball) batter r Schlagmann
(baseball) pitcher r Werfer, r Pitcher

basketball r Basketball

beach volleyball r Strandvolleyball

bicycle, bike (n.) s Fahrrad, s Rad, s Velo (Swiss Ger.)
motorbike s Motorrad, e Maschine
mountain bike s Mountainbike

blade, runner (on skates, sled) e Kufe (-n)
r Kufenstar ice-skating star

bodybuilding s Muskeltraining, s Bodybuilding

broad jump (n.) r Weitsprung


caddie (n., golf) r Caddie

championship (n.) e Meisterschaft (-en)
European Championship e Europameisterschaft (EM) (soccer)
world championship e Weltmeisterschaft

champion (n.) r Meister, e Meisterin
European champion r Europameister

cleat, spike (on shoe) r Stollen (-), r Spike (-s)

coach (athletics) (n.) r Trainer

compete for (a medal) (v.) kämpfen um (eine Medaille)

cricket (game) (n.) s Kricket
cricket bat s Schlagholz
cricket match s Kricketspiel
cricket pitch s Kricketfeld

crossbar (goal) e Torlatte

cycling (n.) der Radsport, s Radfahren


defender (soccer, etc.) r Verteidiger

defense, defenders e Verteidigung

do/engage in sports (v.) Sport treiben
I do sports/engage in sports. Ich treibe Sport.
I do gymnastics. Ich bin in Gymnastik. / Ich mache Gymnastik.

doping s Doping

a draw, tied (adj.) unentschieden


engage in/do sports Sport treiben
She likes to do sports. Sie treibt Sport gern.

equestrian (rider) r Reiter, e Reiterin

equestrian event(s) s Reiten


face mask (sports) e Gesichtsmaske

face-off (ice hockey) s Bully

fan (of sports) r Fan, r Sportliebhaber

favorite (adj.) (game, sport) Lieblings- (s Lieblingsspiel, r Lieblingssport)

fencer (sport)r Fechter (-), die Fechterin (-nen)
fencing s Fechten
with épées Degen fechten
with foils Florett fechten
with sabres Säbel fechten

field, pitch (sports field) s (Sport)Feld, r (Sport)Platz

final(s), the final round s Finale, r Endkampf
semi-finals s Halbfinale

final lap/race r Endlauf

finish line s Ziel, e Ziellinie

finishing tape s Zielband

football r Fußball (soccer, European football)

Fußball is often referred to as "König Fußball" (King Soccer) in Germany because of that sport's dominant position over any other Sportart.

football (American) r (amerikanische) Football
football (soccer) r Fußball

Formula One (racing) e Formel-Eins, Formel-1

forward, striker (soccer) r Stürmer

freestyle (swimming) (n.) r Freistil
the 400m freestyle der 400m-Freistil
freestyle relay (race) die Freistilstaffel


game(s) (n.) s Spiel(e), r Wettkampf (match, competition)

to go in for (a sport) (eine Sportart) ausüben, betreiben

goal (soccer, hockey) s Tor
score/shoot a goal ein Tor schiessen

goalie, goalkeeper r Tormann, r Torwart/e Torwartin, r Torhüter/e Torhüterin

goal post (n.) r Torpfosten

golf (n.) s Golf
golf ball r Golfball
golf cap e Golfmütze
golf cart s Golfkart
golf club r Golfschläger
golf course r Golfplatz
golfer r Golfspieler, e Golfspielerin
golf tournament s Golfturnier
(golf) green s Green

The German word Golf has two meanings and two genders. The masculine form, der Golf means "gulf" in English. The game is das Golf.

good at/in sports, athletic gut im Sport, sportlich

gymnasium (n.) e Turnhalle, e Sporthalle

The word gymnasium comes from Greek. A gymnasion was originally a place for physical and mental training. English took the physical side, while German uses the mental meaning. In German, das Gymnasium is an academic secondary school.

