Easy Le Creuset bread recipe I love! (2024)


I’m kind of a disaster in the kitchen. If it’s not cupcakes, cookies or cake — or is a dinner recipe that involves anything beyond your basic kitchen skills — you can be sure that I’ll either burn it, overcook it, overseason it, drop it on the dog, or otherwise make the meal inedible. Exceptions? Well, I’m good with baking fish, using the slow cooker, and sauteeing veggies on the stove, but if a recipe calls for anything fancy, I steer clear.

Last week, my first houseguest from home (other than my parents) came to stay with us and she’s a baker and chef by trade. She wanted to cook for us and needed a Dutch oven for her recipe. Did I have one? Of course not, so what did I do? I went out and bought a brand-spiffy-new bright yellow Le CreusetDutch oven. Listen, if someone offers to cook dinner, you do what they say! I haven’t even had it a week but I’ve made 3 meals all by myself– including bread! — and everything was not only edible but actually delicious. I think I’m in love.

Let me tell you about it…

First, I was so incredibly psyched to have a houseguest. My dear friend from New Jersey made the trip all the way out here JUST to see me and I am so grateful for it. I used my guest air mattress that had been collecting dust and smiled as I made the bed up with my guest sheets. 😉

We go way back. I met her in French class in 2008 and she’s one of the rare ones who is great at staying in touch. I appreciate our friendship so much and know what I appreciate almost as much? Her cooking. She started at 3:30 in the afternoon and expertly chopped vegetables for the best ratatouille of my life. She then made beef short ribs and veggies in the new Dutch oven. Best meal I’ve had in a long time. So E if you’re reading, THANK YOU mille fois.

Easy Le Creuset bread recipe I love! (2)

So about that Dutch oven, lovingly called a cocotte in French… they’re pretty rad. While absolutely worth the price, a Le Creuset Dutch oven probably isn’t the best purchase for someone who has the cooking skills of a wet noodle. I admit that.

I vowed to myself that I’d not only learn to use it, but that I’d do so frequently. So far so good… my friend taught me the basics before she left and we’re going to do FaceTime cooking classes where she instructs me in real time over the video call.

Another thing that appealed to me about a Dutch oven is that you can use it for a bunch of one-pot meals. Less to clean up, you say? I’m game. (and apparently this less expensive one by Lodge is excellent as well). I was really curious about Le Creuset bread recipes you see floating around the web too and was eager to try.

Since my friend left mid-week, I’ve managed to make a simple but tasty cod dish that involves first sauteeing vegetables in the Dutch oven on the stove with the cover off, then adding the fish. There are a few more steps, but trust me, it’s so simple I nailed it on the first try (and that’s saying a lot). Versatility is what sold me on the Dutch oven, so I’m having fun with it and getting my money’s worth.

What else? I MADE BREAD.

Yes, I know I live in France and can get amazing bread pretty much everywhere I turn, but there’s something to be said about the satisfaction you get from making your own. Baking bread in Le Creuset Dutch ovens is so incredibly easy. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t have even attempted it. Let’s get into this Le Creuset bread recipe.

All you do is whip up the dough and let it sit overnight to rise. It’s pretty much yeast, water, flour and salt. The next day, you fire up your oven to heat the Dutch oven for about 30 minutes, add your dough, then cook it in the oven. It’s so easy even I didn’t mess it up. This is a great Le Creuset bread recipe.

My Le Creuset bread looks legit, right?Not bad for a total amateur. The pic below was taken right out of the oven.

Easy Le Creuset bread recipe I love! (3)

There are all different bread variations you can test out for baking bread in Le Creuset cookware, but head over to the Girl Versus Dough Dutch oven bread recipe I used. I plan on trying a few different kinds as I perfect my skills.

Here are a few more pics of my Dutch oven bread:

Easy Le Creuset bread recipe I love! (4)

Easy Le Creuset bread recipe I love! (5)

Easy Le Creuset bread recipe I love! (6)

I’ve been googling all kinds of Dutch oven recipes, so if you’re looking for some inspiration, this Pinch of Yum post has some recipes you may want to try. For now I’m sticking with what I know. Vegetables and fish. Maybe by next weekend I’ll be ready to branch out beyond fish and Le Creuset bread. 😉

Have you ever bought something impulsively for your kitchen? Did it turn out to be a hit or is it collecting dust somewhere?

Have you made bread from the le creuset bread recipe?


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Easy Le Creuset bread recipe I love! (2024)


Can I bake bread in my Le Creuset? ›

You can either use a round or oval Le Creuset Dutch oven. Since the dough is very wet and loose, it will take on the shape and size of the pot as it bakes. So an oval pot will result in more of a traditional oval shaped loaf, while a round Dutch oven will produce a round boule shaped loaf.

