Do Horses Cry? And Some Other Fascinating Questions Answered (2024)

Last updated: January 2, 2024

By: Miles HenryFact Checked

Have you ever wondered if horses, like humans, can shed tears of emotion? This question came to mind one afternoon as my granddaughter, and I were watching a couple of our horses in a paddock. One had tears flowing from his eyes, which prompted her to ask, “Why is your horse crying?”

As a long-time horse owner, I’ve spent countless hours observing and interacting with these magnificent animals, developing a deep understanding of their behaviors and emotions. In this article, I delve into the intriguing world of equine emotions.

We’ll explore whether horses cry in response to feelings, how they express their emotions, and the depth of their emotional intelligence. Join me in uncovering the truth behind the tears and the rich emotional tapestry of horses.

Do Horses Cry? And Some Other Fascinating Questions Answered (1)

Horses Don’t Cry.

Cryingis shedding tears in response to an emotion, such as sadness, anger, or happiness. A horse can produce tears that flow down its face. But this doesn’t equate to crying.

However, I get that some people consider the flowing of tears to be crying, so we need to be more precise when we ask the question, “Do horses cry.” Are we asking if horses cry tears in response to a situation? If this is the question, then the answer is no; horses don’t cry.

But if the question is broad, such as do horses shed excessive tears that flow down their faces, then the answer is yes, horses cry. There are three types of tear production: basal, psychic, and reflex.

Basal tear production is regular eye moisture.

Basal tear production is the regular and constant moisture needed for the proper functioning of the eyes. Failure of the creation of basal tears is a severe eye condition that must be treated or permanent damage could result.

Psychic tear production occurs in response to emotional stimulus

Tear production that occurs in reaction to an emotional stimulus, such as pain or sadness, is called psychic tear production. Humans are the only species confirmed to stimulate tear production based on psychic responses.

Tears produced because of an irritant is reflex tear production

Increased tear production with an irritation of the eyes or sinus is a reflex tear production. When we see horses cry, it is not emotional but actually, reflex tear production caused by an irritant or blocked ducts.

Do Horses Have Feelings?

When my granddaughter gets close to the pasture, our horses lift their heads and start whinnying. These actions make me feel that the horses are displaying their joy to see her.

Horses have feelings. We know this because they signal their attitude both vocally and with body language. A French research team published a 2018 peer-reviewed study of a horse’s ability to vocalize emotion.

What the researchers were able to extrapolate from their study is a horse’s snort is a signal of positive emotion. You can read the article here, “An Unexpected Acoustic Indicator of positive emotions in horses.”

If we assume that horses have feelings, the next question is, do they have the same range of emotions that humans have? Scientific studies don’t provide an answer to this question.

We must rely on our experiences and the experiences of others to make a reasonable guess of which emotions horses possess. Most horse people believe they display fear, anger, curiosity, confusion, sadness, and happiness.

Horses don’t have high-level emotions.

Emotions such as guilt, embarrassment, and respect are too high-level feelings for horses. Knowing a horse has emotions is another nugget of information we can use to help us communicate with them.

The key for us is to be able to read signs of emotions given by a horse. However, horses cry because of sinus congestion and blocked tear ducts, not as a show of emotion.

Horses express emotions with their Ears.

Horses are herd animals, and they communicate feelings to the members of their herd in various ways. One of their methods is through the positioning of their ears. Some emotions a horse conveys with its ears are comfort, fear, anger, and danger.

When you see a horse with his ears pinned back, you need to be aware that he is mad, ears forward to let you know he is attentive, and ears flopped down may mean he is bored or tired. To learn more about the signals horses send with their ears, read this article; we wrote: “What does a Horses Ears Tell You.”

Horses express emotions with sounds.