gymnastics (n.) e Gymnastik

gymnastic (adj.) gymnastisch

gym shoes (n., pl.) e Turnschuhe

gym suit (n.) r Trainingsanzug


hole (golf)e Bahn, s Loch
on the ninth hole auf der neunten Bahn
on the ninth hole auf dem neunten Loch
the 17th hole die 17. Bahn, das 17. Loch

high jump r Hochsprung

hit (n.) r Treffer

hit (the ball) (v.) (den Ball) schlagen (schlug, geschlagen)

hurdles (n., pl.) r Hürdenlauf (running), s Hürdenrennen (equestrian)


injury (n.) e Verletzung


javelin (n.) das Speerwerfen

jog (v.) joggen (joggte, gejoggt)

jogging suit (n.) r Jogging-Anzug

jump (n.) r Sprung
broad/long jump (n.) r Weitsprung
high jump (n.) r Hochsprung

jump (v.) springen


kick (v.) kicken (kickte, gekickt)

kick (n.) r Kick (a kick in soccer, football)

The noun der Kicker/die Kickerin in German refers to a soccer/football player, not just someone playing the position of "kicker." The verb "to kick" can take several forms in German (treten, schlagen). The verb kicken is usually limited to sports.


league e Liga
German Federal League (soccer) die Bundesliga

long jump (n.) r Weitsprung

lose (v.) verlieren (verlor, verloren)
We lost (the game). Wir haben (das Spiel) verloren.


medal (n.) e Medaille
bronze medal die Bronzemedaille
silver medal die Silbermedaille
gold medal die Goldmedaille

medley, individual medley (race) e Lagen (pl.)
the 4x100m medley relays die 4x100m Lagen

motocross s Motocross

motorcycle, motorbike s Motorrad, e Maschine

motor racing r Motorsport

mountain bike s Mountainbike

mountain climbing, mountaineering (n.) s Bergsteigen


net (n.) s Netz


Olympiad e Olympiade, die Olympischen Spiele

Olympic flame das olympische Feuer

Olympic torch die olympische Fackel

Olympic village das olympische Dorf

Olympics e Olympiade, die Olympischen Spiele
the Olympic Games (n. pl.) die Olympischen Spiele

opening ceremonies (Olympics) die (olympische) Eröffnungsfeier

opponent r Gegner, e Gegnerin


pentathlete r Fünfkämpfer
pentathlon (event) r Fünfkampf

pitch (baseball, cricket) (n.) r Wurf, r Pitch

pitch, field (sports) s (Sport)Feld, r (Sport)Platz

pitch, throw, toss (v.) werfen (warf, geworfen)

pitcher (baseball, cricket) r Werfer, r Pitcher

piton (n.) r Felshacken (for mountaineering)

play (v.) spielen (spielte, gespielt)

player r Spieler (m.), e Spielerin (f.)

playoff (game), deciding game s Entscheidungsspiel, r Entscheidungskampf
final(s) (n.) s Finale

point (points) (n.) r Punkt (e Punkte)

pole vault (n.) r Stabhochsprung

polo s Polo
water polo (n.) r Wasserball

pro, professional (n.) r Profi, r Berufssportler

putt (n., golf) r Putt
putting green s Green


race (auto, foot, etc.) (n.) s Rennen, r Wettlauf
horse race s Pferderennen
motor race s Motorrennen, s Autorennen

referee, umpire (n.) r Schiedsrichter

relay race, relay team (n.) r Staffellauf, e Staffel
freestyle relay (race) die Freistilstaffel

results (scores) (n., pl.) e Entscheidung (sing.), die Resultate (pl.)

run (v.) laufen (lief, ist gelaufen), rennen (rannte, ist gerannt)

runner (n.) r Läufer, e Läuferin

running (n.) s Laufen, s Rennen


score (n.) s Ergebnis, r Punktstand, e Punktzahl, e Entscheidung, r Score (golf only)
scoreboard (n.) e Anzeigetafel
The score was Adler 2, Fire 0. Es stand 2:0 (zwei zu null) für Adler (gegen Fire).
What's the score? Wie steht's?

score (a goal, point) (v.) ein Tor schießen, einen Punkt erzielen/machen

scoreless, nil (adj.) null zu null, torlos (football, soccer)

scores, times, results (n., pl.) e Entscheidung (sing.), die Resultate (pl.)

serve (tennis) (v.) aufschlagen (schlug auf, aufgeschlagen)

shinguard, shinpad r Schienbeinschutz

shot put (n.) s Kugelstoßen

shoot, fire (gun) (v.) schießen (pron. SHEE-sen)
shooting (n.) s Schießen
shooting club r Schießverein shooting match s Wettschießen
shooting range r Schießplatz, r Schießstand
shooting practice e Schießübung

soccer (football) r Fußball

spectator(s) r Zuschauer (die Zuschauer)

spectator sport r Publiku*mssport

spike (on shoe) r Spike (-s)

sport(s) (n.) r Sport (singular only)
sports equipment e Sportartikel (pl.)
sporting/sports event e Sportveranstaltung
sports field s Sportfeld, r Sportplatz
sports medicine e Sportmedizin
sportswear e Sportkleidung
type of sport (the sport) die Sportart
types of sports die Sportarten (pl.)

