Choosing a Career Path After High School | Connections Academy (2024)

    byAllison Brubaker

    3 min to read
    Choosing a Career Path After High School | Connections Academy (1)

    Careers start well before the first day of a new job. That’s why it’s important for parents and teachers to help high school online, homeschool, and distance learning students pick a career and prepare for the future. Sitting down with your child and discussing possible career choices can help you both get an idea of future career opportunities. Here are some tips to get started.

    Choosing a career after high school is one of the most important decisions your child will make. That’s why it’s important for parents and teachers to know how to provide career resources for high school students to help them prepare for the future.

    Sitting down with your child and discussing possible career choices for high school students can help you both get an idea of what your child would like to do in the future. Here are some tips to get started on how to choose a career after high school:

    1. Help Your Student Discover Their Interests and Talents

    Employ your child’s natural gifts, hobbies, and talents as the basis for your discussion about choosing a career path after high school.

    Does your student spend their free time reading books or coding? Is your child interested in athletics or animals? Or, has your student participated in extracurricular activities that could lead to a career? These are all clues on the path to discovering the best career ideas that suit your high school student.

    2. Consider Your High Schooler’s Academic Strengths

    Which academic subjects interest your student the most? Create a list of their favorite high school subjects, as well as the subjects in which they excel the most.

    Encourage your child to be specific. For example, if their top two subjects are science and math, be specific about the subject area or level—biology, chemistry, algebra, calculus, and so on.

    This is a helpful and inspiring exercise to generate career ideas for high school students that align with their interests and skills.

    3. Identify Your Student’s 5 Greatest Personal or Social Strengths

    To expand on this exercise, have your student create another list of their top five greatest personal or social strengths. It’s sometimes difficult to identify one’s own strengths. As a helpful starting point, your student can ask other people in their life for key traits to get them started.

    If your child’s strengths and abilities need more clarification, your student can ask their friends, teachers, or coaches to pick the traits that best describe them. Your high schooler can also take aptitude tests that can help pinpoint their strengths.

    4. Explore Trending Careers

    Trending career lists can be a helpful starting point for choosing a career path after high school.

    While your child may not pursue a career solely for financial gain, it may make sense to see if their shortlist of potential careers will lead to a lucrative job. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the top 20 fastest-growing occupations along with salary information.

    This information can help you and your student narrow down career options or identify a list of potential careers to explore further.

    5. Discuss Career Options with Their High School Counselor

    You can also encourage your student to meet with their high school counselor. Counselors help students prepare for college, careers, and more. In addition to career planning for high school students, counselors can advise your student on selecting colleges, getting ready for college admissions testing, and applying for scholarships and college admission.

    Ask your high school student what interests, work environments, or rewards they think will be most important in the careers they have shown interest in. For more insight, have your child take this quiz that helps students pick a college major or career.

    After taking the quiz, your child can explore additional career resources for high school students that will help them visualize the career path of their choice.

    Career guidance for high school students is available through many online education programs, including Pearson Online Academy. Learn more about college prep and career-readiness for your high school student.

    Careers start well before the first day of a new job. That’s why it’s important for parents and teachers to help high school online, homeschool, and distance learning students pick a career and prepare for the future. Sitting down with your child and discussing possible career choices can help you both get an idea of future career opportunities.

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    Choosing a Career Path After High School | Connections Academy (2024)


    How will you decide which path to take after high school? ›

    Tips on Deciding What to do After High School
    • Take the free ACT Interest Inventory. ...
    • Interview adults in your life about their careers and what they like best about them.
    • Job shadow at a business that sounds interesting to you.
    • Set up regular meetings with your school counselor to learn more about career options.

    Are US high school students receiving adequate guidance in choosing a career path? ›

    Most teenagers are receiving little to no career guidance outside the home and are not pursuing the appropriate educational plan for real world career opportunities and business needs, according to a survey of more than 800 high school juniors and seniors nationwide.

    What are the career pathways for NYC DOE students? ›

    FRNYC is a multi-year initiative where participating schools choose to build one of four career pathways: business, education, healthcare, or technology.

    How do I choose the right career pathway? ›

    How to choose a career path
    1. Outline your career goals. ...
    2. Create a five- and 10-year plan. ...
    3. Discover your personality type. ...
    4. Review your previous experience. ...
    5. Compare job requirements to your education. ...
    6. Assess your current skill set. ...
    7. Note your interests. ...
    8. Identify your core values.
    Jun 30, 2023

    What are the 5 factors to consider when selecting a career? ›

    5 factors to consider when choosing a career
    • Interests and passions. To start, consider what you naturally enjoy doing, and what brings you happiness. ...
    • Skills and strengths. Next, reflect on your skills and strengths. ...
    • Values and beliefs. ...
    • Job market research and future outlook. ...
    • Financial stability and earning potential.

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    Career development allows individuals to discover who they are, what they like to do and what they do best. Many students are frustrated in school because they do not see the link between their coursework and goals for the future.

    Why is choosing a career in high school important? ›

    Career exposure in high school is absolutely critical as the decisions students make about coursework, extracurricular activities, and work-based learning opportunities will, in most cases, determine what postsecondary options are available to them.

    Why are career pathways important in high school? ›

    Career Exploration and Preparation: Pathways programs should provide students with opportunities to explore different careers and gain hands-on experience in their areas of interest. This can include internships, job shadowing, and other work-based learning experiences.

    What is the starting salary for DOE NYC? ›

    As of January 2024, starting salaries range from $64,789 (bachelor's degree, no prior teaching experience) to $89,085 (master's degree, 8 years teaching experience, potentially additional coursework).

    Is working for the NYC DOE worth it? ›

    Do people recommend working at New York City Department of Education? Overall, 64% of employees would recommend working at New York City Department of Education to a friend. This is based on 4,085 anonymously submitted reviews on Glassdoor.

    What is high school career plan? ›

    Career planning in high school doesn't mean deciding the exact job you want to have. Instead, it means finding a career cluster (a group of similar careers) that interests you. That way, you can find appropriate resources and start setting career goals without locking yourself into one specific job.

    What are the 4 types of career paths? ›

    There are four types of career paths—knowledge-based, skill-based, entrepreneur-based, and freelance. Every kind of career path caters to a specific set of qualifications that help you perform your job.

    Why is it so hard for me to choose a career path? ›

    Here are three reasons you might be struggling: You haven't picked a career path that might fit you best. You need more training or experience to get the job you want. You need to narrow down a direction.

    How do I choose a career path without passion? ›

    Here are a few ways to discover what's out there based on YOUR interests.
    1. Take a career quiz. ...
    2. Look at your strengths and skills. ...
    3. Think about your hobbies. ...
    4. Or try something completely new. ...
    5. Find training opportunities. ...
    6. Research potential salaries. ...
    7. Look at your role models. ...
    8. Get creative.
    Sep 16, 2022

    What is the most common path after high school? ›

    4 Paths After High School
    • a four-year college degree.
    • a two-year associate's degree.
    • a certification in a trade.
    • a career in the military.
    Apr 16, 2023

    What is a career path in high school? ›

    These career pathway programs are intended to prepare students for high-skill, high-wage jobs in emerging and growing industry sectors in the local or regional economy.

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