Hummingbird Feeders: What is the Best Hummingbird Feeder? (2024)

Hummingbird Feeders: What is the Best Hummingbird Feeder? (1)

When choosing a hummingbird feeder, it is important to consider a few things:

  • The size of the feeder.
  • The type of feeder.
  • The number of ports.
  • The type of nectar.
  • The cleanliness of the feeder.
  • The location of the feeder.
  • The price of the feeder.

Dish or bottle feeder?

Dish feeders have a bowl-shaped perch that the birds can sit on while they drink from the feeding ports around the edge of the dish. Bottle feeders have a small reservoir at the top that holds the nectar, and a long, slender tube that extends down into the feeding ports.

Bottle feeders are easier to keep clean – you just need to rinse out the reservoir every few days – and they're less likely to attract ants. But dish feeders are more popular with hummingbirds because they offer more perching space.


The three main types of materials are plastic, glass, and ceramic.

Plastic feeders are less expensive and readily available, but they can be more difficult to clean than other types of feeders. Glass feeders are more fragile than plastic but many people prefer them because they're easier to see the nectar level and they don't discolor over time as some plastics do. They're also very durable and easy to clean. However, they're usually more expensive than plastic or glass feeders.


In fact, some of the larger feeders out there can actually be less attractive to hummingbirds than their smaller counterparts. Here are seven tips to keep in mind when selecting a hummingbird feeder:

Choose a feeder with multiple feeding ports. This will make it more attractive to hummingbirds and also help reduce the chances of mold growth.

Avoid very large or deep feeders. These tend to be difficult for hummingbirds to navigate and can also promote the growth of mold.

Make sure your feeder is easy to clean and features tight-fitting parts that won't easily come apart and allow moisture to seep in. Hummingbirds are very particular about their food and don't appreciate moldy offerings!

Go for a Feeder that's easy to fill. The last thing you want is a feeder that's difficult or time-consuming to refill on a regular basis.

The ideal size is around 2-3 inches wide and 6-8 inches tall. And make sure to keep the feeder clean – dirty water will only attract insects and other pests.

Bright Colors Work Best!

The colors of your feeder are important for two reasons: first, birds see color differently than we do and will be more attracted to bright shades; second, different birds have different preferences for color.

Try Multiple Feeders Around Your Yard

We have a large selection of hummingbird feeders to choose from. Try a couple of different ones and see what works best for the hummingbirds in your backyard.

Buy online or visit us in the store and we will be happy to help choose the best ones.

Hummingbird Feeders: What is the Best Hummingbird Feeder? (2024)
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