How long does it take to move cross country? (2024)

How long does it take to move cross country? (1)

by Ethan Greenfieldon Oct 17, 2019.

No matter how you look at it, moving is extremely time-consuming – you need a few months to prepare for your relocation (planning your move, sorting out and purging your belongings, finding reliable movers, collecting and updating documents, packing your items, organizing a safe and efficient moving day, etc.) and then a few more months to settle into your new life (unpacking, exploring your new city, making new friends, etc.). And as if that is not enough, the actual transportation of your belongings may take up to a couple of weeks – in the event of a long-distance move.

When moving cross country, you need to allow for time – depending on the actual distance to your final destination, it can take anywhere from a couple of days to a few weeks for your shipment to arrive. And you need to survive that time without your items.

It is, therefore, very important to have realistic expectationsof when you will receive your delivery – so you can plan better and keep anxiety at bay.

So, how long does a long distance move take? How long does it take movers to deliver?

Read on to find out:

How long does a cross country move take?

The average time it takes to complete a long distance move is between 10 and 14 days, but you can receive your shipment in as little as 3 days or as long as 3 weeks or more.

# A moving truck driver typically covers about 400-500 miles a day. Therefore, a shipment going at a distance of 1,000 miles will travel for at least two days – and an extra day will be needed for each additional 500 miles.

# In addition to travel days, another day or two should be allowed for unforeseen circ*mstances such as inclement weather or mechanical problems.

# If the shipment is consolidated with other shipments, the delivery time will increase further as the movers will have to make multiple stops along the way.

Hence, it’s standard practice for cross country movers to give a two-week delivery window.

The actual time it will take your items to arrive at your new home, however, depends on the specific circ*mstances in your case and the moving company you’ve hired (the delivery timeframe will be specified in your moving contract).

What factors affect the delivery time?

When moving cross country, it isdifficult to determine the exact date of a shipment’s arrival as the delivery time depends on many variables:

Move distance

The greater the distance between your old home and your new one, the longer your move is going to take, of course.

  • If you’re moving to a neighboring state, you can expect to receive your belongings within a few days;
  • If you’re moving from coast to coast your delivery can take up to 20 days.

Other pick-ups and deliveries along the way

In long-distance moves, the big tractor-trailers have to travel thousands of miles across the country – they spend a lot of time on the road and use a lot of gas. So, in order to stay efficient and minimize fuel expenses, long-distance movers need to fill the trucks to their maximum capacity before sending them out – they consolidate multiple shipments going along the same route.

This helps reduce moving costs, but means that the movers need to stop multiple times to pick up and drop off shipments along the way – so deliveries take longer. It’s the main reason why an interstate moving company can’t guarantee a delivery date – the delivery time will depend on the number of moves the professionals are handling at once and the amount of time each of these moves takes.

If your belongings are loaded in the truck together with other people’s shipments, your movers will have to make several stops en route to your destination for pick-ups and deliveries – the locations of these pick-ups and drop-offs, the size of the shipments, and the complexity of the jobs will determine how quickly your shipment is delivered.

If you’re moving enough items to fill the entire trailer,the movers will drive directly to your destination and will deliver your belongings much quicker than if you’re sharing truck space.

In case you’re pressed for time or need your items delivered on a specific date, you can pay for the exclusive use of the moving vehicle, so your move is completed faster. (See also: What additional services do movers offer?)

Weather conditions

Inclement weather may cause serious delays in delivery schedules – the roads may be blocked by snow and ice, the moving truck may get caught in a storm, there may be road closures due to strong winds or torrential rains, etc. (See also: How can bad weather affect your move)

If you’re planning to move across the country in the winter (when movers’ rates are usually cheaper because fewer people are moving), keep in mind that the risk of late deliveries due to adverse weather conditions is especially high during the cold season. (See also: Tips for moving in the winter)

Traffic problems

Traffic issues and mechanical problems can also result in considerable delays:

  • The moving truck transporting your belongings may get stuck in a traffic jam;
  • There may be a traffic accident on the road to your home – so the trailer will have to wait until the road is cleared.
  • The moving vehicle may have an accident itself;
  • The truck may get a flat tire or break down along the way – in the worst case scenario, your items may have to be transferred to another vehicle.

