Difference between "dedicated for" & "dedicated to" (2024)



Español, España


I would like to know what's the difference between "dedicated for" & "dedicated to".

Could someone explain it to me please?

  • GA91


    Español, España

    I've actually seen it on some forums... but never coming from a native English speaker. I wasn't sure if it was correct or if it just had another meaning.

    Thanks suzi! Difference between "dedicated for" & "dedicated to" (2)


    New Member

    English - USA

    I understand that the verb requires the preposition "to": to dedicate something to someone. However, as a parent of a 3-year-old, I can't help but notice that a number of children's books feature the "for" dedication (without the word "dedicated"), such as: "For my niece, Elizabeth."

    This makes it sounds as if the book was meant as a gift rather than a dedication. Does the meaning change between the two and when would an author write

    "For my niece, Elizabeth" vs. "To my niece, Elizabeth"?


    Member Emeritus

    English - US

    That's a special case, Wants2Know. "For" is sometimes used in dedications, especially if—as in the cases of children's books "for" a particular child or children—the persons mentioned might well be appropriate readers of the works.

    In the usual speech or writing (e.g., "his political efforts are dedicated to achieving tax reductions"), it's always "to".


    Senior Member

    English - USA

    This money is being dedicated for salaries only. Materials must be purchased with other sources of funding.
    I'm dedicating this book to the memory of my late wife.

    "Dedicated for" indicates a single purpose.

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    Difference between "dedicated for" & "dedicated to" (2024)
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