Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (2024)

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by Ventsislav Krastev | June 21, 2017|444 Comments Android

The Android Icons ListDo You See an Unfamiliar Icon?

Ever had the situation in your Android device where you would get an unfamiliar icon on either the top right or top left corner of your screen which cannot be removed?

This question the main reason why we decided to create the following article and explain to you what those icons are, appearing on your smartphones or tablets so that you can decide whether or not the notifications they represent are important or not. Let’s begin!

Bear in mind that since the number of those icons is vast, we will focus only on the most unrecognizable ones, to help you understand them.

The Android Icons List

The Plus in a Circle Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (1) This icon means that you can save on your data usage by going into the data settings on your device. It is called the Data Saver icon and it exists primarily in Android devices with Nougat 7.0 version.

Two Horizontal Arrows Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (2)This icon means that if you have mobile data usage enabled, the network behind the data usage is using LTE services, more importantly VoLTE (Voice Over LTE). It is basically using 4G to make voice communications, similar to what VoIP (voice over IP) is. So far this technology is being tested by most cell phone carriers, but it is already implemented by few of them.

G, E and H Icons

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (3)Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (4)Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (5)Basically, these icons are related to your internet connection speed and data plan. G is for GPRS(General Packet Radio Service) which you may as well be aware of by now and it is the slowest of them all. The E is the same technology, but in a more advanced and evolved form, called EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for GMS Evolution. The H, respectively stands for HSPDA or High-Speed Downlink Packet access – basically 3G, but a bit faster. It also has an H+ version which is it’s evolved variant, that is not as speedy as a 4G network is, but has more reception currently.

H+ Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (6)Similar to the H, E, G and 3G icons, the H+ icon is an evolved H connection, but still it is not as fast as a regular 4G connection and the H+ stands short for HSPDA+, which means “High-Speed Downlink Packet Access”.

4G LTE Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (7)If you are using mobile connection, then this is definitely the icon which you should be familiar with. It is the latest mobile internet connectivity technology 4G. What is most interesting here is that a newer 5G will aim to replace 4G soon as it has now been reported to be active in several places in North America.

The R Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (8)This icon stands for the roaming service of your Android device, meaning that your phone has connected to another cell which does not belong to our own network. When you have this icon, you are likely not going to be able to use your internet connection.

The Blank Triangle Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (9)Similar to a billiard triangle, this technology is the same as the R symbol, indicating roaming. It shows mostly on older Android devices.

Phone Handset Call Icon with Wi-Fi Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (10)If you see this icon, do not worry – you are not in a call. It simply means that your phone is configured so that it can make calls over Wi-Fi. This is a feature that exists in most UK networks to incease the quality of a call, if a phone does not have enough reception “bars” when you are inside your home, for example.

A Phone Headset Icon with Keyboard

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (11)This icon means that your TTY accessibility is switched on. It means that if you are deaf or having difficulty in spreaking or hearing, you can type messages, to make the communication easier and possible.

The Star Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (12)The star icon does not mean that your phone is world famous, not at all. Instead it aims to tell you that you have turned on a priority mode. This mode allows you to receive only notifications from contacts that you have added as favorites. It is also known as Priority Mode.

The N Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (13)Probably the most sought after icon by confused users, it means that you have turned on the NFC communication of your device. It basically means the Near Field Communication. The technology allows you to e transfer data with nearby devices by connecting directly to it via wireless. It can be switched off from the WiFi or connection options.

Two Arrows Inside Rectangles

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (14)This icon basically means that your NFC Android Bean is turned on, meaning that you are transferring files via wireless quicker.

Upside Down Pin with Circle

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (15)This icon is basically the location icon, meaning that you have turned on either Google location, GPS service or some other type of location services.

A Satellite Dish Icon Transferring Signal

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (16)This icon is very similar to the Location icon and it means that the GPS technology on your device is turned on. Both icons can be turned off from the Location settings on your device.

Forbidden Sign (No Parking)

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (17)This icon does not have anything to do with your parking skills. It does not forbid anything, instead it is simply a notification that you are in an area that does not have cellular connection and it means that you cannot make calls or send text messages.

The Photo-like Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (18)This icon aims to tell you that you have successfully made a screenshot on the screen of your phone by pressing a key combination. It is basically a square with mountain-like landscape inside. It can be removed fairly easily by clearing your notifications.

The Eye Symbol Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (19)If you see this icon, do not panic – BigBrother is not watching you, although you never know… The icon can be seen mostly if you have Samsung Android devices. It has a function, known as Smart Stay. This function means that your screen will not go dark when you are looking at it. This interesting feature can be stopped from the settings menu.

Phone Headset with Wi-Fi Signal Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (20) If you have come across this icon, do not panic, you are not in an active call and your monthly telephone payment is not going to be sky high. This is the new feature that is used when the phone has set up a Wi-Fi call. This is a relatively new extra that allows users to make phone calls via Wi-Fi instead when the conventional mobile signal is weak.

Square Screen and Wi-Fi Icon

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (21)This icon basically means that your Android device is casting via wireless to another device that is connected on the network, like an Android smart TV for example. If you have this icon set up on your TV, then simply go over to YouTube and play a video and it will automatically appear there. This technology is known as Google Chromecast.