Driving laws

Last but not least, driving laws can also affect delivery times – safety laws state a maximum number of hours per day that a driver can operate a truck, so your movers can’t drive straight through until they reach your new home. They need to stop to rest – and this will prolong the amount of time it will take them to deliver your belongings.

All these factors are taken into account when estimating the delivery window stated in the Bill of Lading, but unforeseen delays can still alter the planned delivery schedule. It is, therefore, very important to stay in constant contact with your movers – call them every few days to find out about changes in the itinerary, experienced delays, and issues that may have arisen with your shipment. Call again the day before the estimated drop-off date to confirm the delivery time, so you can adjust your plans and arrange to be present when your shipment arrives.

Maintaining good communication with your moving company during the delivery processwill allow you to keep track of the progress of your shipment (so you can have your peace of mind) and will help ensure a smooth delivery.

What happens if your delivery is late?

Your movers are required to deliver your shipment within the delivery window indicated in the Bill of Lading. If your goods have not arrived by the last date of that time frame, your delivery is late and you may be entitled to compensation.

Depending on the moving company you’ve chosen and the specific conditions in your moving contract, you may be reimbursed for living expenses incurred in the time between the last day of the delivery window and the date when your shipment actually arrives – hotel accommodations, restaurant meals, etc. Just make sure you keep all the receipts for expenses incurred due to the late delivery and file an inconvenience claim with your movers as soon as possible.

So, as infuriating as it may be not to receive your shipment by the end of the delivery window, try to remain calm and maintain good communication with your movers.

If you’ve hired a reputable moving company, the honest professionals will work to resolve the issue in the most efficient way possible. There will be a valid reason for the delay (adverse weather, traffic problems, a job gone overtime, etc.) and you will be compensated for the inconvenience.

If you can’t reach the movers, though, it means real trouble – you may have fallen victim to moving scam and the rogue movers may just disappear with your belongings or hold them hostage until you pay a hefty ransom. In such an unfortunate event, don’t hesitate to first call the police and then file a complaint against the movers.

See also: How to avoid moving scams

Knowing how long it takes to move cross country will help you plan your relocation in detail and ensure a smooth and successful moving experience. Good luck!

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How long does it take to move cross country? (2024)


How long does it take to move cross country? ›

When factoring in end-to-end services

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such as packing and unpacking, the entire cross-country moving process can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks. While this may be a stressful period, you'll be thankful for professional assistance once your move is completed.

How difficult is it to move across country? ›

Moving cross-country is no easy feat — even for the most organized and prepared individual. Once you get to your new home, be sure to find plenty of time to enjoy the area in between unpacking boxes!

How much money should I have before moving cross-country? ›

How much money should you save to move across the country? Moving across the country costs $2,400 to $15,000, depending on factors like distance, destination, moving method and more.

What is the cheapest time of year to move cross-country? ›

Time Your Move Strategically

Peak moving season is May through September, so if you have some flexibility, aim to move during fall or winter Since summer is the busiest season for cross-country moving companies due to nicer weather and kids being out of school, moving prices are higher.

What qualifies as a cross-country move? ›

Any move that's more than 400 miles qualifies as a cross-country move. Many people wonder, “How hard is it to move cross-country?” And we won't sugar coat the answer (although we are here to make it as stress-free as possible).

Is moving cross country stressful? ›

Is moving cross-country stressful? Yes, we won't lie to you: Moving across the country can be stressful, even if you've done it before. And moving cross-country alone can be extra stressful, since you're the only one responsible for making sure it all goes as smoothly as possible before, during, and after your move.

