How Accurate Is a CT Scan for Bladder Cancer? Benefits & More (2024)

Computed tomography (CT) scans are imaging tests that are very effective in detecting and monitoring bladder cancer.

Bladder cancer is a type of urinary tract cancer. It affects the bladder’s lining or muscle because of cells that develop abnormally.

Bladder cancer occurs more frequently in males. Symptoms can include:

  • back pain
  • pain while urinating
  • frequent urinating
  • blood in your urine

It’s important to diagnose and treat bladder cancer as soon as possible to prevent cancer cells from spreading.

CT scans are useful in detecting bladder cancer. They are widely available and are the most common method for detecting bladder and other urinary cancers. A doctor can use them to diagnose the cancer’s stage and to monitor the condition over time.

A CT scan conducts many X-rays to capture a cross-section of your body. It can detect soft tissues and blood vessels. A computer then uses the X-rays to create a three-dimensional image of your urinary tract area for a doctor to analyze.

A doctor may also use a CT scan to take a sample of, or biopsy, your bladder to collect cells for lab tests.

CT scans are very effective at detecting urinary tract cancers. A 2018 study found that CT urographies had a 91.5% accuracy rate.

One 2021 retrospective review found a 96% to 97% accuracy rate for CT scans detecting upper tract urothelial cancer, a type of cancer in the tubes that link the kidneys and bladder.

A CT scan is an outpatient procedure. It will not require a lot of preparation or recovery.

Ask your doctor how to prepare before your appointment. You may need to have a full bladder.

To begin your appointment, you may need to:

  • complete paperwork
  • ask questions
  • change into a hospital gown
  • remove any jewelry and other metal

Before the procedure

A healthcare professional will inject contrast dye into your arm with a thin tube. The tube will remain there throughout the scan. This dye helps the scan pick up better images of your soft tissues.

Brief symptoms of the contrast dye include:

  • flushing sensation
  • metallic taste
  • urge to urinate

During the procedure

The scan will occur in a room with a tube-like machine. The machine has an attached bed that can move in and out of it. The scan should last around 30 minutes. The machine will generate a buzzing or whirring sound while in use.

During the scan, the CT scan technician will:

  1. position you on the bed, possibly with foam objects
  2. move you into the tube
  3. leave the room to avoid radiation exposure
  4. begin the scan
  5. reposition your bed during the scan, but you will remain still and hold your breath at times based on their instructions

After the procedure

The technician will come back into the room and remove the tube in your arm. They may ask you to remain in the office following the scan to make sure you don’t have a reaction to the dye. Once cleared, you can return to your normal activities.

You will receive scan results from your doctor a few days or weeks later.

You may not be eligible for a CT scan if you are pregnant.

Risks and side effects associated with CT scans include:

  • allergic reaction to the dye
  • reaction in your kidneys to the dye
  • radiation exposure
  • soreness, bruising, and swelling in your arm from the insertion of the dye
  • complications from medications for diabetes or blood thinners

A CT scan can examine your kidneys, bladder, and the tubes that connect these organs. It can detect tumors, showing their size, shape, and position.

CT scans can also capture the lymph nodes in your abdomen and pelvis to see whether they have changed.

  • X-ray: You may need a stand-alone X-ray to determine whether cancer has spread into other parts of your body.
  • Ultrasound: An ultrasound uses sound waves to see inside your body without radiation. It may be used if you need a bladder biopsy.
  • MRI: A pelvis MRI scan examines the soft tissues with radio waves and magnets instead of X-rays. It may be an even more accurate way to detect stages of bladder cancer than a CT scan. You may not be eligible for an MRI if you have any metal or other foreign objects in your body.
  • Intravenous pyelogram: This is an X-ray of your urinary system that occurs while your urinary system processes a dye injected into your veins through your arm.
  • Retrograde pyelogram: A retrograde pyelogram is an X-ray of your urinary system after you receive dye administered via a catheter into your urethra.

You may have questions about a CT scan and bladder cancer. These can include how effective they are and the best way to diagnose bladder cancer.

How often does a CT scan miss bladder cancer?

Most of the time, CT scans are very accurate, though false negatives and false positives can happen.

A 2018 study found that some false positives can occur. Researchers cited 13 false negatives out of 710 scans. The main reason for them was CT scan technique.

Researchers in the same study also found 43 false positives in 710 CT scans for people who had blood in their urine or a history of bladder cancer. Some false positives were attributed to:

  • a harmless enlarged prostate (in males)
  • a naturally thickening bladder
  • changes to medical treatment
  • the presence of blood clots
  • inflammation

What is the best test to diagnose bladder cancer?

There are many tests available to detect bladder cancer. CT scans and MRIs are useful imaging tools to diagnose and monitor bladder cancer. Other non-radiation tests include:

  • urine tests
  • biopsies
  • cystoscopies

CT scans are a useful tool to diagnose and monitor bladder cancer. They are minimally invasive and performed as an outpatient procedure.