Do Horses Cry? And Some Other Fascinating Questions Answered (2)

Horses use a simple variation of snorts and squeals, neighs and nickers, to convey mood changes:

  • Snorts: The horse holds his head high and powerfully blows out through his nose while keeping his body tense. This is a sign of curiosity and fear, a warning signal.
  • Squeals: A horse will make a high-pitched squeal with his mouth closed or partially closed. Horses do this when they are in pain or when a mare is sending signals to a stallion.
  • Nickers: Horses have three nickers: the greeting nicker, the courtship nicker, and the maternal nicker. All are comforting greetings but with varying undertones.
  • Neighs: This is a sign of curiosity; it begins with a squeal and ends with a nickel. Horses often neigh when they are separated from a herd.
  • Roars: Horses roar when they are angry; it usually only occurs in the wild.
  • Blows: This is the signal letting you know he feels good. It’s a simple release of air through the nostrils.

To learn more about how horses communicate through sounds, read our article here. Learning the signals horses use to communicate helps us to understand them better and makes training them much more natural.

Horses express emotion with their eyes.

A study of equine facial expressions performed at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom determined horses convey emotions with their eyes. The following are some of the expressions they charted:

  • Upper eyelid raiser and white eye increase: The raising of the eyelid and increasing the exposure of the white is a sign of fear.
  • Raised inner brows: Horses don’t have an eyebrow like humans, but they do have an expression that raises the inner corner of the eye. When a horse raises the inner corner of the eye, it is expressing feelings of sadness or fearfulness.

But the reason horses cry isn’t a sign of emotion but rather a result of a blocked tear duct.

Can Horses Sense When You Are Afraid of Them?

Our horses are exposed to our grandchildren daily, and they are incredibly calm and patient around kids. However, they had a friend over one day to ride, and the horses acted entirely out of character.

Horses sense fear from a rider. It’s unclear if the horse picks up on fear or inexperience. However, the reaction by horses is somewhat surprising, based on a study of horses exposed to people afraid of horses.

The study published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior monitors humans, and horses’ heart rates while in a round pen. The round pen included persons afraid of horses and those comfortable around horses.

The humans were blindfolded, and the horse was allowed to walk around the subjects. What the study found was that horses reacted differently around each group.

The horse’s heart rate dropped when near the sensitive subjects, and they also lowered their heads. These two reactions of the horses display a calmer demeanor around nervous human subjects.

The study concluded horses in the presence of people who are afraid of horses are not at an increased risk of danger. Horses are individuals and are massive, unpredictable animals, so be vigilant around horses and follow safety precautions when around them.

Interesting Fact: Horses can’t smell fear in humans, but they can smell fear in other horses.

Do Horses Remember You?

We went to a rodeo one weekend, and competing was a paint horse we sold to a family. It had been many years since I’d seen the paint horse, but when I approached, he treated me like an old friend.

Horses remember people, especially the ones that have treated them well. Horses also remember their training after many years.

We once had a farrier put his arm over the muzzle of each new horse he shod. One day I asked him about this practice, and he told me that he does this to allow the horse to get his scent.

Do Horses Cry? And Some Other Fascinating Questions Answered (3)

He believed once a horse got a good whiff of someone, the horse always remembered the person. Recent research has confirmed that horses do remember people for long periods.

Good memory is an inherent trait from herd socialization, and horses relied on their minds to recognize pleasant horses of other herds and ones that were threats.

The study involved vet examinations followed by treats for some horses. Others were examined and not given treats. The horses given treats behaved much better after gaps of treatment of eight months and gravitated to the person who provided the horses the treats.

The researchers determined that horses learned, behaved, and memorized better when learning was associated with a positive stimulus. Training this way is similar to how a dog is trained. Using a treat with training can be effective because of horses’ unique skills.

Other studies show the horse as having a highly effective memory for both good and bad experiences. Testing has shown horses can recall past experiences and react to them readily.

Do Horses Know Their Names?

I can go out in my pasture and call a horse’s name, and every time they come, or none come. I continue to address my horses by their names, but I don’t know if they understand.

Horses may recognize their names when said by their owners. But horses are very attuned to reading human body language and audible tones and could be reacting to sounds and not words.

A horse recognizes the pitch and tone in their owner’s voice when being called. If another person calls the horse by the same name, it’s likely the horse won’t respond.

