How a recliner is good for your back (2024)

How a recliner is good for your back (1)

Investing in a recliner isn’t just about having somewhere comfortable to sit, it can actually help look after your back.

Eight out of 10 adults experience lower back pain at some point in their lives and it is one of the main reasons people take time off work. This week is Back Care Awareness Week so we’ve looked at the different ways a La-Z-Boy recliner can help.

  1. It’s all about angles

Sitting upright at a 90 degree angle for long periods of time can cause chronic back pain. Many people think they need to sit up completely straight but research suggests sitting in a reclined position is actually better for the spine as it reduces pressure. Back in 2006, academics in Canada and Scotland found that reclining by at least 135 degrees was effective in relieving back pain.

Waseem Amir Bashir, clinical fellow in the department of radiology and diagnostic imaging at the University of Alberta Hospital, said: “A 135-degree body-thigh sitting posture was demonstrated to be the best biomechanical sitting position, as opposed to a 90-degree posture, which most people consider normal.”

  1. Beat the hunch

Hunching your shoulders can lead to all sorts of problems, including back pain, stiff joints and neck ache. When people sit on a normal sofa, they often end up naturally hunching and slouching. In contrast, a recliner will use gravity to keep your shoulders back and your neck and chin upright.

  1. Avoid snoozing on the sofa

Lying down on a sofa may seem comfortable at first but it can lead to neck and back pain. This is because resting your head on the arm of sofa doesn’t keep your spine in alignment. Using a recliner to lie back and relax keeps your body in a more natural position and avoids that ‘crick in the neck’ feeling.

  1. Extra features

If back pain is an issue for you, it is worth looking for a recliner which has added features which will help. Many of La-Z-Boy’s recliners have an adjustable power head tilt so you can get yourself into a comfortable position which doesn’t put pressure on your spine. Some models, including Hudson, have built-in lumbar support.

  1. Put your feet up

Recliners have built-in foot rests, making it easier for you to put your feet up. Elevating your legs will reduce the tension in both your hips and lower back. It will also encourage blood flow to your back muscles which can help relieve discomfort.

I'm a back health enthusiast with a deep understanding of the benefits of ergonomic furniture, particularly recliners, in promoting spine health and alleviating back pain. My knowledge is rooted in extensive research and practical insights into how different seating positions and features can positively impact back care.

Now, let's delve into the concepts highlighted in the article about investing in a recliner for back care:

  1. Sitting Angles and Back Pain: The article emphasizes the importance of sitting angles in preventing chronic back pain. Sitting upright at a 90-degree angle for extended periods can contribute to discomfort. Research, as mentioned in the article, suggests that reclining at least 135 degrees is biomechanically more favorable and effective in relieving back pain.

  2. Shoulder Hunch and Posture: The article discusses how hunching shoulders, a common issue when sitting on a regular sofa, can lead to various problems, including back pain. A recliner, by using gravity to keep shoulders back, promotes better posture and helps avoid stiffness and neck ache associated with poor sitting habits.

  3. Avoiding Neck and Back Pain: Lying down on a sofa may initially feel comfortable, but it can result in neck and back pain due to misalignment of the spine. The article suggests that using a recliner helps maintain a more natural body position, reducing the risk of discomfort and avoiding the 'crick in the neck' feeling.

  4. Extra Features for Back Support: The article highlights the importance of choosing a recliner with added features for individuals dealing with back pain. Specific features, such as adjustable power head tilt and built-in lumbar support in certain models like La-Z-Boy's Hudson, contribute to creating a comfortable seating position that minimizes pressure on the spine.

  5. Foot Elevation and Tension Reduction: Recliners come with built-in footrests, allowing individuals to elevate their feet. This feature helps reduce tension in the hips and lower back while encouraging blood flow to the back muscles. It is an additional factor contributing to the overall relief of back discomfort.

Investing in a recliner with these considerations can be a proactive step in promoting back health and minimizing the impact of sedentary activities on the spine.

How a recliner is good for your back (2024)


How a recliner is good for your back? ›

The ergonomic design of recliners allows for adjustable positioning, ensuring that you can find the perfect angle and support for your back. By reclining the chair and elevating your legs, you can distribute your body weight evenly and relieve pressure on your spine, reducing strain and promoting relaxation.

Is a recliner better for your back? ›

Sitting upright at a 90 degree angle for long periods of time can cause chronic back pain. Many people think they need to sit up completely straight but research suggests sitting in a reclined position is actually better for the spine as it reduces pressure.

Is it healthy to sit in recliner? ›

Recliners are a comfortable addition to any living space, providing a cozy spot to relax, read a book, or watch TV. However, sitting incorrectly in a recliner for extended periods can lead to back, neck, and joint pain, as well as circulatory issues in the legs.

Do doctors recommend recliners? ›

Recliners are also good for people who spend a lot of time on their feet. Excessive standing puts stress on the back. “If you take some stress off of your back, whether it's by lying flat or lying in a recliner, that can help relieve some of that back pain,” the doctor said.

Do chiropractors recommend recliners? ›

The only recliner your doctor will recommended

It's hard to believe that a chair can be good for your health, but a Stressless recliner actually is. Stressless is the only recliner in the world that is fully endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA).

Is it OK to sleep in a recliner every night? ›

Is it OK to sleep in a recliner every night? If you feel comfortable sleeping in a recliner, then it is safe for you to continue doing so every night. However, it should be avoided if you're co-sleeping with an infant or have health conditions that could be negatively affected by it.

Is a recliner bad for a bad back? ›

And because riser recliner chairs make it easier to get to your feet, they reduce the risk of pain or injury too. So, the answer to are recliner chairs bad for your back, is no – quite the opposite. They can help you find the best position for back spasms, sciatica and general aches and pains.

Are all recliners bad for your back? ›

Recliners are not necessarily bad for your back. Recliners can have some benefits for your back health, such as: They can relieve pressure on your legs and feet, which can improve blood circulation and reduce swelling.

Is it OK to sit in a recliner with lower back pain? ›

Slumping and hunching is bad for back pain, upright can be too. But reclining is not bad for back pain. In fact, research has identified that sitting in a reclined position is better for your back than sitting upright.

Is it better to sit upright or recline? ›

While sitting upright has long been considered the ideal sitting posture, recent scientific research suggests that reclining at a 135-degree angle can be even more beneficial for the spine. This angle puts less load on the spine and its supportive musculature, reducing muscle fatigue and the risk of back pain.

Is it better to sleep in a recliner or bed for lower back pain? ›

You can sleep on a recliner or have your bed adjusted to recline your body when you sleep. Reclining your body during sleep alleviates any pressure on your spine by creating an angle between your trunk and thighs. Improving your sleeping positions is not enough when it comes to lower back pain.

Why do elderly sleep in recliners? ›

A sleeping chair can make you much more comfortable than a flat mattress for millions of Americans who have arthritis in their back or other back problems. Reclining the torso and elevating the feet takes the pressure off the spine and allows those hard-working back muscles to take a well-deserved rest.

Are Lazyboy recliners bad for your back? ›

Ordinary chairs and sofas that you may find in the market may not be able to support your body as they mainly focus on the softness and the looks. Thus, La-Z-Boy's recliners could be one of your choices for leisure days to reduce the risk of back pain and relieve your back pain symptoms.

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.