Other Icons

Besides these, newer and newer Android icons appear each day with newer and newer ones to appear. We have summed up lists that we have gathered from around the web underneath to provide further information regarding Android Icons:

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (22)

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (23)

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (24)

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (25)

Do You See an Unfamiliar Icon?

In case you are experiencing issues with icons that are unfamiliar to you on your Android device, we are here to help. Simply comment us below and upload a screenshot on your comment so we can adequately explain you what is the icon and how you can turn it off.

Furthermore, for more information and the complete list of the material icons, you can visit their official website.

NOTE! To upload screenshots of your Icons, please use this site: Here is how to use it:

1.Click on the “Start Uploading” button.
2.Choose the screenshot.
3.Copy the generated upload link and send it in the comments.

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (26)

Ventsislav Krastev

Ventsislav is a cybersecurity expert at SensorsTechForum since 2015. He has been researching, covering, helping victims with the latest malware infections plus testing and reviewing software and the newest tech developments. Having graduated Marketing as well, Ventsislav also has passion for learning new shifts and innovations in cybersecurity that become game changers. After studying Value Chain Management, Network Administration and Computer Administration of System Applications, he found his true calling within the cybersecrurity industry and is a strong believer in the education of every user towards online safety and security.

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Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean? (27)

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What are the icons at the top of my Android? ›

The status bar at the top of the home screen contains icons that help you monitor your phone. Icons on the left tell you about apps, such as new messages or downloads. If you don't know what one of these icons means, swipe the status bar down for details.

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Android O icons represent your app on a device's Home and All Apps screens.
Launcher icons are provided to the Google Play store, with the following requirements:
  • Icon drawables in a PNG or vector format.
  • Background and foreground layers without mask or background shadows.
  • All layers must exceed the base icon shape by 50%

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Status bar (or notification bar) is an interface element at the top of the screen on Android devices that displays the notification icons, minimized notifications, battery information, device time, and other system status details.

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Unnecessary Mobile Apps You Should Remove from Your Android Phone
  • Cleaning Apps. You do not need to clean your phone often unless your device is hard pressed for storage space. ...
  • Antivirus. Antivirus apps seem to be everybody's favorite. ...
  • Battery Saving Apps. ...
  • RAM Savers. ...
  • Bloatware. ...
  • Default Browsers.

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Turn on Data Saver

That's why you should turn on Android's Data Saver feature immediately. With Data Saver enabled, your Android handset will restrict the background use of cellular data, thereby saving you from any unpleasant surprises on your monthly mobile bill.

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Near Field Communication (NFC) allows the transfer of data between devices that are a few centimeters apart, typically back-to-back. Check out this NFC video for more info. NFC must be turned on for NFC-based apps (e.g., Android Beam) to function correctly. Apps. Settings.

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If you prefer to use Action Launcher, the process is straightforward as well. Install an icon pack from the Play Store, long-press the home screen, then choose "Home settings." Select "Appearance," then "Icon pack," and choose your icon pack, then press "OK."

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Android 8.0 (API level 26) introduces adaptive launcher icons, which can display a variety of shapes across different device models. For example, an adaptive launcher icon can display a circular shape on one OEM device, and display a squircle on another device.

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The key or lock icon is the Android symbol for VPN service. It will remain within the notification bar when Safe Browsing is enabled.

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Types of Bars Available in Android
  • Status Bar.
  • Action Bar/Toolbar/App Bar.
  • System Bar/Android Navigation Bar.
  • Progress Bar.
  • Seek Bar.
  • Snackbar.
  • RatingBar.
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The system bars are areas that are generally dedicated to the display of notifications, communication of device status, and device navigation. However, your app can also be configured to display content in these areas.

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The top app bar provides content and actions related to the current screen. It's used for branding, screen titles, navigation, and actions. It can transform into a contextual action bar. Enable users to move through an app.

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Find Hidden Apps on Android using App Drawer.
  1. Visit your app drawer section.
  2. Tap on the three dots that are present at the upper-right of the device screen.
  3. Click on the home screen settings. It will navigate you to the Hide apps menu; tap on it.
  4. Here, you will see the hidden apps that are not showing in the app list.

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What Are Junk Files on Android? These include cache files arising from both external and internal applications, temporary files, call logs, residual files, outdated folders and the list goes on and on.

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Well, force stop feature in Android is a good method to stop an running Android application if it's not functioning well. Force stop breaks the running application code string so that it can be removed from the phone memory. Then it clears the app cache memory and let's you start the app in a fresh way.

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Prevent apps from being interrupted when there's no Wi-Fi

To let apps run in the background using mobile data, you can turn on 'Unrestricted data' for those apps. Open your phone's Settings app. Tap Network and Internet Data Saver. Unrestricted data.

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The apps that use the most data typically are the apps that you use the most. For a lot of people, that's Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Snapchat, Spotify, Twitter and YouTube. If you use any of these apps daily, change these settings to reduce how much data they use.

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Remember, since this will prevent background refreshes, you'll need to open the app to receive notifications.
  1. Open Settings, tap Network and internet, Data usage then App data usage. ...
  2. Scroll down to view a list of your Android apps sorted by data usage.
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