Is a 7 quart Dutch oven too big for bread? ›

Haven't had one single loaf of bread stick to the pot. If you might want a larger pot for other cooking, you might prefer the 7 quart, otherwise, as others have said, 5 quart should do.

What is the best Dutch oven shape for bread? ›

Look for a 6- to 7-quart, round Dutch oven. Anything much bigger will cause the bread to spread out and go flat. The 6- and 7-quart size yields the perfect round shape, with plenty of springy height. We prefer the round shape to accommodate a round boule, but oval will work.

Do you keep lid on Dutch oven when baking bread? ›

During those first 20 minutes, your bread will rise and expand. If you would not have it inside the Dutch oven with the closed lid, a thick crust would form too soon, thereby keeping it from reaching its full potential. After the first 20 minutes, you remove the lid and continue baking for another 25 to 30 minutes.

Do I need to preheat Le Creuset Bread Oven? ›

Le Creuset enameled cast iron is also exceptional at heat distribution and retention to keep the temperature inside the pot more constant than a regular oven, which also helps the baking process. Most no knead bread recipes call for preheating the Dutch oven while the oven heats up.

What can you not do with Le Creuset? ›

Do not plunge a hot pan into cold water. While Le Creuset's enamel is designed to be the most durable on the market, thermal shock may still occur, resulting in cracking or loss of enamel.

Is a 5 or 6 quart Dutch oven best for bread? ›

Dutch oven bread recipes often call for a 5.5-quart pot, which makes these Dutch ovens more desirable for baking, which inspires more recipes — and the delicious cycle continues. All that to say, if you don't have a Dutch oven yet, a 5.5-quart Dutch oven will set you up for decades of baking.

Why is Le Creuset expensive? ›

When you buy from Le Creuset, you're paying for high-quality pots and pans that are designed to stand the test of time. Rather than aluminum or stainless steel, Le Creuset craft their pieces from cast iron, which has a much higher heat capacity.

Is Lodge cast iron as good as Le Creuset? ›

When we tested how quickly each pan could bring water to a rolling boil, the Lodge wasn't as swift as Le Creuset — with the latter boiling water much faster than any model we've tested. The Lodge did deliver a tender braised pork shoulder, slow-cooked for more than three hours.

Why is my Dutch oven bread so hard? ›

It likely baked for too long at too high of a temperature. Reduce the bake time and temperature until it no longer burns. Use the suggestions in this guide post to help reduce burning on the bottom of your bread dough.

Why is my Dutch oven bread dense? ›

Why is my bread dense: Usually bread will be too dense when there is too much flour. Keep in mind this dough will be pretty sticky, do not add more flour than specified. Other factors that come into play are humidity and age of flour. Little yeast, long rise, sticky dough are keys to a good, light loaf.

Is it better to have a round or oval Dutch oven? ›

Because they're cast from a mold, Dutch ovens can be made in a whole range of shapes — some much more useful than others. If versatility is your goal, round is the best shape for a Dutch oven. Round Dutch ovens heat more evenly and can be used for your favorite stew recipe and even to bake breads, cakes and dessert.

Can a Dutch oven be too big for bread? ›

If you are looking to bake loaves with great oven spring, I would recommend the smaller Dutch oven. If you are looking for loaves with a slightly more open crumb, then the larger Dutch oven might be a bit better. However, you can't go wrong with either of them!

How often should you rotate the lid and Dutch oven? ›

On the lid, arrange the coals in a checkerboard pattern. Don't bunch the coals—this can cause hot spots that will burn food or damage the oven. To prevent hot spot problems in cooking, lift and rotate the oven a quarter turn every 10 to 15 minutes, and then rotate the lid a quarter turn in the opposite direction.

How do you know when Dutch oven bread is done? ›

After 30 minutes, remove the lid, reduce the oven temperature to 375°F, and continue baking until the bread is nicely browned and cooked through. It should have an internal temperature of 200°F or so when done.

Can you bake bread in enameled cast iron? ›

It doesn't matter if you use an enamel-coated cast-iron Dutch oven or a traditional black cast-iron Dutch oven. As long as you have a lid to cover it, the bread comes out perfectly every time. I found that using a 4- to 6-quart Dutch oven yields the perfect round shape.

Is Le Creuset good for baking? ›

Le Creuset stoneware is oven-safe up to 500°F and freezer-safe up to -9°F, and you can also put it in the microwave and under a broiler.

Is everything Le Creuset oven safe? ›

Le Creuset Stoneware, Signature Stainless Steel, 3-ply Stainless Steel, TNS and Enamelled Cast Iron are all safe to use in the oven up to 260°. However, there are a few exceptions. Only Le Creuset Stoneware is suitable for microwave ovens.

Can you bake sourdough bread in Le Creuset? ›

Place in a floured Le Creuset 26cm Signature Round Casserole. Bake the bread at 200 degrees Celsius (no fan) for 40 minutes. Image and recipe by Ruffles and Rust.

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