What country is the easiest to move to from us? ›

The Eight Best Countries to Move to from the US
  1. Portugal. Portugal is widely regarded as one of the best countries to move to from the US. ...
  2. Spain. Right beside Portugal, Spain provides another warm, laid-back home for Americans living abroad. ...
  3. Greece. ...
  4. Malta. ...
  5. Montenegro. ...
  6. Thailand. ...
  7. Singapore. ...
  8. South Korea.
Feb 21, 2024

What time of year is best for cross country move? ›

Spring and fall are typically the best seasons to move, as summer can be extreme in some parts of the country, while winter can be extreme in other parts. However, summer is the most expensive time to move.

Is 4000 enough to move out? ›

In general, you should have at least three months' worth of living expenses saved up as emergency funds just in case something unexpected happens during your move. For example, if you're planning on renting an apartment for $1,200 per month, then you'll need about $4,000 in savings before moving out.

How do you move cross country for the first time? ›

Steps For Moving Across Country
  1. Step 1: Budget For The Move. ...
  2. Decide How To Move Your Things Across The Country. ...
  3. Step 3: Plan Your Cross-Country Travel. ...
  4. Step 4: Create A Packing Plan. ...
  5. Step 5: Set Up Mail Forwarding And Contact All Utilities And Services. ...
  6. Step 6: Pack Your Travel Bag Last. ...
  7. Step 7: Clean Out The Place.

Is 30 too old to move country? ›

You are NEVER too old to move abroad.

Because whatever stage of life you're in, single or with a family, we strongly believe, that you should never let your age put your off fulfilling that dream of moving to another country.

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In essence, being under 30 is the ideal age for venturing abroad. With a blend of experience, ambition, adaptability, and fresh perspectives, this age group is highly valued internationally.

What is the least expensive month to move? ›

What Is the Cheapest Month to Move? The moving industry's “off-season” typically runs from September through April, so if you're interested in moving during those months, you could save a good chunk of money. This is likely due to the reduced demand for movers during this time.

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Put Heavy Items in Small Boxes

Save books for small boxes and bedding, clothing, or other light items for larger moving bins. Regardless of box size, one of the best tips for a long-distance move is to tightly pack your belongings in their boxes to prevent shifting and damage while on the road.

How can I save money for cross country moving? ›

How to move cross-country for cheap: 17 ways to cut costs
  1. Make a budget. ...
  2. Declutter. ...
  3. Find free moving supplies. ...
  4. Consider shipping some items. ...
  5. Look for discounted moving services. ...
  6. Shop around for full-service movers. ...
  7. Rent your own truck. ...
  8. Take a hybrid approach.
Dec 22, 2022

Can you just up and move to another country? ›

Each country has its own specific visa rules and entry requirements that can be pretty strict when it comes to working. Despite this, you absolutely can move to another country without a job. People do it every day.

Is it difficult to move from one state to another? ›

Moving to a new state isn't an easy job, but if you're patient, cross off one item at a time on your moving-to-another-state checklist, and keep everything in one place, you'll be able to settle into your new home with the satisfaction of knowing you're getting a fresh start.

What is the hardest part of moving to a new country? ›

Culture Shock

One of the most prominent challenges when moving abroad is culture shock. Adapting to a new way of life, customs, traditions, and even daily routines can be a daunting experience. This can lead to feelings of disorientation, frustration, and even isolation.

How do I move across the country and start over? ›

Steps For Moving Across Country
  1. Step 1: Budget For The Move. ...
  2. Decide How To Move Your Things Across The Country. ...
  3. Step 3: Plan Your Cross-Country Travel. ...
  4. Step 4: Create A Packing Plan. ...
  5. Step 5: Set Up Mail Forwarding And Contact All Utilities And Services. ...
  6. Step 6: Pack Your Travel Bag Last. ...
  7. Step 7: Clean Out The Place.

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