Your doctor may begin with non-radiation tests and then order a CT scan to gather additional information about potential bladder cancer. You may also receive CT scans during treatment to monitor the condition.

How Accurate Is a CT Scan for Bladder Cancer? Benefits & More (2024)


How Accurate Is a CT Scan for Bladder Cancer? Benefits & More? ›

One 2021 retrospective review found a 96% to 97% accuracy rate for CT scans detecting upper tract urothelial cancer, a type of cancer in the tubes that link the kidneys and bladder.

How accurate is a CT scan for bladder cancer? ›

While a CT scan can detect larger bladder tumors, it is not sensitive enough to detect small tumors or flat tumors in the bladder. CT is most useful to evaluate the kidneys and ureters and the area around the bladder and lymph nodes, as well as evaluate other organs in the body.

What is the most reliable test for detecting bladder cancer? ›

Pathology Tests

The most efficient, noninvasive and inexpensive test is a urinalysis/cytology.

Which is most accurate diagnostic method for bladder cancer? ›

If bladder cancer is suspected, a biopsy is needed to be sure of the diagnosis. The procedure used to biopsy an abnormal area is a transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT), also known as just a transurethral resection (TUR).

What test is most definitive in diagnosing bladder cancer? ›

Cystoscopy. Cystoscopy is the key diagnostic procedure for bladder cancer. It allows the doctor to see inside the body with a thin, lighted, flexible tube called a cystoscope.

Can CT scan rule out bladder cancer? ›

Can bladder cancer be diagnosed using a CT scan alone? A CT scan is useful in staging bladder cancer because it can identify unusual growth, but it is impossible to diagnose bladder cancer without placing a piece of the growth under a microscope.

Can bladder cancer be missed on CT scan? ›

CT scans can provide important information about the urinary tract and bladder tumors. However, while some bladder tumors may be seen on a CT scan, others may not be apparent, such as smaller or flatter tumors.

What is the gold standard test for bladder cancer? ›

Urine cytology remains the gold standard for bladder cancer screening. It is the test against which all others are compared when evaluating potential bladder tumor markers.

What is the gold standard for diagnosing bladder cancer? ›

Urinary cytology and cystoscopy/biopsy are the current gold standard examination tools to diagnose bladder cancer.

What can be mistaken for bladder cancer? ›

Bladder Cancer is a heterogeneous disease; the main symptom is painless hematuria. However, patients with Bladder Cancer may initially be misdiagnosed as Cystitis or infection, and cystoscopy alone may sometimes be misdiagnosed as urolithiasis or Cystitis, thereby delaying medical attention.

Where is the first place bladder cancer spreads? ›

Where can bladder cancer spread to? Not all bladder cancers will spread. But If it does it's most likely to spread to the structures close to the bladder, such as the ureters, urethra, prostate, vagin*, or into the pelvis. This is called local spread.

What are the odds of beating bladder cancer? ›

The 5-year relative survival rate of people with bladder cancer that has not spread beyond the inner layer of the bladder wall is 96%. Almost half of people are diagnosed with this stage. If the tumor is invasive but has not yet spread outside the bladder, the 5-year relative survival rate is 70%.

How fast does bladder cancer spread without treatment? ›

Fortunately, the majority of bladder cancers do not grow rapidly and can be treated without major surgery. Thus, most patients with bladder cancer are not at risk of developing a cancer that will spread and become life threatening.

How long can you have bladder cancer without knowing? ›

Can bladder cancer go undetected for years? If symptoms such as blood in the urine and changes in urinary habits are ignored by an individual and/or repeatedly misdiagnosed, it's possible that bladder cancer may not be detected for months or, in some cases, even years.

What is life expectancy with bladder cancer? ›

If the cancer extends through the bladder to the surrounding tissue or has spread to nearby lymph nodes or organs, the five-year survival rate is 39%. If the cancer has spread to distant parts of the body, the five-year survival rate is 8%. About 4% of people are diagnosed at this stage.

Can bladder cancer be fully cured? ›

Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer can often be cured. For muscle-invasive bladder cancer, prognosis also depends on whether carcinoma in situ is also present.

Is a CT scan better than a cystoscopy? ›

However, CT scans may not be as sensitive in detecting very small or early stage tumors, and they cannot provide a definitive cancer diagnosis without a biopsy. For this reason, a cystoscopy, alongside a biopsy and pathology under a microscope, is a suitable method for diagnosing bladder cancer.

Do I need a cystoscopy if I had a CT scan? ›

Lotan said cystoscopy should be the main tool to examine a patient with blood in the urine, the most common sign of bladder cancer. The evaluation usually includes imaging — either a CT scan or an ultrasound. Large tumors or growths can be seen through imaging, but many bladder cancer tumors are smaller.

What cancer does not show up on CT scan? ›

Where MRI really excels is showing certain diseases that a CT scan cannot detect. Some cancers, such as prostate cancer, uterine cancer, and certain liver cancers, are pretty much invisible or very hard to detect on a CT scan. Metastases to the bone and brain also show up better on an MRI.

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