Do Horses Miss Their Owners?

Some of our horses are more sensitive than others. If we are gone for a few days, one horse gets excited about our return, and the others don’t seem to react any differently.

Most horses, when they hear their caretaker or owner’s voice, start getting excited immediately. It’s easy to recognize your horse’s joy upon knowing you’ve returned after an absence.

But, if you see tears, it’s not related to sadness; horses cry or instead shed tears because of blocked tear ducts; it’s not an expression of emotion.

How do You Tell a Horse You Love Them?

  • The best way you can show a horse that you care for them is to groom them daily;
  • Next, make sure they are adequately fed and provide a treat once a day;
  • Don’t overwork your horses; find a happy medium when it comes to training;
  • Provide a clean and safe environment for them;
  • Make sure they have proper health care, feet, teeth, worming, and shots.
  • Spend some time hand-grazing your horse.


In our exploration of the emotional world of horses, we’ve uncovered that while horses may not cry in the human sense, they are indeed capable of expressing a range of emotions. From the joyous snorts greeting a familiar face to the pinned ears signaling discomfort or anger, horses communicate their feelings in ways unique to their species.

The tears we sometimes see are not a sign of emotional crying but rather a physical response to irritants or blocked tear ducts. However, this does not diminish the depth and authenticity of their emotional experiences. Horses, like us, feel joy, sadness, fear, and contentment, and they express these emotions through their body language, sounds, and actions.

Understanding these expressions is crucial for anyone who interacts with horses. It not only helps in building a stronger bond with these magnificent creatures but also in ensuring their well-being. As we continue to learn and observe, let us appreciate the complex emotional lives of horses and recognize the importance of empathetic and informed care in our interactions with them.

This journey into the emotional lives of horses reminds us of the profound connections possible between humans and animals, enriching our understanding and appreciation of these noble companions.

Call to Action

As we conclude our exploration into the emotional world of horses, I invite you to deepen your connection with these magnificent creatures. Understanding their emotions and expressions is just the beginning of a rewarding journey. Here’s how you can continue to engage and learn:

  1. Observe and Interact: Spend time observing horses in different environments. Notice their body language, sounds, and reactions to various situations. This hands-on experience is invaluable in understanding their emotional language.
  2. Share Your Experiences: Have you noticed unique ways in which horses express their emotions? Maybe you’ve seen a horse ‘cry’ or show joy. Share your stories and observations in the comments section below. Your experiences can help others learn and appreciate the depth of horses’ emotions.
  3. Learn More: Dive deeper into equine behavior and psychology. There are numerous books, documentaries, and online resources available. The more you learn, the stronger your bond with horses will become.
  4. Join a Community: Connect with other horse enthusiasts and experts. Online forums, social media groups, and local equestrian clubs are great places to share knowledge and experiences.
  5. Support Equine Welfare: Consider supporting organizations that work towards the welfare and better understanding of horses. Your support can contribute to research, rescue, and education about these noble animals.

Remember, every interaction with a horse is an opportunity to understand and appreciate their complex emotional world. Let’s continue to learn, share, and grow in our journey with horses.

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Miles Henry

Meet Miles Henry

An avid equestrian and seasoned racehorse owner, Miles Henry brings his extensive experience to the equine world, proudly associating with the AQHA, The Jockey Club, and various other equine organizations. Beyond the racetrack, Miles is an accomplished author, having published various books about horses, and is a recognized authority in the field, with his work cited in multiple publications.

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Do Horses Cry? And Some Other Fascinating Questions Answered (2024)


What do horses do when they cry? ›

Generally, horses don't cry as such. They do have large eyes which can get irritated by pollen, dust, etc., Their eyes will water to ease the irritation. If the fluid is profuse or there is pus involved, the horse has an infection that needs a vet's attention.

Do horses cry tears? ›

Is your horse crying or sad? Horses don't cry due to sadness but they do shed tears for other reasons.