stadium(s) s Stadion (die Stadien, pl.)

stage (of a race, event) e Etappe
in the first stage in der ersten Etappe

stock-car racing s Stockcarrennen

stopwatch e Stoppuhr

striker, forward (soccer) r Stürmer

swim (v.) schwimmen (schwamm, ist geschwommen)

swimming (n.) s Schwimmen

swimming pool(s) (n.) s Schwimmbad (-bäder), r Swimmingpool (-pools, pl.)
indoor swimming pool (n.) s Hallenbad


table tennis, ping pong (n.) r Tischtennis

tackle, tackling (n.) tiefes Fassen, s Fassen und Halten, s Tackling

tackle (v.) (tief) fassen (und halten)

target, finish line s Ziel
target practice e Schießübung

shooting target e Schießscheibe

team (n.) e Mannschaft, s Team

team sports (n., pl.) e Mannschaftssportarten (pl.)

tennis (n.) s Tennis
tennis clothes die Tenniskleidung
tennis court r Tennisplatz
tennis racket r Tennisschläger
tennis shoes e Tennisschuhe (pl.)

throw, toss, pitch (v.) werfen (warf, geworfen)

tied, a draw (adj.) unentschieden

time (an event) (v.) stoppen, die Zeit messen/nehmen

timekeeper (person) (n.) r Zeitnehmer, e Zeitnehmerin

timekeeping (n.) e Zeitmessung

times (n., pl.) e Zeiten (pl.), e Entscheidung (sing.)

track (athletic) e Bahn, e Rennbahn

track and field e Leichtathletik (sing. only)

training (n.) s Trainieren, e Ausbildung

train, work out (v.) trainieren


umpire, referee r Schiedsrichter


water polo r Wasserball

win (v.) gewinnen (gewann, gewonnen)
They won (the game). Sie haben (das Spiel) gewonnen.

world championship e Weltmeisterschaft (WM)

World Cup (soccer) r Weltpokal

Learn Sports Terms in German (2024)


How can I memorize German words easily? ›

Hey German learner!
  1. Use repetition: reading, writing and speaking words over and over again.
  2. Associate words with drawings, pictures and funny scenes.
  3. Try to use the language routinely in the context of daily life.
  4. Reading as much as possible, especially the newspaper, helps you to remember words.
Apr 28, 2016

What sport are Germans best at? ›

What is Germany's favorite sport? As we've seen, in terms of the numbers that go and watch, football, followed by handball and ice hockey, are the most favorite sports in Germany. Boxing also gathers huge crowds.

How do I tell my hobbies in German? ›

To ask “what are your hobbies?” in German you can say was sind deine Hobbys?, or in a more formal situation, was sind Ihre Hobbys?

What are the most important words to learn in German? ›

Basic German Words
  • Guten Tag = Good day.
  • Hallo = Hello.
  • Auf Wiedersehen = Goodbye.
  • Bitte = Please.
  • Danke = Thanks, Thank you.
  • Entschuldigung = Sorry.
  • Gesundheit = Bless you (after someone sneezes)
  • Ja = Yes.

How many words do you need to be fluent in German? ›

To be fluent in German, a speaker needs to know around 10,000 words.

Is German vocabulary difficult? ›

German is in many respects a difficult language for English- speaking learners; the case and gender systems present prob- lems which are quite unfamiliar from the native language, and word order contains some serious pitfalls.

What is Germany famous for? ›

With an interesting and rich history narrated by the old-fashion and colorful architecture, castles, palaces, cathedrals and monuments themselves, its landscapes, mountains and forests, delicious food and beer, Germany remains one of the top destinations in the world for travelers.

What is sport in German? ›

Sport Noun. Sport, der ~ (Stufen einer Leiter)

Why is German football so good? ›

Yet Germany's focus on technique, tactical awareness and positioning allows talented players, however diminutive, to make the grade as long as they're good enough. Next time you watch Germany play, pay attention to how often the ball is lost due to a poor first touch, or how often possession is given away cheaply.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.