Can horses feel human sadness? ›

“Overall, our study shows that horses can differentiate audible and visual signals of human joy and sadness, and associate the corresponding vocal and facial expressions.

Why do horses look like they're crying? ›

Excessive tearing can be due to over production of tears or to a lack of drainage. Lack of drainage is due to blockage of the nasolacrimal duct that leads from the eye to the nose. The duct may be infected, swollen, and blocked by mucous, or if the horse is young it may not even be formed correctly.

Do horses have feelings? ›

"Horses can pick up on emotions, so if you're always around your horse getting stressed and frustrated, they'll negatively associate you with those emotions. If your horse is used to you being a calm and decisive leader, they will positively associate you with a happy atmosphere."

Do horses know when humans cry? ›

Horses definitely detect and react to human emotions.

What is it called when a horse cries? ›

The sound that a horse makes is called a neigh. A horse's happy neigh is sometimes a greeting to other horses. You can use neigh to talk about the noise your horse makes, also known as a whinny or a bray.

Can horses see emotions? ›

Horses can also discriminate emotions both intra- and interspecifically: they react differently when facing pictures of positive or negative facial expressions of both humans [26,32,33] and conspecifics [34] and when hearing positive or negative nonverbal vocalizations from humans [35] and conspecifics [30].

How do you tell if a horse is happy or sad? ›

Your horse's nostrils are soft, round, and relaxed and breathing is even on both sides. Your horse's tail will swing freely, evenly, and loosely when happy and relaxed. A sign of deep relaxation is that your horse's jaw may hang loosely with a soft eye. Your horse may rear up with its front leg or paw at the ground.

Do horses like it when you talk to them? ›

A resounding YES! Much like your best friend responding to the rustle of a snack packet, horses too have their favorite 'sounds'. A well-trained horse will respond to voice commands, adjusting its pace or halting based on the cues given. Vocal training is an essential tool for many equestrians.

Can horses sense a good person? ›

- Because horses are prey animals, they have a strongly attuned sense of awareness. They can sense things that are not perceivable to most humans. They can recognize our intentions, emotions, and other energetic projections much easier then we can. Essentially, you cannot hide who you are from a horse.

Do horses love their owners? ›

Overall, the bond between horses and humans is complex and multifaceted. While horses may not necessarily "like" humans in the same way that humans like other humans, they are capable of forming close bonds with their owners and responding positively to human interaction.

Why do horses smile? ›

Do horses smile? They sure do. Recent study results suggest horses have specific facial expressions that reveal positive emotions akin to “happiness,” in a sense. And while those expressions might not be the cheesy cartoon grin or the human ear-to-ear, they do represent the “equine happy face.”

Why do horses not like eye contact? ›

Other trainers indicate hard contact is preferred to establish your dominance over the herd. And then other trainers say you should avoid direct eye contact altogether as this will frighten the horse because it will make them think you are stalking them.

Why do horses stare? ›

What does it mean when a horse stares at you? Your horse may gaze at you while relaxed to connect with you or to see if you've brought tasty treats. On the other hand, if your horse is staring at you with high alert signs like a raised head and flared nostrils, she might be spooked by you or something you're wearing.

How do you know when a horse is crying? ›

Horses can't cry. Sometimes they get goop in the corner of their eyes, just wipe it out gently with a clean cloth. However if it's excessive or the horse actually is 'crying' you should probably call a vet because that's not good.

How do horses show sadness? ›

You can spot depression in a horse if you look for the signs from the study described earlier: a level-neck “withdrawn” stance, dull stare, immobile head and ears, and reduced reactions to humans yet increased reactiveness to new stimuli.

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A horse\'s eyes can tell if it is stressed. Washington: You can find out if your horse is upset or stressed by the way it twitches eyelids, suggests a recent study.

Do horses comfort you when you cry? ›

The beautiful and healing part of equine facilitated learning and therapy is that, unlike many people, horses don't steer clear of very strong emotions like grief. In fact, the very opposite is the case, every single time: Feel your real pain, especially your tears and the horses will come closer to you than before.

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.